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Re: Kali's progress...

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This is such beautiful, wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and Kali!!!

Hooray for SCD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jim and Jen jlessard@...> wrote:

Hello group, some new here, some not. I just wanted to post more progress with

K. She is now riding the bus to school. Today was her very first day to school.

She always rides the bus home but, due to not sleeping well in the past, before

SCD, we decided to bring her every morning. Now, that she is doing so well on

this diet, she gets to ride the bus. What a big girl.

She has come so far. She had bad constipation that would leave her screaming,

now she goes alomst everyday. The stools are much better consistency and not so

dark either. She does not need any sleep or behavior meds. I do sometimes give

her 1/3 the dose of melatonin but, that's just to calm her to get her to bed.

Eventually, I would like to see her not take it but, hey what a great thing not

to have to give her the med. (clonidine) anymore. She was also on adderall for

behaviors. She is much more calm and better focused now. Since starting the

diet, she has expanded her foods from about 5 different kinds to 9 now. She is

diagnosed with severe autism by the way. She is also almost completely

potty-trained and even goes independently most of the time. She still has PICA.

And, instead of not being able to talk at all, she is now imitating a word now

and then. Horray for K! Horray for SCD! Jenn & Kali Lessard

8 months 3 weeks SCD

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Thanks Summer. We really have come a long way and it was all hard work but,

so worth it! Jenn & Kali 8 months SCD

Re: Kali's progress...

> Jenn,


> This is such beautiful, wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and

Kali!!! Hooray for SCD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Summer


> Jim and Jen jlessard@...> wrote:

> Hello group, some new here, some not. I just wanted to post more

progress with K. She is now riding the bus to school. Today was her very

first day to school. She always rides the bus home but, due to not sleeping

well in the past, before SCD, we decided to bring her every morning. Now,

that she is doing so well on this diet, she gets to ride the bus. What a big


> She has come so far. She had bad constipation that would leave her

screaming, now she goes alomst everyday. The stools are much better

consistency and not so dark either. She does not need any sleep or behavior

meds. I do sometimes give her 1/3 the dose of melatonin but, that's just to

calm her to get her to bed. Eventually, I would like to see her not take it

but, hey what a great thing not to have to give her the med. (clonidine)

anymore. She was also on adderall for behaviors. She is much more calm and

better focused now. Since starting the diet, she has expanded her foods from

about 5 different kinds to 9 now. She is diagnosed with severe autism by the

way. She is also almost completely potty-trained and even goes independently

most of the time. She still has PICA. And, instead of not being able to talk

at all, she is now imitating a word now and then. Horray for K! Horray for

SCD! Jenn & Kali Lessard

> 8 months 3 weeks SCD




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Thanks Summer. We really have come a long way and it was all hard work but,

so worth it! Jenn & Kali 8 months SCD

Re: Kali's progress...

> Jenn,


> This is such beautiful, wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and

Kali!!! Hooray for SCD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Summer


> Jim and Jen jlessard@...> wrote:

> Hello group, some new here, some not. I just wanted to post more

progress with K. She is now riding the bus to school. Today was her very

first day to school. She always rides the bus home but, due to not sleeping

well in the past, before SCD, we decided to bring her every morning. Now,

that she is doing so well on this diet, she gets to ride the bus. What a big


> She has come so far. She had bad constipation that would leave her

screaming, now she goes alomst everyday. The stools are much better

consistency and not so dark either. She does not need any sleep or behavior

meds. I do sometimes give her 1/3 the dose of melatonin but, that's just to

calm her to get her to bed. Eventually, I would like to see her not take it

but, hey what a great thing not to have to give her the med. (clonidine)

anymore. She was also on adderall for behaviors. She is much more calm and

better focused now. Since starting the diet, she has expanded her foods from

about 5 different kinds to 9 now. She is diagnosed with severe autism by the

way. She is also almost completely potty-trained and even goes independently

most of the time. She still has PICA. And, instead of not being able to talk

at all, she is now imitating a word now and then. Horray for K! Horray for

SCD! Jenn & Kali Lessard

> 8 months 3 weeks SCD




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Thanks Summer. We really have come a long way and it was all hard work but,

so worth it! Jenn & Kali 8 months SCD

Re: Kali's progress...

> Jenn,


> This is such beautiful, wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and

Kali!!! Hooray for SCD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Summer


> Jim and Jen jlessard@...> wrote:

> Hello group, some new here, some not. I just wanted to post more

progress with K. She is now riding the bus to school. Today was her very

first day to school. She always rides the bus home but, due to not sleeping

well in the past, before SCD, we decided to bring her every morning. Now,

that she is doing so well on this diet, she gets to ride the bus. What a big


> She has come so far. She had bad constipation that would leave her

screaming, now she goes alomst everyday. The stools are much better

consistency and not so dark either. She does not need any sleep or behavior

meds. I do sometimes give her 1/3 the dose of melatonin but, that's just to

calm her to get her to bed. Eventually, I would like to see her not take it

but, hey what a great thing not to have to give her the med. (clonidine)

anymore. She was also on adderall for behaviors. She is much more calm and

better focused now. Since starting the diet, she has expanded her foods from

about 5 different kinds to 9 now. She is diagnosed with severe autism by the

way. She is also almost completely potty-trained and even goes independently

most of the time. She still has PICA. And, instead of not being able to talk

at all, she is now imitating a word now and then. Horray for K! Horray for

SCD! Jenn & Kali Lessard

> 8 months 3 weeks SCD




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

I am so encouraged by your story, trying to fight off tears as I

read. You are truly an inspiration and a testimony of how a

determined mother can fight for the health of her child and overcome

the " impossible " with a little support from friends and a little help

from God.

Continue in good faith that you will see Kali through to complete

recovery. You are doing it! You are doing it! You are doing it!


Kisses and hugs to Kali for her fantastic accomplishments!

With love and awe,

Jeni Lynn

SCD 13 days

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Thank you all for reading about Kali and your beautiful words of ongoing

encouragement. I can't believe we are doing it. You know, at the beginning,

I was a non-believer that we could overcome Autism at all .I didn't even

know what to expect. What I have to say to all those people is that I used

to be where you are now. Keep going, you will see improvement. When I didn't

think that my blood, sweat and tears would make much difference for K, I see

now that it was all worthwhile to know my child. I have been crying tears of

joy for the last couple of days. Thanks again for being my support, every

single one of you!! Jenn & K 9 months SCD

Re: Kali's progress...

> I am so encouraged by your story, trying to fight off tears as I

> read. You are truly an inspiration and a testimony of how a

> determined mother can fight for the health of her child and overcome

> the " impossible " with a little support from friends and a little help

> from God.


> Continue in good faith that you will see Kali through to complete

> recovery. You are doing it! You are doing it! You are doing it!

> Hooray!


> Kisses and hugs to Kali for her fantastic accomplishments!


> With love and awe,

> Jeni Lynn

> SCD 13 days






> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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