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Re: Emotional Support

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Hi Amber;

My heart breaks for you. I can empathize with your situation. My daughter is 3

yo and mod/severely autistic. I also have a 2 yo daughter. I have to watch

them constantly as my eldest daughter attacks her sister (although from what I

hear this is pretty normal behaviour for kids :-) ).

I'm also in Canada. I'm guessing you moved to Alberta to pursue IBI treatment?

We were considering the move too but are trying to tough it out here in Ontario

with no funding.

Don't give up hope! What kind of biomed things are you doing for your son? My

daughter is also a tough nut, but I continue to research and am determined to

find the missing piece to the puzzle that will get her on the road to recovery.

I am also getting ready to start the SCD. I think we are on the right path with

this one...

Feel free to email me off list if you want to talk...



Kim :-)

Re: Emotional Support


I am new here- I can't give you any hope that this diet will help your son,

I haven't even really started it myself yet. As far as being the parent of

an asd child- I have more experience. My son just turned 5- he's severely

asd. We had to move my whole family a few months ago half way across Canada

just to get some treatment for him (I have 3 kids, my 9 yr old nt son is

still miserable about the move) We don't know a soul out here, and we are

very alone. My asd son, is, like I said, severe. He's very hard on all of

us. He has severe OCD, and screams, slaps himself in the head, bangs his

head on the floor when he doesn't get his way. He pulls my younger

daughter's hair, and attacks my older son. Every time I change the diaper on

a child who should have been toilet trained for at least 3 years now, I get

depressed. Every day his aid shows up to do therapy with him, I think at my

older son's age, he was going to kindergarten by himself. I am doing some

bio-medical things with him, hoping that every new thing that we do, we will

see some improvement- nothing yet. I worry every second of the day about his

future, I cry myself to sleep almost every night grieving the loss of my

son's 'normal' life. I worry myself sick that he will be picked on, and

taken advantage of. I also worry about what will happen to him someday when

I am not able to take care of him anymore.

I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make you feel better. I wish I could help you.


new to SCD- haven't started yet.




> Ok, here is the good news. We had 2 solid brown BMs on Monday, first time

> in

> I don't know how long. YAY!


> Otherwise, I am having a really hard time dealing. Kai is so emotionally

> difficult and persistent that I am finding it hard to be his parent. I

> know

> we all go through this at some point or another but this challenging

> behavior has really picked up recently (last month or so) and then after

> starting the intro, has become a full day event. On Monday, he was happy

> and

> easy and I thought well maybe this weekend was it. Well it returned full

> force after school yesterday and he has been a screaming crying

> oppositional

> nightmare. Please give me some hope!




> Kelli


> SAHM to Kai 3 1/2- ASD and Tatum 1 1/2 NT


> SCD since 5/05, off for 3 months, back on 3/10/06









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That's really good to hear that your son is doing so well. So, you didn't

have him on a special diet as a child? My son was diagnosed asd just after

he turned 2 yrs. He is also in his own little world, doesn't answer to his

name, and safety is definitely a major issue. Any advice for a mom who has a

similar sounding son, who would love to see him go to college someday?




> I am new here- I can't give you any hope that this diet will help

> your son,

> > I haven't even really started it myself yet. As far as being the

> parent of

> > an asd child- I have more experience. My son just turned 5- he's

> severely

> > asd.

> > I have a SCD child of 2 and a half years of age. He would also

> throw fits and scream anytime he became upset. It wears done all of

> us, but keep in mind this is not his " real personality " its just the

> unhealed gut and autoimmune responses to it.


> It's wonderful to have all this support, but my story is quite

> different. My son, , was diagnosed when he was 3 1/2, about 16

> years ago. At that age he was in a sped classroom just for ASD

> kids. The speech person in the classroom told the teacher one day

> that she didn't know why we bothered. In 20 years of working with

> ASD kids the teacher had never seen a child so into his own little

> world. He didn't even answer to his own name. Safety was a major

> issue. But both the teacher and I had seen him come out of his

> shell - just seconds at a time - and believed in him. We didn't have

> the knowledge of diets, and support from anywhere (including family)

> was pretty much non-existent. We did whatever the teacher told us to

> do, even if I questioned it. I had to trust her, and God put her

> into our lives. She knew what she was doing, and would help the kids

> in anyway she could. She did home visits, and was always there for

> questions. Even without diet, did very well. He is now 19.

> He started at the community college this semester, and will be

> studying computer programming. He is still ASD, and will personally

> not pronounce the word " autism " . He doesn't even want to hear

> the " A " word. It's still a long road, but the hills are easier now.

> Because God blessed us with a very special child, we began to do

> foster care for handicapped children about 13 years ago. My favorite

> kids are the ones on the spectrum, and the social workers are amazed

> at the progress they make when they stay with me. So much for my

> accounting degree.....


> Sue B







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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That's really good to hear that your son is doing so well. So, you didn't

have him on a special diet as a child? My son was diagnosed asd just after

he turned 2 yrs. He is also in his own little world, doesn't answer to his

name, and safety is definitely a major issue. Any advice for a mom who has a

similar sounding son, who would love to see him go to college someday?




> I am new here- I can't give you any hope that this diet will help

> your son,

> > I haven't even really started it myself yet. As far as being the

> parent of

> > an asd child- I have more experience. My son just turned 5- he's

> severely

> > asd.

> > I have a SCD child of 2 and a half years of age. He would also

> throw fits and scream anytime he became upset. It wears done all of

> us, but keep in mind this is not his " real personality " its just the

> unhealed gut and autoimmune responses to it.


> It's wonderful to have all this support, but my story is quite

> different. My son, , was diagnosed when he was 3 1/2, about 16

> years ago. At that age he was in a sped classroom just for ASD

> kids. The speech person in the classroom told the teacher one day

> that she didn't know why we bothered. In 20 years of working with

> ASD kids the teacher had never seen a child so into his own little

> world. He didn't even answer to his own name. Safety was a major

> issue. But both the teacher and I had seen him come out of his

> shell - just seconds at a time - and believed in him. We didn't have

> the knowledge of diets, and support from anywhere (including family)

> was pretty much non-existent. We did whatever the teacher told us to

> do, even if I questioned it. I had to trust her, and God put her

> into our lives. She knew what she was doing, and would help the kids

> in anyway she could. She did home visits, and was always there for

> questions. Even without diet, did very well. He is now 19.

> He started at the community college this semester, and will be

> studying computer programming. He is still ASD, and will personally

> not pronounce the word " autism " . He doesn't even want to hear

> the " A " word. It's still a long road, but the hills are easier now.

> Because God blessed us with a very special child, we began to do

> foster care for handicapped children about 13 years ago. My favorite

> kids are the ones on the spectrum, and the social workers are amazed

> at the progress they make when they stay with me. So much for my

> accounting degree.....


> Sue B







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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