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Re: Ben, 16, illness or die off?

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-- In pecanbread , " carolfrilegh "




> >

> > Hi!

> >

> > We have been SCD for about 10 days or so.

> >

> > My son has been ill since, roughly, the beginning. I have four

> > theories and would appreciate any feedback.

> >

> > He is slightly red in the cheeks, little sinus involvement,


> > stomach, very low fever, some malaise. Still going to school,


> > able to focus etc.. Today, since he has a physical for tennis,


> > may let him stay home for the whole day and take a break.

> > Otherwise, he would be going to school. He is not spacey (past

> > experience with salicylate overload--lights on and nobody home)


> > irritable, as when gluten or casein slipped through.

> >

> It certainly sounds like die-off, but if you are concerned, have

the doctor check for a cold

> or virus. All these symptoms are typical of die off, but if you

are concerned and unsure the

> symptoms should be followed up. It would be risky to leave an

illness untreated. I'll bet it

> turns out to be die off.


> Carol F.


Thanks for the quick response!

Since he rarely gets ill I was getting worried. Especially if there

were food choice issues that I could adjust. This is a lot of hard

work and we want to arrive at the other end ASAP! lol, only not


I have read about die off for years but have not seen it myself. I,

on the other hand, am feeling such a burst of energy I have sent an

email to my MS group! I hope it is sustained over time.

I will look more into die off and I plan on addressing it during his


Thanks again,


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> > >

> > > Hi!

> > >

> > > We have been SCD for about 10 days or so.

> > >

> > > My son has been ill since, roughly, the beginning. I have four

> > > theories and would appreciate any feedback.

> > >

> > > He is slightly red in the cheeks, little sinus involvement,

> queasy

> > > stomach, very low fever, some malaise. Still going to school,

> and

> > > able to focus etc.. Today, since he has a physical for


> I

> > > may let him stay home for the whole day and take a break.

> > > Otherwise, he would be going to school. He is not spacey


> > > experience with salicylate overload--lights on and nobody


> nor

> > > irritable, as when gluten or casein slipped through.

> > >

> > It certainly sounds like die-off, but if you are concerned, have

> the doctor check for a cold

> > or virus. All these symptoms are typical of die off, but if you

> are concerned and unsure the

> > symptoms should be followed up. It would be risky to leave an

> illness untreated. I'll bet it

> > turns out to be die off.

> >

> > Carol F.


> Carol,


> Thanks for the quick response!


> Since he rarely gets ill I was getting worried. Especially if


> were food choice issues that I could adjust. This is a lot of


> work and we want to arrive at the other end ASAP! lol, only not

> quite.


> I have read about die off for years but have not seen it myself.


> on the other hand, am feeling such a burst of energy I have sent


> email to my MS group! I hope it is sustained over time.


> I will look more into die off and I plan on addressing it during


> appointment.


> Thanks again,


> Lorraine

Ok, I read a bit on die off and what Elaine had to say regarding it

on the site. I have read this stuff over the years but never

experienced it.

I also did a quick read (doctors apt. in 1/2 hour!)Does anyone have

experience with charcoal and the sulphur baths? I will have him

take a bath today, as I have the magnesium sulphate. Any other ways

to alleviate the die off would be greatly appreciated. He is busy in

high school, tennis, etc.. I don't want him to fall behind. I see

that probiotics are recommended, but wouldn't this increase the die

off reaction?

I hope it is die off. It would be confirmation to me that we are on

to something here....pretty exciting.

Thanks to everyone with any insight.


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> Lorraine,


> Type in " Herxheimer reaction " into google to read more about die-


> reactions.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03

Thanks Jody. I did some more research.

I'm back from the doctors--they are not familiar with the diet,

healing crisis....not much help. Of course, I passed my info on.

However, for 40 bucks they did a panel of tests (cheaper than my

insurance) including WBC, thyroid, always wondered about that,

cholesterol, and others. Don't expect anything, but he has been ill

for about 10 days. And I feel like we have covered our bases. What

has concerned me is that there are no overt sypmtoms, just this low

grade illness. He did have a fever of 100 degrees. That suprised me-

-I never checked--he just didn't seem hot.

OK, so, the only thing consistent with a Herxheimer's reaction is

no consistency. It can range from 1 day to several weeks.

Generally flu like symptoms can be the reaction, which, I would say,

is what he has. I decided to not worry about the food reactions as

I can't see this, for Ben, being allergy. So, from my four theories,

viral illness and die off are the most likely. And ones that we

just have to wait it out.

We will ride it out, find out about the blood tests, put him in the

tub with some mag/sul and try to get him back in school.

Thanks--this has really been bothering me. Now I feel better, even

if he doesn't! lol

Off to work!


SCD 10 days

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