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What is steviocide information

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Stevia = Stevioside



Elaine writes:

Stevia belongs to a family called Terpenoids. According to my book called The

Organic Constitutents of Higher Plants by Trevor , 2nd edition, page

158, " This class of glycosides (terpenoids) often have physiological effects on

mammals and microorganisms. " Perhaps the affect is good, perhaps it is bad; I

don't know, but its molecular structure resembles a steroid. It is not SCD™


Seth writes:

There are all kinds of steroids. The ones we take for IBD (ie prednisone which

mimicks cortisol) reduce inflammation and scale down the immune system. But

there are steroids that do the opposite. I think the point is that plant

steroids could have any number of effect in humans and vice versa.

Elaine writes 26/7/04

My present opinion is that its similarity in molecular structure to a steroid

and limited research (on my part into it) results in my not favoring it as a

sweetener. However, if all else fails: people still afraid of saccharin in spite

of my showing that taking it off the market was purely political so as to sell

aspartame, or that people have a phobia about anything made synthetically as

saccharin is, in spite of the fact that almost 100 years of its use by diabetic

specialists proved its safety - if after all that, these folks still do not want

to use it (and it can be obtained here in Canada under a name of Hermesitas -


I say, use stevia which has unknown physiological consequences if they are

determined to do so. Obviously, they are still afraid of honey in spite of the

fact that Dr. Haas recommended it and I know its chemical composition and used

at the beginning of the diet in small amounts (and then can be used as desired

in larger amounts).

The very people who have scared them away from honey have approved of grains

which shows that they know little or no biochemistry.

Stevia may be used in minuscule amounts in supplements. - Elaine 10/11/04


Loving Care,Grammy Gay IBS-1930, IBD-1984, SURGERY-1988, CD-1994,


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