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What is DAN? Do we need professional help for our one year old daughter?

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I read alot about DAN. What does this stand for and what does it mean?

We have been battling " celiac disease " /malabsorption of the intestines

for over a year now. With lots of experimentaiton we went from

traditional gluten free diet/dairy free, to paleo(grain free/milk

free/potato and leguem free) back to gluten free/paleo and now we are

newcombers to the SCD. What a year, it has been up and down with

success and we want a change for the better. We wittness our daughter

do her best regarding autistic related behaviors when eating close to

SCD...but did not realize that " close " does not cut it until I

reviewed Elaine's book, reading it again in desperation for 100%

remission. I have learned now understand that it has to be " fanatical

adherance " ....I look forward to all of her autistic problems

disappearing. Is this hope to high?

We are now on day four and already seeing improvement...white coated

tongue is disappearing. Has anybody wittnessed a miracle/cure and all

autistic behaviors vanish. She will be two this Spring and is still

not talking. Will not participate in speech therapy, due to her

inability of coping with strangers and being outside of her comfort

zone: mommies arms or home. Yet most behviors of " fadding out " , " not

responding when talked too " , night terrors (where she does not

recognize who I am), and so much more happens much less now. She has

yet to be professionaly diagnosed as " autistic " ...is this needed...or

will she " heal " out of this conditon? Do I need professional help, or

just this diet?

Thanks for your reply.

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I read alot about DAN. What does this stand for and what does it mean?

> ....I look forward to all of her autistic problems disappearing. Is

this hope to high? She has yet to be professionaly diagnosed as

" autistic " ...is this needed...or will she " heal " out of this conditon?

Do I need professional help, or just this diet?


Thanks for your reply.

DAN! stands for Defeat Autism Now, which is basically a project

started by the Autism research Institute and is " dedicated to

educating parents and clinicians regarding biomedically-based

research, appropriate testing, and safe and effective interventions

for autism. " You should definitely visit Autism Research Institutes

website and learn more about them. I think they are at

www.autismwebsite.com. You will find a list of DAN! doctors there. Be

aware that some are much, much better than others. You might want to

post where you live and see if anyone has any recommedations of a good

DAN! It may save you time and lots of money.

Here is our quick story which may help. My son is 3.6 years old.

Since shortly after birth I have had concerns. He cried a lot, needed

constant movement, had terrible night terrors, and horrible tantrums,

and constant diarreah. He did develop language at a typical rate, but

did not use it well. Basically, his conversational ability was really

lacking. His social skills were very delayed. When I started to

question his development very seriously and considered that he may be

autistic (my sister, EI professional, without official protocol

diagnosed him on a family vacation), I immediately began researching.

I found the SCD and a DAN! doctor. I started the diet immediately,

and saw DRAMATIC changes in my son. So much so, that when his EI

evaluation came up, he was a completely difft. kid and did not meet

the criteria for autism. I have never looked back. He continues to

improve each day, and truthfully, those who meet him now (7 months

later) probably think he is just a little quirky. Obviously, this is

the ideal outcome and is not the case for everyone, but I believe the

diet is an excellent intervention, and, if nothing else, worth trying.

You are getting great start since your daughter is so young.

As for a DAN! doctor, I would definitely make an appt. with one

because there are lots of other excellent interventions that they will

be able to suggest that may really benefit your daughter. We work

with a great DAN! So far, we have added a multi-vitamin and mineral

supplement and cod liver oil to our daily protocol. I believe this

has helped. We tried several other typical DAN! interventions and

found they were useless and sometimes negative for my son, but have

certainly helped loads of other kids.

Good luck.


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I read alot about DAN. What does this stand for and what does it mean?

> ....I look forward to all of her autistic problems disappearing. Is

this hope to high? She has yet to be professionaly diagnosed as

" autistic " ...is this needed...or will she " heal " out of this conditon?

Do I need professional help, or just this diet?


Thanks for your reply.

DAN! stands for Defeat Autism Now, which is basically a project

started by the Autism research Institute and is " dedicated to

educating parents and clinicians regarding biomedically-based

research, appropriate testing, and safe and effective interventions

for autism. " You should definitely visit Autism Research Institutes

website and learn more about them. I think they are at

www.autismwebsite.com. You will find a list of DAN! doctors there. Be

aware that some are much, much better than others. You might want to

post where you live and see if anyone has any recommedations of a good

DAN! It may save you time and lots of money.

Here is our quick story which may help. My son is 3.6 years old.

Since shortly after birth I have had concerns. He cried a lot, needed

constant movement, had terrible night terrors, and horrible tantrums,

and constant diarreah. He did develop language at a typical rate, but

did not use it well. Basically, his conversational ability was really

lacking. His social skills were very delayed. When I started to

question his development very seriously and considered that he may be

autistic (my sister, EI professional, without official protocol

diagnosed him on a family vacation), I immediately began researching.

I found the SCD and a DAN! doctor. I started the diet immediately,

and saw DRAMATIC changes in my son. So much so, that when his EI

evaluation came up, he was a completely difft. kid and did not meet

the criteria for autism. I have never looked back. He continues to

improve each day, and truthfully, those who meet him now (7 months

later) probably think he is just a little quirky. Obviously, this is

the ideal outcome and is not the case for everyone, but I believe the

diet is an excellent intervention, and, if nothing else, worth trying.

You are getting great start since your daughter is so young.

As for a DAN! doctor, I would definitely make an appt. with one

because there are lots of other excellent interventions that they will

be able to suggest that may really benefit your daughter. We work

with a great DAN! So far, we have added a multi-vitamin and mineral

supplement and cod liver oil to our daily protocol. I believe this

has helped. We tried several other typical DAN! interventions and

found they were useless and sometimes negative for my son, but have

certainly helped loads of other kids.

Good luck.


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I read alot about DAN. What does this stand for and what does it mean?

> ....I look forward to all of her autistic problems disappearing. Is

this hope to high? She has yet to be professionaly diagnosed as

" autistic " ...is this needed...or will she " heal " out of this conditon?

Do I need professional help, or just this diet?


Thanks for your reply.

DAN! stands for Defeat Autism Now, which is basically a project

started by the Autism research Institute and is " dedicated to

educating parents and clinicians regarding biomedically-based

research, appropriate testing, and safe and effective interventions

for autism. " You should definitely visit Autism Research Institutes

website and learn more about them. I think they are at

www.autismwebsite.com. You will find a list of DAN! doctors there. Be

aware that some are much, much better than others. You might want to

post where you live and see if anyone has any recommedations of a good

DAN! It may save you time and lots of money.

Here is our quick story which may help. My son is 3.6 years old.

Since shortly after birth I have had concerns. He cried a lot, needed

constant movement, had terrible night terrors, and horrible tantrums,

and constant diarreah. He did develop language at a typical rate, but

did not use it well. Basically, his conversational ability was really

lacking. His social skills were very delayed. When I started to

question his development very seriously and considered that he may be

autistic (my sister, EI professional, without official protocol

diagnosed him on a family vacation), I immediately began researching.

I found the SCD and a DAN! doctor. I started the diet immediately,

and saw DRAMATIC changes in my son. So much so, that when his EI

evaluation came up, he was a completely difft. kid and did not meet

the criteria for autism. I have never looked back. He continues to

improve each day, and truthfully, those who meet him now (7 months

later) probably think he is just a little quirky. Obviously, this is

the ideal outcome and is not the case for everyone, but I believe the

diet is an excellent intervention, and, if nothing else, worth trying.

You are getting great start since your daughter is so young.

As for a DAN! doctor, I would definitely make an appt. with one

because there are lots of other excellent interventions that they will

be able to suggest that may really benefit your daughter. We work

with a great DAN! So far, we have added a multi-vitamin and mineral

supplement and cod liver oil to our daily protocol. I believe this

has helped. We tried several other typical DAN! interventions and

found they were useless and sometimes negative for my son, but have

certainly helped loads of other kids.

Good luck.


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