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pancreatitis forums

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My son told me to do a search on " pancreatitis forums " and I came across a

message board of physician students (they may be doing their internships). It

has their names and you can read the messages they send back and forth. It is

very disturbing what some of them are saying about pancreatitis patients

coming in thru the ER - so I suspect they may be ER doctors. They talk about

acute Panc vs CP patients and what should be done for them. Some of you may

find it interesting.

-Debbie in Mich ( P.S. Was there any positive new information discussed at

the Pancreas Symposium that anyone could pass on to those who did not


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That is very interesting about alcohol residue in food.....Alcohol burns off

really fast...I would like to see the study on that

I hope this finds you and yours well

Mark E. Armstrong




Re: pancreatitis forums

Hello kietzmans@...,

In reference to your comment:

è P.S. Was there any positive new information discussed at the Pancreas

Symposium that anyone could pass on to those who did not attend?)

I think the most positive news was how close they are to using skin in the

Stem Cell Research. Tull has already posted that information, but I would

like to say I was suprised by Dr. Yee - the Neuro-Opthamologyst. He showed

slides and explained that since the eye is filled with a clear substance, a

yearly eye exam (thorough) can find clues to how your body is responding to

disease. The one thing that sticks in my mind is the plaque (like what


go to your brain and cause a stroke) could be seen in the blood vessels in

the eye and this might catch the fact that you have a calcium build-up in a

blood vessel.

We also learned alot about healthy living - yeah, you are what you eat,

breath and live in. But here are a few things I certainly never thought of:

Don't have cold drinks, especially while you eat - your body is made to

process food at body temperature.

Don't drink carbonated liquid - the gas is toxic.

Splenda is a good sweetner.

Extra virgin olive oil, if you use oil at all (also - when you eat in a

restaurant be sure they don't use oil on salads)

Be sure the chef doesn't use any alcohol in cooking - the residue can bring

on an attack.

Well the list goes on - I will share more later. The most interesting fact

was that the person that shared this information had had the tail of her

pancreas removed over 20 years ago and they did an Islet transfer, so she

isn't diabetic.

I better go now, but it was also great to meet everyone that attended.


worked very hard and we were able to learn alot and share alot. She puts in

alot of hours behind the scenes that keeps the PAI growing.

Hope everyone is doing okay today,

Gail West þ Many People, Many Faces, One Voice

Indiana State Chapter Representative

Pancreatitis Association International



========Original Message========

Subj: pancreatitis forums

Date: 10/17/02 7:18:44 PM Central Daylight Time

From: kietzmans@...kietzmans@...

Reply-to: pancreatitis pancreatitis

To: pancreatitis pancreatitis

Sent from the Internet (Details)

My son told me to do a search on " pancreatitis forums " and I came across a

message board of physician students (they may be doing their internships).


has their names and you can read the messages they send back and forth. It


very disturbing what some of them are saying about pancreatitis patients

coming in thru the ER - so I suspect they may be ER doctors. They talk about

acute Panc vs CP patients and what should be done for them. Some of you may

find it interesting.

-Debbie in Mich ( P.S. Was there any positive new information discussed at

the Pancreas Symposium that anyone could pass on to those who did not


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Could you please send me the Web site for the NIDDK. I would like to see what

they have to say about CP.


Louie in WV

Re: pancreatitis forums

I would be interested in seeing that site if you still have the


My new doc is a resident in his last year, and he said they only

spend one week in school learning about the pancreas, he was tickled

when I gave him a full printout of the NIDDK site!

in Michigan

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Could you please send me the Web site for the NIDDK. I would like to see what

they have to say about CP.


Louie in WV

Re: pancreatitis forums

I would be interested in seeing that site if you still have the


My new doc is a resident in his last year, and he said they only

spend one week in school learning about the pancreas, he was tickled

when I gave him a full printout of the NIDDK site!

in Michigan

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