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What was I thinking??

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My 5 year old daughter (diagnosed with malabsorbtion) has been on the

SCD for 11 months. She has shown good progress on the diet; normal

bowel movements, improved behavior, etc. This has been awesome! A

few weeks ago, we were invited to the home of an acquaintance for

dinner. I normally bring food for my daughter, or mention her diet.

I felt like it was an imposition to say anything about the diet this

time, and for some crazy reason, I told her that we would not say

anything about the diet that night. She could have what they served,

along with enzymes. Well, sure enough, bread and pasta were heavy

ingredients. I saw immediate results-- totally unfocused, throwing

herself at furniture, very impulsive, and then for two days afterward

she had a lowgrade fever and felt terrible. (I was the one feeling

truly horrible.) I obviously back-tracked and she's back on the SCD.

I know, it was stupid! I claim temporary insantity. So, a few weeks

later, we are still seeing some problems we had not had for awhile.

Things are not as bad as they were pre-SCD, for sure. But her b.m.'s

are not as formed, her anxiety is pretty high, her behavior is just

really unpredictable and some food sensitivities have returned. Have

I just " undone " 11 months of sacrifice with one meal?

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Dear Carol,

Although new to the " pecanbread " web site....we are not new to this problem. My

entire family was diagnosed with Celiac Disease last year! We had " autistic "

kids, with ADHD, GI problems........and a tone of other related problems to

malabsorption to the intestines. The thing is the GFCF diet DID NOT WORK.

THANK GOD for ELAINE!!!!! We have had similar set backs. It is not all a waste.

We all learn from our mistakes. The important thing is that we have humility,

isn't it? In past experience the next 3 days will be the worse, the next ten

for all her behavior to level out, and the next month for her intestines to heal

again. I highly doubt that after 11 months of SCD, that you are at ground

zero, from what I have read from Elaine.

I have one very big concern though. What is all this talk about enzymes. I

can find it no where in the book????? Isn't it a temptation to break in diet

recommendations, in light of these new available enzymes very dangerous (in my

option money making sham!). You may have been a victim to this misinformation.

When in fact Elaine offers a holistic approach to complete remission if we all

(me included do not screw up and are tempted to cheat) can have " fanatical

adherence " to this SCD? Elaine says this herself. We haven't had to use

(doctor prescribed) enzymes since the first three months of healing! Our

intestines are now healed enough to make their own digestive enzymes again. The

only thing is, we had to take out dairy for our own personal complete healing to

occure. Elaine claims that not all of us can do dairy that this is a personal

awakening and could be your problem too.

Our intestines are working/healed in a fashion that can digest the SCD diet now,

but again we are diary free. We have recently had a set a back because I too,

was stupid and allowed the ILLEGAL potato too long......we have yeast

again....but are going through the " die out stage " again... and it is not fun

(night terrors, autistic like behaviors all over again). But I know for a fact

that our intestines are in better shape than when we started down this road a

year ago. We are still healthier than we where in the beginning of this

journey! Due to many set backs (in various forms) we wish we where doing

better....but life is life, " shit happens " we all make mistakes....and we learn.

IF you are worried that she may not have healed from her intestinal damage that

caused the malabsorption in the first place (making her still having to rely on

enzymes after eleven months of strict SCD), like us you may not be able to use

the yogurt or any of the dairy. In time, we hope that our intestines will be

ready, but I honestly think that it may be permanent intolerance. The lectin

proteins in dairy are also known to damage the intestines (not just these

starches).....in time we will learn if we can tolerate it again. This is in

light of what Elaine claims to be true about our intestinal lining healing to be

able to eat again more freely (yet we will never eat grain again!). But will be

very patient in making this experiment, in light of knowing in the past that it

has damaged our intestines. For now we get our calcium and calories in other

nutritional ways that she advocates (dark green vegetables, legal

supplements....etc.......) Diary is not the only way you can get your daily

allowance of calcium and calories. Think of all the people in other countries

who get enough calcium yet do not rely on dairy? Write back....we have a lot in

common I think. Maybe you may want to take out dairy for a month and see if she

digests her food better after that month.....of healing (esp. in light of her

being autistic). It may be helpful for you to reread the section in the book on

how some of us can not use dairy in the diet if you are autistic.

Sincerely, a mother who is recovering from " autistic " problems herself,


Re: What was I thinking??


> Hello,

> My 5 year old daughter (diagnosed with malabsorbtion) has been on the

> SCD for 11 months. She has shown good progress on the diet; normal

> bowel movements, improved behavior, etc. This has been awesome! A

> few weeks ago, we were invited to the home of an acquaintance for

> dinner. I normally bring food for my daughter, or mention her diet.

> I felt like it was an imposition to say anything about the diet this

> time, and for some crazy reason, I told her that we would not say

> anything about the diet that night. She could have what they served,

> along with enzymes. Well, sure enough, bread and pasta were heavy

> ingredients. I saw immediate results-- totally unfocused, throwing

> herself at furniture, very impulsive, and then for two days afterward

> she had a lowgrade fever and felt terrible. (I was the one feeling

> truly horrible.) I obviously back-tracked and she's back on the SCD.


> I know, it was stupid! I claim temporary insantity. So, a few weeks

> later, we are still seeing some problems we had not had for awhile.

> Things are not as bad as they were pre-SCD, for sure. But her b.m.'s

> are not as formed, her anxiety is pretty high, her behavior is just

> really unpredictable and some food sensitivities have returned. Have

> I just " undone " 11 months of sacrifice with one meal?

Try a few days back on the intro diet. This will help " clear the decks " and

get you back on


Carol F.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following






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Dear Carol,

Although new to the " pecanbread " web site....we are not new to this problem. My

entire family was diagnosed with Celiac Disease last year! We had " autistic "

kids, with ADHD, GI problems........and a tone of other related problems to

malabsorption to the intestines. The thing is the GFCF diet DID NOT WORK.

THANK GOD for ELAINE!!!!! We have had similar set backs. It is not all a waste.

We all learn from our mistakes. The important thing is that we have humility,

isn't it? In past experience the next 3 days will be the worse, the next ten

for all her behavior to level out, and the next month for her intestines to heal

again. I highly doubt that after 11 months of SCD, that you are at ground

zero, from what I have read from Elaine.

I have one very big concern though. What is all this talk about enzymes. I

can find it no where in the book????? Isn't it a temptation to break in diet

recommendations, in light of these new available enzymes very dangerous (in my

option money making sham!). You may have been a victim to this misinformation.

When in fact Elaine offers a holistic approach to complete remission if we all

(me included do not screw up and are tempted to cheat) can have " fanatical

adherence " to this SCD? Elaine says this herself. We haven't had to use

(doctor prescribed) enzymes since the first three months of healing! Our

intestines are now healed enough to make their own digestive enzymes again. The

only thing is, we had to take out dairy for our own personal complete healing to

occure. Elaine claims that not all of us can do dairy that this is a personal

awakening and could be your problem too.

Our intestines are working/healed in a fashion that can digest the SCD diet now,

but again we are diary free. We have recently had a set a back because I too,

was stupid and allowed the ILLEGAL potato too long......we have yeast

again....but are going through the " die out stage " again... and it is not fun

(night terrors, autistic like behaviors all over again). But I know for a fact

that our intestines are in better shape than when we started down this road a

year ago. We are still healthier than we where in the beginning of this

journey! Due to many set backs (in various forms) we wish we where doing

better....but life is life, " shit happens " we all make mistakes....and we learn.

IF you are worried that she may not have healed from her intestinal damage that

caused the malabsorption in the first place (making her still having to rely on

enzymes after eleven months of strict SCD), like us you may not be able to use

the yogurt or any of the dairy. In time, we hope that our intestines will be

ready, but I honestly think that it may be permanent intolerance. The lectin

proteins in dairy are also known to damage the intestines (not just these

starches).....in time we will learn if we can tolerate it again. This is in

light of what Elaine claims to be true about our intestinal lining healing to be

able to eat again more freely (yet we will never eat grain again!). But will be

very patient in making this experiment, in light of knowing in the past that it

has damaged our intestines. For now we get our calcium and calories in other

nutritional ways that she advocates (dark green vegetables, legal

supplements....etc.......) Diary is not the only way you can get your daily

allowance of calcium and calories. Think of all the people in other countries

who get enough calcium yet do not rely on dairy? Write back....we have a lot in

common I think. Maybe you may want to take out dairy for a month and see if she

digests her food better after that month.....of healing (esp. in light of her

being autistic). It may be helpful for you to reread the section in the book on

how some of us can not use dairy in the diet if you are autistic.

Sincerely, a mother who is recovering from " autistic " problems herself,


Re: What was I thinking??


> Hello,

> My 5 year old daughter (diagnosed with malabsorbtion) has been on the

> SCD for 11 months. She has shown good progress on the diet; normal

> bowel movements, improved behavior, etc. This has been awesome! A

> few weeks ago, we were invited to the home of an acquaintance for

> dinner. I normally bring food for my daughter, or mention her diet.

> I felt like it was an imposition to say anything about the diet this

> time, and for some crazy reason, I told her that we would not say

> anything about the diet that night. She could have what they served,

> along with enzymes. Well, sure enough, bread and pasta were heavy

> ingredients. I saw immediate results-- totally unfocused, throwing

> herself at furniture, very impulsive, and then for two days afterward

> she had a lowgrade fever and felt terrible. (I was the one feeling

> truly horrible.) I obviously back-tracked and she's back on the SCD.


> I know, it was stupid! I claim temporary insantity. So, a few weeks

> later, we are still seeing some problems we had not had for awhile.

> Things are not as bad as they were pre-SCD, for sure. But her b.m.'s

> are not as formed, her anxiety is pretty high, her behavior is just

> really unpredictable and some food sensitivities have returned. Have

> I just " undone " 11 months of sacrifice with one meal?

Try a few days back on the intro diet. This will help " clear the decks " and

get you back on


Carol F.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following






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Dear Carol,

Although new to the " pecanbread " web site....we are not new to this problem. My

entire family was diagnosed with Celiac Disease last year! We had " autistic "

kids, with ADHD, GI problems........and a tone of other related problems to

malabsorption to the intestines. The thing is the GFCF diet DID NOT WORK.

THANK GOD for ELAINE!!!!! We have had similar set backs. It is not all a waste.

We all learn from our mistakes. The important thing is that we have humility,

isn't it? In past experience the next 3 days will be the worse, the next ten

for all her behavior to level out, and the next month for her intestines to heal

again. I highly doubt that after 11 months of SCD, that you are at ground

zero, from what I have read from Elaine.

I have one very big concern though. What is all this talk about enzymes. I

can find it no where in the book????? Isn't it a temptation to break in diet

recommendations, in light of these new available enzymes very dangerous (in my

option money making sham!). You may have been a victim to this misinformation.

When in fact Elaine offers a holistic approach to complete remission if we all

(me included do not screw up and are tempted to cheat) can have " fanatical

adherence " to this SCD? Elaine says this herself. We haven't had to use

(doctor prescribed) enzymes since the first three months of healing! Our

intestines are now healed enough to make their own digestive enzymes again. The

only thing is, we had to take out dairy for our own personal complete healing to

occure. Elaine claims that not all of us can do dairy that this is a personal

awakening and could be your problem too.

Our intestines are working/healed in a fashion that can digest the SCD diet now,

but again we are diary free. We have recently had a set a back because I too,

was stupid and allowed the ILLEGAL potato too long......we have yeast

again....but are going through the " die out stage " again... and it is not fun

(night terrors, autistic like behaviors all over again). But I know for a fact

that our intestines are in better shape than when we started down this road a

year ago. We are still healthier than we where in the beginning of this

journey! Due to many set backs (in various forms) we wish we where doing

better....but life is life, " shit happens " we all make mistakes....and we learn.

IF you are worried that she may not have healed from her intestinal damage that

caused the malabsorption in the first place (making her still having to rely on

enzymes after eleven months of strict SCD), like us you may not be able to use

the yogurt or any of the dairy. In time, we hope that our intestines will be

ready, but I honestly think that it may be permanent intolerance. The lectin

proteins in dairy are also known to damage the intestines (not just these

starches).....in time we will learn if we can tolerate it again. This is in

light of what Elaine claims to be true about our intestinal lining healing to be

able to eat again more freely (yet we will never eat grain again!). But will be

very patient in making this experiment, in light of knowing in the past that it

has damaged our intestines. For now we get our calcium and calories in other

nutritional ways that she advocates (dark green vegetables, legal

supplements....etc.......) Diary is not the only way you can get your daily

allowance of calcium and calories. Think of all the people in other countries

who get enough calcium yet do not rely on dairy? Write back....we have a lot in

common I think. Maybe you may want to take out dairy for a month and see if she

digests her food better after that month.....of healing (esp. in light of her

being autistic). It may be helpful for you to reread the section in the book on

how some of us can not use dairy in the diet if you are autistic.

Sincerely, a mother who is recovering from " autistic " problems herself,


Re: What was I thinking??


> Hello,

> My 5 year old daughter (diagnosed with malabsorbtion) has been on the

> SCD for 11 months. She has shown good progress on the diet; normal

> bowel movements, improved behavior, etc. This has been awesome! A

> few weeks ago, we were invited to the home of an acquaintance for

> dinner. I normally bring food for my daughter, or mention her diet.

> I felt like it was an imposition to say anything about the diet this

> time, and for some crazy reason, I told her that we would not say

> anything about the diet that night. She could have what they served,

> along with enzymes. Well, sure enough, bread and pasta were heavy

> ingredients. I saw immediate results-- totally unfocused, throwing

> herself at furniture, very impulsive, and then for two days afterward

> she had a lowgrade fever and felt terrible. (I was the one feeling

> truly horrible.) I obviously back-tracked and she's back on the SCD.


> I know, it was stupid! I claim temporary insantity. So, a few weeks

> later, we are still seeing some problems we had not had for awhile.

> Things are not as bad as they were pre-SCD, for sure. But her b.m.'s

> are not as formed, her anxiety is pretty high, her behavior is just

> really unpredictable and some food sensitivities have returned. Have

> I just " undone " 11 months of sacrifice with one meal?

Try a few days back on the intro diet. This will help " clear the decks " and

get you back on


Carol F.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following






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> I have one very big concern though. What is all this talk about enzymes.


The enzymes seems peculiar to the autism version. Elaine devotes pages 64-67(


10 ) of BTVC to mostly vitamins and minerals, but she also advises consulting

with your

physician regarding meds. I would presume this also includes enzymes. She

certainly did

not oppose their use and was supportive of the listing of the legal enzymes on

Pecanbread. DeFelice who used to post here has written a book on


which Elaine regarded with interest.

Some damaged guts simply cannot abosrb nutrients very well and the enzymes have


credited with helping. Jody and Sheila know more about their effect than I.

Elaine wasn't

necessarily holistic. She just felt her area of interest was the diet as a

healing tool. people

who were on meds like Prednisone were always advised to continue and many found


could taper off as healing progressed. The combination of diet and medication

was needed

to heal in those cases.

As an adult, I have done the diet for six years without anything beyond the


vitamins. until I started taking a calcium supplement from Kirkman I have


in the recent light of a study saying it doesn't prevent broken bones in the


Carol F.

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> I have one very big concern though. What is all this talk about enzymes.


The enzymes seems peculiar to the autism version. Elaine devotes pages 64-67(


10 ) of BTVC to mostly vitamins and minerals, but she also advises consulting

with your

physician regarding meds. I would presume this also includes enzymes. She

certainly did

not oppose their use and was supportive of the listing of the legal enzymes on

Pecanbread. DeFelice who used to post here has written a book on


which Elaine regarded with interest.

Some damaged guts simply cannot abosrb nutrients very well and the enzymes have


credited with helping. Jody and Sheila know more about their effect than I.

Elaine wasn't

necessarily holistic. She just felt her area of interest was the diet as a

healing tool. people

who were on meds like Prednisone were always advised to continue and many found


could taper off as healing progressed. The combination of diet and medication

was needed

to heal in those cases.

As an adult, I have done the diet for six years without anything beyond the


vitamins. until I started taking a calcium supplement from Kirkman I have


in the recent light of a study saying it doesn't prevent broken bones in the


Carol F.

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> I have one very big concern though. What is all this talk about enzymes.


The enzymes seems peculiar to the autism version. Elaine devotes pages 64-67(


10 ) of BTVC to mostly vitamins and minerals, but she also advises consulting

with your

physician regarding meds. I would presume this also includes enzymes. She

certainly did

not oppose their use and was supportive of the listing of the legal enzymes on

Pecanbread. DeFelice who used to post here has written a book on


which Elaine regarded with interest.

Some damaged guts simply cannot abosrb nutrients very well and the enzymes have


credited with helping. Jody and Sheila know more about their effect than I.

Elaine wasn't

necessarily holistic. She just felt her area of interest was the diet as a

healing tool. people

who were on meds like Prednisone were always advised to continue and many found


could taper off as healing progressed. The combination of diet and medication

was needed

to heal in those cases.

As an adult, I have done the diet for six years without anything beyond the


vitamins. until I started taking a calcium supplement from Kirkman I have


in the recent light of a study saying it doesn't prevent broken bones in the


Carol F.

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