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food budget & SCD

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I was wondering if anyone has any strategies they would like to share for

controlling food costs on SCD. Just last month I spent $800 for a family

of 4. I was shocked, to say the least. I really need to find a way to

stay SCD but also to lower our food expenses. I tend to use a lot of

fresh fruit and veggies. I don't have the storage space to invest in a

membership at Sam's. I'm just not sure what to do. We've already cut

WAY back on baked goods with nuts in them.

Any ideas, please, would be so much appreciated.

Eileen (mom to , 7, 17 mos SCD, & , 5, 16 SCD)

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Don't cut back on cookies and mini muffins... quadruple the recipe, bake in

bulk and freeze. Cuts down the snack budget.


and Eileen Rice eileenrice@...> wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has any strategies they would like to share for

controlling food costs on SCD. Just last month I spent $800 for a family

of 4. I was shocked, to say the least. I really need to find a way to

stay SCD but also to lower our food expenses. I tend to use a lot of

fresh fruit and veggies. I don't have the storage space to invest in a

membership at Sam's. I'm just not sure what to do. We've already cut

WAY back on baked goods with nuts in them.

Any ideas, please, would be so much appreciated.

Eileen (mom to , 7, 17 mos SCD, & , 5, 16 SCD)

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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I plan my family's meals ahead for the month. I get the bulk of my months food

all at once, sans fresh fruits and veggies, through a monthly co-op order. By

doing this, not only am I forced to plan, I get my food organic for less than

the price of conventional food in the store, but it takes planning. I get my

eggs from a tiny local farm, free range and that day fresh, for $2 a dozen. I

get a weekly food box of organic, mostly local produce from Organicstoyou in the

Portland area, for only $28 a week, and they pile the food in there. I do know,

this service, and other services are available in Oregon and Washington at

least. It took me a very long time to find all these special little businesses.

When I started SCD, I was still doing all my shopping in the stores.

My co-op for instance, sells 1 gallon of raw honey $18-19. That's the cost of

6lbs of honey at our local discount store, that is made from bees overworked and

fed antiobiotics down in Argentina, highly processed and thin. You can always

process honey yourself as well, if it is an issue.

I don't know where you live, but my co-op delivers, shipping free, to Oregon,

Washington, Northern California, parts of Idaho and I think Wyoming, Alaska and

Hawaii. You can also place UPS orders if out of the delivery service area, but

UPS shipping would then apply. I would encourage you to look for local co-ops.

Sometimes they are a bit hard to find, though, because they are such small

affairs sometimes. I don't remember the name of it, but if you live in Colorado,

there is a chain of co-ops all over that state as well.

My co-op is www.azurestandard.com

They are a local, organic farm that has connected to other farms and carries

GMO organic products. You can buy a catalogue subscription and get all the

background information about the companies they buy products from, yearly they

submit questions to each company about their current GMO status, etc.

I believe eating too many nut products, is not only expensive, but can lead to

certain nutrient deficiencies. Too much of anything, even the really healthy

things, is not good. We use nut products sparingly, mainly for occassional

pancakes and waffles, or the occasional heart shaped cake. I much rather make a

home-made batch of nutbutter to go along with vegetables or an apple, then grind

vast amounts for baking often, as I believe that by baking nuts, many of their

nutritive qualities are lost. I guess what I am saying, a little can go just as

far diet wise as a lot.

I like to buy a big ol' beef potroast, or leg of lamb, bake or crock pot it

slowly for at least a day at very low temp, have a great meal, and divide the

leftover meat into small containers for the week and for freezing. Quality meat

is important, but the fruits and especially the vegetables are the most

important. With leftover meat, I grind with my kitchenaid into sausages, make

meat pancakes, add to the occassional stir-fry, a few chunks of lamb, mushroom

and onion go well in stuffing tomatoes, bell peppers. I use bits of meat in

salads. I spend, total, for a family of 4, about $500 for food a month, and that

is for all organic, fresh, free-range stuff.

It has taken me a long time to get to this point, though, and alot of work. I

also supplement a diet with seeds I save from stuff we consume by planting them

in my tiny garden in the spring. That's alot of fun!

One last note, looking for people to share orders with you also helps. I like

to order my extra virgin coconut oil from www.mountainroseherbs.com for $28 a

gallon, plus shipping. Since a quart of that stuff will last me at least 3

months, I ask my friends who wants to go in on that with me. WIth the co-op, I

can get 20lbs of apples for $15, stuff like that. I think SCD becomes easier

when we form our own support network around us. While the people who may share

some orders with me are not SCD perse, they are other people following other

healthy eating routines, so it works well for all of us.

That is a glimpse into my way of maintaining my budget. I also use

www.freecycle.org when I need cooking supplies I cannot afford. When I broke my

blender, I got a nearly brand new food processor from there, etc.

Summer, SCD 16 or so 16 or so months

and Eileen Rice eileenrice@...> wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has any strategies they would like to share for

controlling food costs on SCD. Just last month I spent $800 for a family

of 4. I was shocked, to say the least. I really need to find a way to

stay SCD but also to lower our food expenses. I tend to use a lot of

fresh fruit and veggies. I don't have the storage space to invest in a

membership at Sam's. I'm just not sure what to do. We've already cut

WAY back on baked goods with nuts in them.

Any ideas, please, would be so much appreciated.

Eileen (mom to , 7, 17 mos SCD, & , 5, 16 SCD)

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Thanks so much for your well-thought out, detailed reply. It's

obvious you've really worked hard at budgeting carefully. I like

your ideas a lot. I think a big part of what holds me back is not

having any extra freezer/refrigerator space. We just have our

kitchen fridge. Our house is small with no garage so there's no

space for an extra fridge or freezer. I would just love to have that

extra space.


> I was wondering if anyone has any strategies they would like to

share for

> controlling food costs on SCD. Just last month I spent $800 for a


> of 4. I was shocked, to say the least. I really need to find a

way to

> stay SCD but also to lower our food expenses. I tend to use a lot


> fresh fruit and veggies. I don't have the storage space to invest

in a

> membership at Sam's. I'm just not sure what to do. We've already


> WAY back on baked goods with nuts in them.


> Any ideas, please, would be so much appreciated.


> Eileen (mom to , 7, 17 mos SCD, & , 5, 16 SCD)



> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Thanks so much for your well-thought out, detailed reply. It's

obvious you've really worked hard at budgeting carefully. I like

your ideas a lot. I think a big part of what holds me back is not

having any extra freezer/refrigerator space. We just have our

kitchen fridge. Our house is small with no garage so there's no

space for an extra fridge or freezer. I would just love to have that

extra space.


> I was wondering if anyone has any strategies they would like to

share for

> controlling food costs on SCD. Just last month I spent $800 for a


> of 4. I was shocked, to say the least. I really need to find a

way to

> stay SCD but also to lower our food expenses. I tend to use a lot


> fresh fruit and veggies. I don't have the storage space to invest

in a

> membership at Sam's. I'm just not sure what to do. We've already


> WAY back on baked goods with nuts in them.


> Any ideas, please, would be so much appreciated.


> Eileen (mom to , 7, 17 mos SCD, & , 5, 16 SCD)



> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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