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Re: OT: chelation

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Hey Jeni,

It is my prayer that every baby get a hair and blood heavy metal testfrom

birth to age 3 at their well baby check ups.

And then have an MD that knows how to treat them. Praise God!!!

You are what we want to see Prevention as well as recovery.

Be sure and get to a DAN conference or one that talks about treatment and

recovery of the spectrum, so your other two will benefit.

You are doing the right thing... Put you whole family on SCD!!!

It might take a little time, but it will work. The Moderators are good and

will help you.

What is ttdf cream and authia cream and where do I get it ... do they have web



furryhalfpint jlknopp@...> wrote:

Hi !

With a screening at Elle's 12 mo. well check-up, we discovered she

had elevated levels of lead in her blood (17 was her venus stick lead

level). To make a long story short, we went to Dr. Megson after that

because no regular doctor (nor the health department) would give us

any assistance. Praise the Lord we were able to get Elle in to see

Dr. Megson within 1 week. God moved mountains with that arrangement!

Since we already knew Elle had lead poisoning and after an extensive

interview with my husband and me, Dr. Megson said she suspected that

Elle had many other metals. Therefore she wanted to jump right in

and do a chelation challenge with transdermal dmsa (which tends to

grab a wider variety of metals). I questioned her on this choice

since I thought that Elle's main metal was lead, and edta (another

chelator)specifically targets lead. However, she said that edta is

very rough on the kidneys while transdermal dmsa is the most mild

chelator. Also, she suspected that transdermal dmsa would be

adequate since her metals were primarily in her blood and easier to


It turns out she made a good call because Elle's hair analysis showed

she had exposure to 13 different metals. After the challenge we did

a urine toxic metal output test with Doctor's Data to see what she

excreted as well. We also ran some blood tests to see how her organs

stood up under the challenge. The tests revealed that she excreted

remarkably well with the dmsa and her organs did not show any signs

of stress.

At that time we set up a regular chelation schedule with the

transdermal dmsa. After two months we did another round of urine and

blood tests to monitor her progress. The urine test only tests for

11 of the 13 metals that Elle had, so I don't know the status of all

her metals. However the 2nd urine test showed that of those 11, she

was no longer excreting 5 of them. Dr. Megson says that it can be

assumed that she is no longer excreting them because she no longer

has them. We have six left, and they are the biggies (mercury and

lead being the ones she has the most of). She also still has

arsenic, tin, nickel, and thallium left. Her blood tests are showing

that while her liver, kidneys, etc. are working at maximum capacity

to detoxify her body, she is not showing signs of extreme burden or

failure. Dr. Megson remarked, " I have never seen a child pull like

this . . . so well, so fast. And she is holding up beautifully. " I

suspect that is because she has never had a patient in which she

found the metals so soon after exposure when they were easiest to

pull. It may also be because Elle is so young. I don't know this

for sure, but I also suspect Elle is her youngest patient since she

doesn't see patients under 18 mo. and Elle was 12 mo. when we got in.

We will test in another 2 months to check her status. I am hoping we

will have eliminated a few more metals by then.

I do want to say that I agree for the most part with the person that

rebuked me in an earlier post. Healing the gut first is probably the

best thing to do. In fact, this will most likely be the route we

take with our other two children (one ADD and one undiagnosed).

However, in Elle's case, chelation took priority because it was a

preventative measure rather than a " recovery " treatment. Elle had

already started to slip away from us. I shudder when I think that

she may have regressed into autism if we had waited even a few

months to chelate her.

On the other hand, I do find myself with this great difficulty of

healing Elle's gut. She is bad off, and I hate that we are not able

to adequately address this problem as of yet. I am praying that

chelation will be over soon so that we can begin to focus on her

digestive problems.

As far as your frustration with your son's metals go. I have been

told that raw garlic helps in detoxification / chelation / fighting

yeast. There is also ttfd cream which you may want to look into. We

apply authia cream every evening (it is a natural chelator). Vitamin

C is a natural chelator; however, as you probably read from other

posts, that needs to be given in appropriate dosages or you may cause

other problems. I would suggest that you ask you Dr. if any of these

natural options are appropriate for you since you are not chelating

yet. Who knows? Maybe your child will be able to squish his metals

out with these measures and SCD alone.

If you want to e-mail me personally, I will try to be as helpful as I

can (although I am fairly new to all this). My address is


Jeni Lynn

mom to Margeaux, 5 yr. (add)

, 3 yr. (undiagnosed gastrointestinal problems)

Elle, 16 mo. (leaky gut, severe eczema, heavy metal toxicity)

SCD 12/05

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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