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Stehaine/GrammyGay:: SC Diet Pals in FL & doctors

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*SCD Pals click on Stephaine's addy below to help please. Those that

have been on the diet for a year. If you do not want to help let me know.

Loving Care, Grammy Gay


Stephaine serendipity1065@...

I am new here and just wanted to introduce myself. I am

from Florida and have a daughter with a Brain Injury from birth (best DR's

guess is stroke in utero) that I am in the process of Adopting. She is

non verbal, CP ,

Developmental delayed and wheel chiar bound . She is 6 1/2 and

functions cognitively around 24 months. She does not have autism but I have

heard from parents with Brain injured children that have tried the SCD

and said that it has

helped improve their children's behavior. She is having trouble at

school handling her angry due to her lack of communication she is getting

frustrated very easily with the teacher. I also heard about the book

BTVC from a BI seminar I went to in Nov. So I have decided to order the

book and see where I go from there. I thought I would join this group to

get a feel for the diet. Thanks for having me. Sincerely,



*Click on the e-mail address. Put in subject: SCDiet help, please.

Put their names on your contact list. ****These people are a

blessing**** Ask if they are still on the scdiet or not. If not, let me know, so

I can take them off the list of SCD pals.


**Kim KMPrucha@... ville will help

**Holly Shepardson goddess@... Clermont will help

**Simone SimoneSCD@... from Miami moved to Tampa Bay will help

** Woods kebwoo@... kwoods@... St. sburg

area will help

**Kim Mumbower kimmumb@... Pensacola Candida will help

**Cheryl S. " premiereinfo " nw4us@... Orlando SON [Autism]

**Judy JMB2087@... SW - Orlando Flare will help

**Audrey Sharp " Audrey Sharp " donsaudrey@... DAUGHTER [Autism]

3600 Sickle St., Orlando 32812 will help

** tsas@... Tampa will help

**Linde budaconsulting@... will help

** jrapps@... CD FL/NYC will help

** ndriscoll@... will help

These people have been on the pecanbread list serve from FL:

FL tsas@...

FL Lakeland Grace Foxyfox8@...

FL Tallahassee Terry terryhochwarter@...

FL Melbourne Finke tupatchi@...

FL Miami Karin Gongee Kgongee@...

FL Viera/Melbourne Seidel Salinas Salinasl@...

We keep adding new doctors as they are sent to us! The list is

organized alphabetically by state. Click on http://www.scdiet.net and for the

Doctors click on


Florida SCD-Friendly Doctor

Purdue, D.O.M. Largo, FL 33776 Email: PPurdue10@...

Turet posted this introduction on behalf of Purdue: " I am a

Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing in the State of Florida. I was

frustrated with the the slow response I was getting with patients suffering

from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, and so on.

A lot of what we had to offer was superior to the drug approach, in

that we were able to make some positive improvements rather than only the

" managing symptoms " approach offered by conventional medicine with

drugs like prednisone. However, symptoms such as abdominal bloating and

discomfort still plagued many of my patients. I had the opportunity to

hear an interview with Elaine Gottschall a few years ago, read " Breaking

The Vicious Cycle, " and began using this diet as the cornerstone to the

majority of my gut disease patients. It transformed my practice.

Between using various Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) formulas, targeted

nutritional supplements where appropriate, acupuncture as needed, and

various other protocols, many patients have been saved from a lifetime

of misery. I cannot express how grateful I am to Elaine Gottschall and

the valuable research she has contributed. Unfortunately, much of

conventional medicine is still stuck in the outdated notion that diet has

little to do with disease. I'm glad that people like Elaine Gottschall

has enabled practitioners like me to offer hope to those dissatisfied

with " the system. " I would be happy to answer any questions to anyone

curious about what I do in my clinic. " A detailed explanation of the

clinic's success was posted to the listserve on May 16, 2000

*USA SCD-Friendly Doctors:


***RECOMENDS SCD IN FLORIDA, DOCTOR [by word of mouth]

Recomends the scdiet in Melbourne Dr. Bradstreet, Creation’s

Own, 1688 W. Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901, info@...,

Phone number: (321)953-0278, Fax number: (321)953-3983 To get in as new

patient, fill the 2 " new patient " forms on bottom of page


**PLACE TO EAT: Pastis, Sous Chef. Jiko [resturanat] Animal

Kingdom Lodge [is the actual hotel, right near the Orlando/Lake Buena

Vista Disneyland Theme Park, Animal Kingdom] Phone: , Pager:

Call one week in advance, per Dr. Bradstreet

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the


_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:





Loving Care,Grammy Gay IBS-1930, IBD-1984, SURGERY-1988,

CD-1994, SCD-1997, REMISSION-1998, NO-MEDS.

E-mail: Grammy_Bauer@... FAX: 1- IN

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net/ Contact: hebegb70@...

Or on Pecanbread list serve grammy_bauer@...

*Put in Subject: SCDiet SCD Pals or help, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor; help, Componding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


Active Parenting Today Online Groups

[parenting classes from the comfort of home]

Join: *http://www.activeparenting.com/aptog.htm



Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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I think it's a Yahoo thing :) I've had the same problem from time to

time with all the lists I'm on. Periodically I check at the home page

for the site at Yahoo and read what I've missed. If I don't get anything

from any lists for a day or so I check to make sure my e-mail address is

not bouncing. Yahoo seems to be having more gliches than usual lately -

don't know why.

Hope that helps

hubby - SCD since mid '04 - GI issuess

ph (4) SCD 4/04 chromsome disorder/austistic characteristics

sthompson1065 wrote:

> I am only getting maybe one message a day from this group. does

> anyboody have an idea as to

> why only one or two emails would be coming thru.







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I think it's a Yahoo thing :) I've had the same problem from time to

time with all the lists I'm on. Periodically I check at the home page

for the site at Yahoo and read what I've missed. If I don't get anything

from any lists for a day or so I check to make sure my e-mail address is

not bouncing. Yahoo seems to be having more gliches than usual lately -

don't know why.

Hope that helps

hubby - SCD since mid '04 - GI issuess

ph (4) SCD 4/04 chromsome disorder/austistic characteristics

sthompson1065 wrote:

> I am only getting maybe one message a day from this group. does

> anyboody have an idea as to

> why only one or two emails would be coming thru.







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