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Live on biochat tonight!!-- HBOT physician . . .

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February 22, 9:00pm EST

Buckley MD, FAAP

Dr. Buckley is a pediatrician who developed an abiding interest in

Autism Spectrum Disorders when her daughter regressed into the world

of autism at four years of age. Her daughter's dramatic recovery

ignited a passion for helping other families similarly affected. The

addition of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy to her practice has

resulted in universally positive changes in children on the autism

spectrum. She maintains a unique practice in Ponte Vedra Beach,

Florida where neurotypical primary care pediatrics meets the DAN!

(Defeat Autism Now!) based approach to healing children on the

autism spectrum. In addition, she has developed a patent pending

antioxidant formula for peri-vaccination and peri-oxidative stress

use. She co-founded and is the Executive Director of AMEN! (Autism

Music Education Now!), a unique music education program being

piloted at her church. Dr. Buckley also co-founded and is President

of HEAL! (Healing Every Autistic Life!), a non-profit foundation

dedicated to Education about, Awareness of, Treatment for, Research

into, and Prevention of Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is actively

involved in research, writing a book, and raising a family with the

help of a wonderfully supportive husband and mother.

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