Guest guest Posted February 17, 2006 Report Share Posted February 17, 2006 Hi, I was reading your post and thought I should put some input in for your.This is straight from the book Language Of Medicine 7th edition by Davi-Ellen Chabner. Please read all this is important. There are test that can confirm what damage is done intestinal wise. 1.Gastroenterologist can examine the intestines this is not a nice procedure by endoscopy (this is how secretin was discovered to help children with autism because they used secretin as a lubricant for the endoscope).A physican places a flexible fiberoptic tube through the anus to view parts of the intestinal tract these procedures are commonly called colonscopy,sigmoidoscopy,proctoscopy and anoscopy.Much less intruding procedures are Radiologists can perform Bariun Swallow upper Gi Series Purpose-To Study the esophagus,stomach,duodenum and small intestine for disease( Ulcers,tumors,hiatal hernia Procedure-The patient is asked to drink a flavored barium mixture while standing in front of a fluoroscope.The radiologists observes the passage down from the digestive tract.The patient is turned to variuos positions to allow good visualization of the intestines and X-rays are taken Barium enemia lower GI series purpose to study the colon for disease(polyps,tumors,lesions) Procedure- The colon is filled with a barium sulfate mixture, The Pt is turned to various positons to allow the barium to fill the colon.Air is injected to move the barium along the colon.When the colon is full xrays are taken. Computed Tomography; also called CT,CT Scan, or CAT scan-Xray series showing cross sections of an internal organ. I would research under fiber and check to see if hes getting enough also you may want to research under cod liver oil,amino acids, you can get vitamins at that helps digestion,immune and neurological systems for children on the spectrum. Irritable Bowl Syndrome-Group of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress and tension. Gastrointestinal symptons are diarrhea, constipation,bloating and lower abdominal pain.Upon extensive examination,the intestines appear normal,yet symptoms persist.Treatment is systematic with a diet high in fiber and bran .To soften stools and regulate bowel movements.REF Language Of Medicine 7th Edition. Labatory Test Stool Culture- test for microorganisms present in the stool. Stool Guaiac or Hemoccult Test- Detection of blood in the feces Direct Bilirubin test measure conjugated bilirubin.high levels indicate liver disease or biliary obstruction. This test can be performed at home you can buy the Ph Urinalysis test strips on the internet and follow the directions but you have to make sure your collection is a Clean Catch Urine (look up the steps for clean catch urine)or your test results may not be accurate.There is also a color on the test strip that measure alkaline phosphates, alkaline is a enzyme that may be elevated with liver, bone or other diseases. Liver Function Test- Tests for the presence of enzymes and bilirubin in serum Did you know adults need 20 to 30 grams of fiber each day How much fiber is in Navy Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 9. grams Kidney Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 8.2 grams blackeye pease, cooked 1/2 cup 5.6 grams Sweet Potato baked with skin 3.8 grams Banana Medium 3.1 grams Orange raw medium 3.1 grams collards cooked 1/2 cup 2.7 grams Why eat fiber? Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet.It has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain intestinal problems.It also keeps you regular! For more info about food nutritional or health contact your county extension office or visit SHARON CRUIKSHANK mag5jas2@...> wrote: My son started the SCD about two weeks ago. Last fall he had lost 3 pounds, gained one back by January, but has stayed the same since. Assuming that his stomach was injured causing him not to absorb his food (no question in my mind), how long would it take for his stomach to heal (the villi) and start absorbing food? The reason I ask is because he still hasn't gained weight, even though he is eating very nicely and enjoys his SCD food. Will it take weeks? Months? Or does it depend on how much damage was done? Also, are there any tests that could be done to view the damage and then estimate time to repair? I know these are probably ridiculous questions no one can answer, but perhaps hearing your experiences will give me an idea. is eating eggs, avocado, banana, pears, chicken, carrots, squash, fish, pear/apple sauce, and is drinking Welch's grape juice cut with water, pure honey, also gets Prune nectar in the morning. I add olive oil in every chance I get to give him more fat. I made the yogourt but was afraid to give it to him too early so it is in the fridge looking scary (must have someone do something about that!). I attempted coconut milk but made such a mess of the kitchen I am still finding coconut pieces everywhere (will gather the courage and correct tools to try it again soon). Is it too soon for the nut cereal? All of his food is pureed. BM-wise is still on the constipated side of things, although his stools are less hard and no longer peel the wallpaper. He'e gone a few times on his own but still needs help. Seizures are not completely gone but are definately improved. Cognitively (he's 3 years old but maybe 3 months old congnitively) he has started to tell us, in a very obvious way, when he is " done " with feeding, play, therapy etc. This just started a few days ago and is pretty amazing to me. Any help, comments, suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Sharon Cruikshank Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 17, 2006 Report Share Posted February 17, 2006 Hi, I was reading your post and thought I should put some input in for your.This is straight from the book Language Of Medicine 7th edition by Davi-Ellen Chabner. Please read all this is important. There are test that can confirm what damage is done intestinal wise. 1.Gastroenterologist can examine the intestines this is not a nice procedure by endoscopy (this is how secretin was discovered to help children with autism because they used secretin as a lubricant for the endoscope).A physican places a flexible fiberoptic tube through the anus to view parts of the intestinal tract these procedures are commonly called colonscopy,sigmoidoscopy,proctoscopy and anoscopy.Much less intruding procedures are Radiologists can perform Bariun Swallow upper Gi Series Purpose-To Study the esophagus,stomach,duodenum and small intestine for disease( Ulcers,tumors,hiatal hernia Procedure-The patient is asked to drink a flavored barium mixture while standing in front of a fluoroscope.The radiologists observes the passage down from the digestive tract.The patient is turned to variuos positions to allow good visualization of the intestines and X-rays are taken Barium enemia lower GI series purpose to study the colon for disease(polyps,tumors,lesions) Procedure- The colon is filled with a barium sulfate mixture, The Pt is turned to various positons to allow the barium to fill the colon.Air is injected to move the barium along the colon.When the colon is full xrays are taken. Computed Tomography; also called CT,CT Scan, or CAT scan-Xray series showing cross sections of an internal organ. I would research under fiber and check to see if hes getting enough also you may want to research under cod liver oil,amino acids, you can get vitamins at that helps digestion,immune and neurological systems for children on the spectrum. Irritable Bowl Syndrome-Group of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress and tension. Gastrointestinal symptons are diarrhea, constipation,bloating and lower abdominal pain.Upon extensive examination,the intestines appear normal,yet symptoms persist.Treatment is systematic with a diet high in fiber and bran .To soften stools and regulate bowel movements.REF Language Of Medicine 7th Edition. Labatory Test Stool Culture- test for microorganisms present in the stool. Stool Guaiac or Hemoccult Test- Detection of blood in the feces Direct Bilirubin test measure conjugated bilirubin.high levels indicate liver disease or biliary obstruction. This test can be performed at home you can buy the Ph Urinalysis test strips on the internet and follow the directions but you have to make sure your collection is a Clean Catch Urine (look up the steps for clean catch urine)or your test results may not be accurate.There is also a color on the test strip that measure alkaline phosphates, alkaline is a enzyme that may be elevated with liver, bone or other diseases. Liver Function Test- Tests for the presence of enzymes and bilirubin in serum Did you know adults need 20 to 30 grams of fiber each day How much fiber is in Navy Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 9. grams Kidney Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 8.2 grams blackeye pease, cooked 1/2 cup 5.6 grams Sweet Potato baked with skin 3.8 grams Banana Medium 3.1 grams Orange raw medium 3.1 grams collards cooked 1/2 cup 2.7 grams Why eat fiber? Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet.It has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain intestinal problems.It also keeps you regular! For more info about food nutritional or health contact your county extension office or visit SHARON CRUIKSHANK mag5jas2@...> wrote: My son started the SCD about two weeks ago. Last fall he had lost 3 pounds, gained one back by January, but has stayed the same since. Assuming that his stomach was injured causing him not to absorb his food (no question in my mind), how long would it take for his stomach to heal (the villi) and start absorbing food? The reason I ask is because he still hasn't gained weight, even though he is eating very nicely and enjoys his SCD food. Will it take weeks? Months? Or does it depend on how much damage was done? Also, are there any tests that could be done to view the damage and then estimate time to repair? I know these are probably ridiculous questions no one can answer, but perhaps hearing your experiences will give me an idea. is eating eggs, avocado, banana, pears, chicken, carrots, squash, fish, pear/apple sauce, and is drinking Welch's grape juice cut with water, pure honey, also gets Prune nectar in the morning. I add olive oil in every chance I get to give him more fat. I made the yogourt but was afraid to give it to him too early so it is in the fridge looking scary (must have someone do something about that!). I attempted coconut milk but made such a mess of the kitchen I am still finding coconut pieces everywhere (will gather the courage and correct tools to try it again soon). Is it too soon for the nut cereal? All of his food is pureed. BM-wise is still on the constipated side of things, although his stools are less hard and no longer peel the wallpaper. He'e gone a few times on his own but still needs help. Seizures are not completely gone but are definately improved. Cognitively (he's 3 years old but maybe 3 months old congnitively) he has started to tell us, in a very obvious way, when he is " done " with feeding, play, therapy etc. This just started a few days ago and is pretty amazing to me. Any help, comments, suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Sharon Cruikshank Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 17, 2006 Report Share Posted February 17, 2006 Hi, I was reading your post and thought I should put some input in for your.This is straight from the book Language Of Medicine 7th edition by Davi-Ellen Chabner. Please read all this is important. There are test that can confirm what damage is done intestinal wise. 1.Gastroenterologist can examine the intestines this is not a nice procedure by endoscopy (this is how secretin was discovered to help children with autism because they used secretin as a lubricant for the endoscope).A physican places a flexible fiberoptic tube through the anus to view parts of the intestinal tract these procedures are commonly called colonscopy,sigmoidoscopy,proctoscopy and anoscopy.Much less intruding procedures are Radiologists can perform Bariun Swallow upper Gi Series Purpose-To Study the esophagus,stomach,duodenum and small intestine for disease( Ulcers,tumors,hiatal hernia Procedure-The patient is asked to drink a flavored barium mixture while standing in front of a fluoroscope.The radiologists observes the passage down from the digestive tract.The patient is turned to variuos positions to allow good visualization of the intestines and X-rays are taken Barium enemia lower GI series purpose to study the colon for disease(polyps,tumors,lesions) Procedure- The colon is filled with a barium sulfate mixture, The Pt is turned to various positons to allow the barium to fill the colon.Air is injected to move the barium along the colon.When the colon is full xrays are taken. Computed Tomography; also called CT,CT Scan, or CAT scan-Xray series showing cross sections of an internal organ. I would research under fiber and check to see if hes getting enough also you may want to research under cod liver oil,amino acids, you can get vitamins at that helps digestion,immune and neurological systems for children on the spectrum. Irritable Bowl Syndrome-Group of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress and tension. Gastrointestinal symptons are diarrhea, constipation,bloating and lower abdominal pain.Upon extensive examination,the intestines appear normal,yet symptoms persist.Treatment is systematic with a diet high in fiber and bran .To soften stools and regulate bowel movements.REF Language Of Medicine 7th Edition. Labatory Test Stool Culture- test for microorganisms present in the stool. Stool Guaiac or Hemoccult Test- Detection of blood in the feces Direct Bilirubin test measure conjugated bilirubin.high levels indicate liver disease or biliary obstruction. This test can be performed at home you can buy the Ph Urinalysis test strips on the internet and follow the directions but you have to make sure your collection is a Clean Catch Urine (look up the steps for clean catch urine)or your test results may not be accurate.There is also a color on the test strip that measure alkaline phosphates, alkaline is a enzyme that may be elevated with liver, bone or other diseases. Liver Function Test- Tests for the presence of enzymes and bilirubin in serum Did you know adults need 20 to 30 grams of fiber each day How much fiber is in Navy Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 9. grams Kidney Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 8.2 grams blackeye pease, cooked 1/2 cup 5.6 grams Sweet Potato baked with skin 3.8 grams Banana Medium 3.1 grams Orange raw medium 3.1 grams collards cooked 1/2 cup 2.7 grams Why eat fiber? Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet.It has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain intestinal problems.It also keeps you regular! For more info about food nutritional or health contact your county extension office or visit SHARON CRUIKSHANK mag5jas2@...> wrote: My son started the SCD about two weeks ago. Last fall he had lost 3 pounds, gained one back by January, but has stayed the same since. Assuming that his stomach was injured causing him not to absorb his food (no question in my mind), how long would it take for his stomach to heal (the villi) and start absorbing food? The reason I ask is because he still hasn't gained weight, even though he is eating very nicely and enjoys his SCD food. Will it take weeks? Months? Or does it depend on how much damage was done? Also, are there any tests that could be done to view the damage and then estimate time to repair? I know these are probably ridiculous questions no one can answer, but perhaps hearing your experiences will give me an idea. is eating eggs, avocado, banana, pears, chicken, carrots, squash, fish, pear/apple sauce, and is drinking Welch's grape juice cut with water, pure honey, also gets Prune nectar in the morning. I add olive oil in every chance I get to give him more fat. I made the yogourt but was afraid to give it to him too early so it is in the fridge looking scary (must have someone do something about that!). I attempted coconut milk but made such a mess of the kitchen I am still finding coconut pieces everywhere (will gather the courage and correct tools to try it again soon). Is it too soon for the nut cereal? All of his food is pureed. BM-wise is still on the constipated side of things, although his stools are less hard and no longer peel the wallpaper. He'e gone a few times on his own but still needs help. Seizures are not completely gone but are definately improved. Cognitively (he's 3 years old but maybe 3 months old congnitively) he has started to tell us, in a very obvious way, when he is " done " with feeding, play, therapy etc. This just started a few days ago and is pretty amazing to me. Any help, comments, suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Sharon Cruikshank Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 18, 2006 Report Share Posted February 18, 2006 > > Did you know adults need 20 to 30 grams of fiber each day > How much fiber is in > Navy Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 9. grams > Kidney Beans, cooked 1/2 cup 8.2 grams > blackeye pease, cooked 1/2 cup 5.6 grams > Sweet Potato baked with skin 3.8 grams > Banana Medium 3.1 grams > Orange raw medium 3.1 grams > collards cooked 1/2 cup 2.7 grams > Why eat fiber? Did you know that we should not eat several things on the fiber list? Sweet Potato blackeyed peas. Beans are not to be used at the begining of the diet even the legal White Northern beans. I opted to get on SCD six years ago without all these tests. Subsequently I did need a colonoscopy which is suggested for those after age fifty and I needed to have some polyps removed. Unfortunately, the majority of doctors who perform these tests rarely have heard of SCD and don;'t take the time to investigate it when asked. Carol F. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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