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Basic diet for leaky gut.....alot of info..

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Many people believe skin problems are a result of a messed up g.i track.

I have put this diet together based on the most sound scientifica findings about

diet and intestinal health. Most people get themselves in trouble by following

the ill-advice of some nutritional gurus that either mean well but don't have a

clue, or are just out to make a buck. For any of you that have done deep

research into diet and intestinal health, the following info will not be a

suprise to you. For others, this may be an eye-opener. Just for the record, this

work is not MINE, I didn't create it or discover it, I have merely acknowledged

it and I am choosing to share it with all of you.

When I used to search the internet for " leaky gut diets " , the typical

recommendations were to avoid red meat, dairy, fermented foods, gluten grains,

many spices and condiments, as well as other foods depending on what the source

of the information. Many also recommended eating a low fat diet. The TRUE leaky

gut diet, is NOT a low-fat diet. Eating low-fat if you have leaky gut is a good

way to continue worsening it. Fat soluble vitamins such as VITAMIN A can only be

asborbed in the presence of fat. Vitamin A is also crucial to healing the lining

of the intestinal tact. Without enough fat, we can't absorb vitamin A and

deficiency develops. The same is true with all of the fat-soluble vitamins such

as vitamins D, K, and E. These are VITAL to the health of the intestinal tract.

Another problem with low-fat diets concerns protein. Protein without fat is not

well-absorbed. If one was to eat a large amount of protein with no fat, up to

60% of the protein would be undigested and would lead to a multitude of immune

reactions. After all, proteins are responsible for the immune reactions found in

food allergies. Fat and fat-soluble vitamins are needed to break down the

protein. The last thing you want, is to create MORE food sensitivities. Another

" health practice " taken up today, is the practice of eating low-salt diets to

avoid " high blood pressure " . Here is yet another example of well-meaning advice

gone bad. Salt is needed for the production of hydrochloric acid and pancreatic

enzymes. Without these, our proteins do not get broken down and we suffer from

protein deficiency, mineral deficiencies, and immune reactions. The key to

healing the leaky gut, is to fully digest and ABSORB your food so that immune

reactions do not take place. There are many ways to increase the absorption of

your food. Eating some raw food with each meal will provide the enzymes

necessary to begin the process of breaking down your food. Since we are most

concerned about the digestion of our protein, steps must be taken to ensure

adequate protein digestion. Eating our proteins with our fats are one step.

Using a small amount of seasalt with our proteins is another step. A third step

would be to eat some lactofermented food with the proteins. lactofermented foods

such as raw sauerkraut help to break down proteins into individual amino acids

which makes digestion in the small intestine more thorough. Raw foods also

provide enzymes that spare our pancreas and can contribute to a strong immune

system. A meal comprised of entirely cooked foods will cause a sharp rise in

white blood cells following the meal. A meal of entirely raw foods does not

cause even a miniscule increase in white blood cells. All we need is a moderate

amount of raw food with each meal. Fortunately, there are many ways to get raw

foods into your meal and I will list them shortly. Here's a fourth way of

helping youself digest proteins more efficiently. Eat a gelatin-based soup or

have a gelatin-based gravy or sauce on your meat. Geletain not only increases

the absorption of the protein, but it keeps the gastric mucosa in EXCELLENT

condition. The gelatin I am refering to is NOT the kind you make jello with but

the kind that forms naturally during broth-making. " Nourishing Traditions " by

Sally fallon contains instructions on making gelatin-based soups, sauces,

condiments and stews that will help you digest your protein and will even help

heal a leaky gut. Back in the early part of the 20th century, gelatin was used

to cure colitis with excellent results. This was, of course, before the advent

of antibiotics. So, the key to healing a leaky gut with diet is by eating foods

that both compliment each other and contribute to the COMPLETE digestion of the

food. Of extreme importance is FOOD PREPARATION. Many people have grain

allergies due to the way they eat them. Grains contain anti-nutrients can and

will injure the GI tract. The same holds true for nuts, seeds, legumes, SOY and

many vegetables. If these toxins are not nueutralized by sprouting, cooking,

leavening or fermenting, they will injure the GI tract and worsen the

inflammation. So, the key is preparation. Grain should be soaked overnight in

warm whey water and then rinsed well before cooking. This will ensure that the

toxins are neutralized and the nutrients available to the GI tract. Many of

these toxins bind minerals in the body rendering them useless. This is a great

way to get multiple mineral deficiencies, especially if one is on a high grain

diet or on a vegan diet. In The book I mentioned, instructions are given for how

to prepare each food. Also, when any food that is predominantly carbohydrate is

eaten, care should be taken to consume the food with a good amount of fat in

order to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Consume cereals with

cultured cream for more fat, or consume sprouted grain breads with butter or

flax-spread. This ensures a balanced blood sugar with steady energy and a sense

of well-being. Ok, having said all of this, I will list what I believe to be the

healthiest foods to consume for a leaky gut. If you cannot tolerate a food, it

may be that you don't have the enzymes needed to digest it yet, or it could be

due to an allergy. I usually like to stay with a food that I don't tolerate for

at least a month before I make any decisions with it. See, eating a diet

comprised of only 10-20 foods exausts certain enzyme systems and puts other

systems out of buisness so-to-speak. Then, when you go to eat a food that you

haven't eaten in a long time, you find that you can't digest it. How many of you

have given up meat only to find that when you added it back to your diet again,

you couldn't tolerate it. So, give your food time for your body to get used to.

Then, if you still can't tolerate it, avoid the food for some time and try

re-introducing it in small amounts. If this still doesn't work, this probably

means the food is not for you! Here is the list:


grass-fed beef

free-range poultry

organic game meats such as ostrich, venison, deer, buffalo

DHA-enhanced eggs (yolks can be eaten raw)

Organic Organ meats

Deep ocean fish such as Alaskan Salmon, Sardines from Crown Prince = farm-raised

fish is contaminated with mercury

**NOTE** = grass-fed beef can be eaten raw if it is first frozen for 14 days.

This will effectively kill all parasites. Recipies for raw beef are in the book.

Also, the more cooked the meat, the less-digestible the protein. I recommend

eating the meat raw, rare or medium-rare. DO NOT try this with conventional

meat. The risk of infection is greatly increased


Cold-pressed organic olive oil (dark, imported)

Cold-pressed flax oil (in small amounts. combine with sesame oil for a balanced

omega 3:6 ratio)

Full-fat Coconut milk (THAI is a good brand)

Coconut oil (great in cooking and stir-frys)


Cod-liver oil (use in the winter and early spring)

Fish oil (use during late spring through the summer)

Soaked nuts and seeds

Raw cream

Raw butter

Raw milk

***A special note on milk. Raw milk has been consumed for thousands of years

with no ill-effects. It is a great source of vitamins A, D, E, selenium, which

are needed for the integrety of the intestinal tract. Go to wwweatwild.com to

try and get a source for raw dairy. Goat dairy would be even better as it is

more digestible***


All non-starchy varieties are great. Steaming is the prefered method of cooking.

Always put butter on your vegetbales in order to absorb the minerals that will

help heal your gut. Avoid any food you don't agree with.

Vegetable juices from non-starchy vegetables are excellent. A great juicing

program can be found at www.mercola.com. I recommend adding raw egg yolk,

cod-liver oil, or coconut milk to the juice in order to absorb the fat-soluble

vitamins and minerals

Starchy vegetbales such as sweet potatoes are excellent but should not be eaten

without a liberal amount of butter or cream or else you will spike your blood

sugar. In general, starches are best kept to a minimum.


Real Sourdough breads

Sprouted-Grain Breads

Sprouted Quinoa

Soaked Buckwheat

Soaked Amaranth, Teff, millet

Soaked Brown Rice

Soaked Spelt

**These are the most tolerate grains but avoid any that you don't tolerate. The

sprouted-grain breads and sourdough breads are treated more likea vegetbale in

your body than a grain. Limit these to 1-2 servings per day.


All are good but preprare properly and don't overconsume. In fact, most of these

are best avoided during acute phases of leaky gut


These must be soaked overnight. Most varieties are healthy even during leaky

gut. Buy raw, organic, unhulled nuts and hull them yourself. Soak them overnight

and dry them in the oven. This minimizes allergic reactions to them. Have them

in strict moderation as they were never meant to be eaten as main meals


For the purposes of leaky gut, choose low-sugar varieties such as granny smith

apple, ALL berries, grapefruit. Berries go well with raw cream, apple goes well

with raw cheese. Berries also go well in yogurts and kefir drinks





Sauerkraut = See Nourishing Traditions



beet kvaas

ketchup (homemade)

Mustard (homemade)

Mayonnaise (homemade)

***Have a small amount with each meal you eat. They supply lactic acid,

probiotics, enzymes, antioxidants, and enhanced nutrients to your intestinal

tract plus they help contribute to the absorption of the entire meal. They

change the pH of the colon which drives away bad bugs. lactofermented foods are

a BIG part of the diet


Decaffinated Grean Tea

Peppermint Tea

Ginger Tea

Lactofermented beverages

Reverse Osmosis Water


ALL of the ones listed in the lactofermented group are ok plus the use of

seasalt. There is no reason not to enjoy sauces, gravies, salad dressings, and

mayonnaise on your foods. If these foods are made with raw ingredients, they

provide fat-soluble vitamins and live enzymes which will help you digest your

food better.


raw fruits

raw salad vegetables

raw condiments, dressings

raw meats, egg yolk

raw lactofermented foods

raw cold-pressed oils

**Do not put raw foods on VERY HOT FOODS. Any food heated more than 118 degrees

destroys enzymes. Consume your food warm, not hot**


I only like wholefood supplements. Gardenoflife is my favorite company so far.

Go to www.gardenoflife.cc to see their products. If you do the diet perfectly,

you will not neede them.

Azomite mineral powder is a cheap but effective mineral supplement

Cod-liver oil

Fish oil


I hope I didn't miss anything. OH, here's a list of avoid foods or foods to



Rye = unless soaked, sprouted or fermented





Potatoes = Limit these foods


Other starchy vegetables



Farm-raised fish

conventional meats

polyunsaturated fats from corn, cottenseed, soybean, canola oil

hydrogenated fats from processed foods

SUGAR including honey (it's still sugar)


Store-bought condiments

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Guest guest

Wow, great diet! All kidding aside, It sounds a lot like how I feed my dog

and to a certain extent, myself. It certainly is how I would like to eat. I

agree with almost everything in it. I do use honey which has some benefits

unlike processed sugar and I try to avoid cod liver oil due to the mercury

content. I was taking clo and developed a metallic taste in my mouth that

was going to drive me crazy! I only give it to my dog occasionally.

If you are interested in talking to others who eat this way for good general

health, join beyondprice . or try

http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=beyondprice&submit=Search There are

only 65 members but it is fairly high volume.

Take care!


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Guest guest

Wow, great diet! All kidding aside, It sounds a lot like how I feed my dog

and to a certain extent, myself. It certainly is how I would like to eat. I

agree with almost everything in it. I do use honey which has some benefits

unlike processed sugar and I try to avoid cod liver oil due to the mercury

content. I was taking clo and developed a metallic taste in my mouth that

was going to drive me crazy! I only give it to my dog occasionally.

If you are interested in talking to others who eat this way for good general

health, join beyondprice . or try

http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=beyondprice&submit=Search There are

only 65 members but it is fairly high volume.

Take care!


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