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RE: - constipation

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Yes, this child has had constipation since birth--I'm not kidding--since

BIRTH. He was born with anal stenosis, and that was not diagnosed until he

was 9 weeks old. He screamed day and night, and the doctors just told me he

had colic, and I was just a worried new mom. When that was corrected, I

thought the problem would be corrected--I was wrong. He still had bloody

diapers, and two months later, the food allergies were diagnosed. I'm not

opposed to cutting out any foods, and I would do anything for him--we were

gluten/casein/soy/corn free for years and years--the soy and casein

intolerances were diagnosed at age 4 months. For me, starting this is hard

because I am so afraid of getting my hopes up again that his stomach can be

fixed. Everything else has failed. We are told that he is on the autism

spectrum--the high-functioning end. We've tried the entire DAN protocol,

all the food eliminations, trips out of state to DAN practitioners, every

non-invasive procedure there is--and then some, bottles upon bottles of

mineral oil, every over the counter and prescription laxative on the market,

hospitalized for clean-outs, etc., etc. He has had relief from one

supplement--it works like a charm. It does have aloe in it, which I see is

illegal. We are proceeding with great caution after the flare-up he had

last week when he missed it for two days. For now, we will keep giving him

the one to two capsules per night. We are sticking to the diet--we've

committed to several months to see how things go, and I'm keeping a very

objective diary of it all.

I don't usually have constipation problems myself, but once or twice I've

had it, and it is pure misery. Any time I have a stomachache, I literally

cry because I know that this is what my child must live with the majority of

the time.

Please pray/keep your fingers crossed/ hope/(however you prefer to say it)

for my little boy, . He is a great, great kid, and deserves to feel

better in this life.

By the way, the apple " juice " is purely pressed apples (organic)--I talked

to the manufacturer at length about this.

Thanks for any and all support--emotionally, I need it.

>From: car4532@...

>Reply-To: pecanbread

>To: pecanbread

>Subject: - constipation

>Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 09:52:02 -0500


> >That's when the constipation hit,

> >and along with it, the behaviors. He was in " trouble " at school


> >for the first time in weeks (exactly coinciding with the start of the


> >then the constipation problem). He does not rage, he's very, very



>I have had diarrhea for years (IBS) but recently I had constipation. In

>the evening I really pushed for a long time to have a B.M. and afterwards

>I HURT so bad! The next morning I could not sit down - I had to lie down

>or to stand. It hurt to walk. When I had to drive my daughters to

>school I was in agony - I drove with my weight on my elbows (on the arm

>rests) and on my non-driving foot. I spent most of my day lying down.


>I was so grateful that I did not have to go to work, and I wondered how

>anybody could stand to go through this regularly. I especially felt so

>bad for kids - I can NOT imagine going to school and having to sit and

>pay attention. That would be the worst misery!!!


>I would far rather have diarrhea 10 times (100 times!) than go through

>that experience again.


>Fortunately it healed quickly - I ate enough fruits (I had raisins which

>I love and haven't been able to eat even one raisin for years!) and

>vegetables and took lots of vitamin C and I was able to sit the next day.





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