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Re: RE: Coconut yogurt?

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I'll try making yogurt with macadamias. Have you tried it? Does it

have a strong taste? I tried making it with Brazil nuts, but it had a

strong taste and my son rejected it.


Re: Coconut yogurt?

How about macadamias to make the yogurt?

I still haven't heard of anyone successfully making coconut yogurt.

If someone has, please share the recipe.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:




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I'll try making yogurt with macadamias. Have you tried it? Does it

have a strong taste? I tried making it with Brazil nuts, but it had a

strong taste and my son rejected it.


Re: Coconut yogurt?

How about macadamias to make the yogurt?

I still haven't heard of anyone successfully making coconut yogurt.

If someone has, please share the recipe.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:




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> Has anyone ever made yogurt from coconut milk? Is it worth it to try?

> Does it come out well? My son's favorite was cashew milk yogurt. We

> have to switch. The Doctor we take him to and is helping us to detox

> says to avoid cashews & spinach. They have very long chain fatty acids.

I've done it quite a bit. It tastes delicious, but is not thick like yogurt

- it's more like a beverage. I often mix it into applesauce, pearsauce or

bananas for my kids.

I'll post the recipe later.




The Christian Alternative to Yoga

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> Has anyone ever made yogurt from coconut milk? Is it worth it to try?

> Does it come out well? My son's favorite was cashew milk yogurt. We

> have to switch. The Doctor we take him to and is helping us to detox

> says to avoid cashews & spinach. They have very long chain fatty acids.

I've done it quite a bit. It tastes delicious, but is not thick like yogurt

- it's more like a beverage. I often mix it into applesauce, pearsauce or

bananas for my kids.

I'll post the recipe later.




The Christian Alternative to Yoga

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> Has anyone ever made yogurt from coconut milk? Is it worth it to try?

> Does it come out well? My son's favorite was cashew milk yogurt. We

> have to switch. The Doctor we take him to and is helping us to detox

> says to avoid cashews & spinach. They have very long chain fatty acids.

I've done it quite a bit. It tastes delicious, but is not thick like yogurt

- it's more like a beverage. I often mix it into applesauce, pearsauce or

bananas for my kids.

I'll post the recipe later.




The Christian Alternative to Yoga

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> >

> > Has anyone ever made yogurt from coconut milk? Is it worth it to try?

> > Does it come out well? My son's favorite was cashew milk yogurt. We

> > have to switch. The Doctor we take him to and is helping us to detox

> > says to avoid cashews & spinach. They have very long chain fatty acids.




> I've done it quite a bit. It tastes delicious, but is not thick like

> yogurt - it's more like a beverage. I often mix it into applesauce,

> pearsauce or bananas for my kids.


> I'll post the recipe later.


> Steph



I adapted this from Donna Becker's almond yogurt recipe.

For the milk, I take desiccated coconut flakes and run them in the food

processor to

make it as small as possible. Then, I run it again with an equal part

of warm to hot water. Then, I strain it through a cloth coffee filter that I

found at an Asian grocery store. It is a fair amount of work to squeeze all

the milk out of the meat.

For the yogurt, I use 4 cups of the milk (which means I did 4 cups

coconut meat and 4 cups water above), add 2 Tbsp. honey and 1/8 tsp. GI

Pro Health ProGurt (casein free) starter and just whisk it really well.

Then, stick it in the yogurt maker (I have the euro cuisine with all the

little jars) for 12 hours. I stir it at about 4 and 8 hours and again

right before sticking it in the fridge. It does separate again in the

fridge, but not into a hard layer of coconut oil like if it's not

stirred. It's definitely a liquid, not yogurt like at all in

consistency, but I just think of it as lassi. :-) It's very delicious!

For the almond milk recipe, Donna says you can use 1/4 tsp. of

starter and ferment for 8 hours, but when I did that with the nut yogurt

once it didn't come out quite as well, so I haven't tried it with the

coconut milk. I also don't know what the purpose of the honey is. I'm

guessing that it's just for flavor in the nut yogurt,

but I keep adding it anyway. Also, I think the milk isn't supposed to

be too hot when you add the starter, but it's always about room temp. by

the time I squeeze all the milk from the meat.

If this isn't clear, let me know. I originally wrote this up for another

group. :-)

Steph, Aspie, IgA allergic to gluten & casein

SCD 2 1/2 months



The Christian Alternative to Yoga

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I made a drinkable coconut yogurt, saved some of the drinkable yogurt

containers, and my lil guy felt like he was drinking " mamas yogurt " He was way


First I drained the water out of about 3 large white coconuts into a thermos

(light destroys the enzymes and nutrients, supposedly) I then added about 3 of

my probiotic capsules to the water, set it in a warm place (on my stove) and let

it ferment for about 2-3 days.

Once it was all fizzy, I combined all the fermented water in the blender


about the equivilant of one can coconut milk, 1 bag frozen strawberries, and 2


It definitely wasn't thick enough for " real " yogurt, but it worked as a



Re: Coconut yogurt?

How about macadamias to make the yogurt?

I still haven't heard of anyone successfully making coconut yogurt.

If someone has, please share the recipe.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Hi guys:

Can fresh coconut meat be dripped dry and used as legal? I know that it

makes a very smooth thick and creamy milk and that milk can be made into a

frozen dessert with vanilla, honey and cinnamon. Kids love to scrape it of

with a spoon or eat it as shaved ice/granita. This makes me think that fresh

meat might make a creamier thicker yogurt. Has anybody tried this if legal?



mom to fiol 14mo ASD



> >

> > I made a drinkable coconut yogurt, saved some of the drinkable yogurt

> containers, and

> my lil guy felt like he was drinking " mamas yogurt " He was way excited!!

> >

> > First I drained the water out of about 3 large white coconuts into a

> thermos (light

> destroys the enzymes and nutrients, supposedly) I then added about 3 of

> my probiotic

> capsules to the water, set it in a warm place (on my stove) and let it

> ferment for about 2-3

> days.

> >

> > Once it was all fizzy, I combined all the fermented water in the

> blender with:

> > about the equivilant of one can coconut milk, 1 bag frozen

> strawberries, and 2

> bananas.

> >

> > It definitely wasn't thick enough for " real " yogurt, but it worked as

> a drinkable!!


> Elaine said,

> " Coconut milk, Legal, May be tried after being on the diet for 6 months. "


> Many here are new so please qualify exclusions when posting recipes or

> submit them to

> Jody for approval.


> Thanks,


> Carol F.










> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hi guys:

Can fresh coconut meat be dripped dry and used as legal? I know that it

makes a very smooth thick and creamy milk and that milk can be made into a

frozen dessert with vanilla, honey and cinnamon. Kids love to scrape it of

with a spoon or eat it as shaved ice/granita. This makes me think that fresh

meat might make a creamier thicker yogurt. Has anybody tried this if legal?



mom to fiol 14mo ASD



> >

> > I made a drinkable coconut yogurt, saved some of the drinkable yogurt

> containers, and

> my lil guy felt like he was drinking " mamas yogurt " He was way excited!!

> >

> > First I drained the water out of about 3 large white coconuts into a

> thermos (light

> destroys the enzymes and nutrients, supposedly) I then added about 3 of

> my probiotic

> capsules to the water, set it in a warm place (on my stove) and let it

> ferment for about 2-3

> days.

> >

> > Once it was all fizzy, I combined all the fermented water in the

> blender with:

> > about the equivilant of one can coconut milk, 1 bag frozen

> strawberries, and 2

> bananas.

> >

> > It definitely wasn't thick enough for " real " yogurt, but it worked as

> a drinkable!!


> Elaine said,

> " Coconut milk, Legal, May be tried after being on the diet for 6 months. "


> Many here are new so please qualify exclusions when posting recipes or

> submit them to

> Jody for approval.


> Thanks,


> Carol F.










> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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