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Re: Don't give up hope!

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I am so excited to hear about this!! I raced to the grocery store

after reading your post and stocked up on fresh, organic fruits,

veggies, brown rice, spelt pasta and vitamins. I've actually

already been practicing a very heathy, organic/vegetarian diet for

quite some time (about 2 years), but I still eat sugar, wheat,

oranges, and chocolate every single day!! So, I'm cutting those

out to see how it effects my rosacea. (I don't drink milk, so I don't

have to worry about that one.) How do you handle this diet when

you go out to eat? Or when living with someone else? I

And did this diet really eliminate your cellulite?! Really? Wow, I

can only hope! :)

I'm very excited and inspired by your experience (since I prefer *

not* to take medication for this condition). And if nothing else, I

think I'll feel a lot better physically.

Thank you and please keep me updated on your progess and



> Nightrun, you didn't really mean what you said about rather having cancer, I


> Please everyone, no matter how awful rosacea is, and even

though there is no cure, don't give up hope, And always

remember, even on your worst days, that at least it is not a life-

threatening illness. We have to consider ourselves (almost)

lucky, compared to what some people have to go through with

other illnesses.

> And let me cheer you all up with this - my face and eyes are

now both clear (for the moment), after only nearly two months of

rigid diet!!! I haven't posted on the list for some time because I

wanted to see how the diet would go. For those of you who are

new, or don't remember how it all went, the story goes like this:

> I have both facial and ocular rosacea, and the eyes were really

bad - red, irritated, dry, crusty. The eye specialist said that I

should go and have the delayed reaction food intolerance blood

test, so I did. What came up was chocolate and cocoa (worst

culprit), cow's milk and its products, peanuts, mushrooms, soya

and its products, and peas. Added to these, I knew tomatoes

didn't help the situation, and white wheat products bloated me.

I'd also been having orange juice every day when I flared up

worst, so that seemed to be a no-no too. Okay, so armed with

my list of no-nos, I went along to the health food shop and

stocked up on fresh organic fruit and veggies, pasta and bread

made from organic spelt or kamut, goat's milk (though I use only

tiny quantities when I have to), rice milk, all kinds of rice like wild

rice, brown rice, red rice etc., unfermented carrot and apple juice,

spelt and oat biscuits and other goodies with no sugar, dried

fruit and some nuts, quinoa (a south american grain which can

take the place of rice or pasta), and organically farmed chicken.

So my diet now consists of all the above, plus fresh fish twice a

week. In addition, I take B complex vits, Vit C ester, calcium, and

omega 3 and 6 oils which also contain vits. A, D and E. I have

been very strict about the diet, and even though in the beginning

it all sounds a bit daunting and complicated, I can assure you

wholeheartedly that it is NOT!!! I also took three weeks of

tetraclycline to begin with, to help clear up the skin. That done,

the eyes were still red, but I have persisted with the diet, and can

finally say that my eyes have been clear now for the past week!

Hooray! Let me list the advantages I have had:-

> 1. Clear skin and eyes (though a slight redness under the

skin is still there when rubbed, the skin is smooth and there are

no pustules).

> 2. All my cellulitis disappeared (women take note!), and I lost

weight (disadvantage - my tits disappeared! Sob).

> 3. the arthritic aches and pains I had, especially around my

neck and shoulder area, have cleared up.

> 4. No bloating after meals, and a flat stomach again.


> I have been avoiding writing this in case it all flares up again.

Seeing it's worked for me (and for others), I would suggest to

any of you who feel that a food intolerance may be one of the

causes of your rosacea to go and have the test done, or try an

elimination diet, and just be very rigid about it. It's been very

difficult refusing to eat this and that (and seeming finicky to

people who don't understand!), but it's been well worth it. I am

carrying on the diet as I feel far healthier on it than I was before.

> I really hope this helps someone else to have the same sort of

results I have had! And please, never give up!!!!








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