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IOU Healing Week Three.

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Week Three: Agenda for myself

a.. Note improvements or digressions. How are my eyes? Keep on truckin'

b.. Add organic garlic and an organic apple a day to diet.

c.. Begin noting availablity of organic veggies, fruits, grains, dairy, meats


d.. Begin using more olive oil, almond oil, walnut oil, sunflower oil, and

less margarine, butter, vegetable and animal shortenings/fats. The objective is

to discontinue use of margarine, vegetable shortening and lard. Minimal use of

butter is acceptable.

e.. Minimize hot and spicey foods. May have twice a week

f.. Discontinue alcohol completely

g.. Notice amount of concentrated sweets, processed foods, prepackaged and

fast foods. Formulate a plan to ease them out of my life

h.. Seriously consider adding ginkgo to my diet but don't take aspirin at the

same time.

The eyewash ingredients were helping so i decided to continue. Goldenseal and

eyebright provided tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent

properties much needed by my eyes at that time. My face was feeling better

after one week of topical treatment. The forever present heat on my face was

gone and the pain was gone. The redness, skin overgrowth, bumps, lumps and

pustules remained and my neck was worse. I continued with the program thinking

that i was detoxing. Garlic is valuable in the treatment of rosacea for several

reasons: 1) it helps fight yeast overgrowth, unhealthy bacteria and viruses, 2)

it promotes healthy liver function, 3) it contains selenium, sulfur compounds,

enzymes(S-allyl cysteine and S-allyl mercaptocysteine) which protect the liver

when it is exposed to toxic substances. I also used garlic directly on pustules

at times. I cut a clove and just dabbed it on the pustules, allowed it to dry

but i could only do this if i was going to be at home because garlic odor is

strong. Apple (beloved apple) starting with one before breakfast and increasing

to one before each meal (once juicing the apple quantity is reduced). Apple is

a source of pectin (a gel forming fiber) which assists in intestinal cleansing.

Apple is a source of ellagic, chlorogenic and caffeic acids (anticancer agents).

Cold pressed oils were selected for the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids *and*

the lignan content. Lignans help to balance hormones in the circulatory system

and therefore assist in stabilization of vasculature (particularly in

peri-menopausal females). I was already taking cold water fish oil daily.

Eliminating hot and spicey foods was out of the question so i reduced the intake

to two meals per week. Not much of a drinker so alcohol was easy to get rid of.

Really taking an honest look at my eating habits was the best thing i did. I

stocked my kitchen with buckwheat, millet, quinoa, whole grain rice (brown, wild

and long grains), lentils, pine nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cold water

fish (yummy copper river salmon, halibut, cod) soy, organic veggies and fruits,

organic dairy. I started cooking from scratch again and you know what? It was

peaceful and a wonderful way to relax and meditate. I found pleasure in the

smells and the creativity involved with using different culinary herbs. I found

that basting fish with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and cilantro

controlled the fishy taste i don't like. I made fish salad with left over

halibut and salmon and made sandwiches with buckwheat/sunflower bread for work.

People at work were always moaning with envy as i pulled out my wonderful foods

i prepared. It seemed like such a nuisance and an obstacle when i decided i

needed to go primitive in cooking but it turned out to be so easy and so much

tastier and healthier. I was doing my best and when i did not have time it was

allright because i decided it is what i do the majority of time that matters and

the result speaks volumes. I found recipes for sesame seed cookies, pumpkin

cookies and soups and stews that made even my kids drool they were so yummy.

Note to self: don't be so busy that you don't have time for yourself and your


Note: The IOU Healing posts by Herbler are a personal account of her journey

into self healing and in no way are prescribing or recommending specific

treatment modalities for others. Please see your trusted health professional

for adivce.

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