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Hot spices!

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> Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming. I'm far from out of the

> woods with this. Mom is driving me batty with her insistance that I

> eat when I'm nauseated and then being critical when I do eat..she had

> a fit because I used tabasco sauce in my tuna salad>>>

Now I would be very, very sure that if you have pancreatitis then most

hot spices will attack the pancreas. I have given up them all, from

chilli, cayenne pepper, curry right down to ginger as they all attack

MY pancreas and are liable to put me in hosp. I can eat bulk garlic

and onions OK, but none of the hot spices.

If I were to have tobasco I would be rolling qround the floor in an

hour and in a hosp within 2 hours!



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> Gidday


> > Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming. I'm far from

out of the

> > woods with this. Mom is driving me batty with her insistance

that I

> > eat when I'm nauseated and then being critical when I do

eat..she had

> > a fit because I used tabasco sauce in my tuna salad>>>

Now I would be very, very sure that if you have pancreatitis then

most hot spices will attack the pancreas. I have given up them

all, from chilli, cayenne pepper, curry right down to ginger as they

all attack

MY pancreas and are liable to put me in hosp. If I were to have

tobasco I would be rolling qround the floor in an hour and in a

hosp within 2 hours! Regards


Marmite and ,

I find that this may be a very individual choice and result, and that

each person is different in this regard. Much of it may depend

upon one's preferences, tastes and tolerances prior to getting

CP. I have loved, eaten and cooked spicy food most of my life.

Garlic, ginger, curries, cayenne, cumin, chili's, tabasco, etc.

After diagnosis of CP, I stopped using all those hot spices for

several months, being afraid to further irritate my pancreas.

Food became boring, bland and uninviting for my palate without

my favorite spices. So I experiemented and slowly added them

back into my cooking, checking my reaction with each one each

time, and many times. For me, using the hot spices brought

back full enjoyment of eating again, and I do not suffer any

painful digestive after effects when I use them.

Yet a restaurant chef prepared fish or chicken dish with sauce or

gravy will put me on the floor within an hour. Butter or fat

rendered sauces are the worst. I think the best way to find out

what works best for you is by trial and error and some

experimenting at home, where you can control the type of spice,

the amounts used, and then monitor how you react within the

next 24 hours. Keep a food diary.

Be aware, also, of newly developed food allergies. I have known

of people that have eaten a particular item for years and years to

suddenly develop an allergy to the offending item almost

overnight. Because it had been part of their weekly diet for so

many years, it was very difficult to pinpoint.

With hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina

Southeastern Representative

Pancreatitis Association, Intl.

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>>>Marmite and , I find that this may be a very individual choice and

result, and that each person is different in this regard... I think the best way

to find out what works best for you is by trial and error and some experimenting

at home, where you can control the type of spice, the amounts used, and then

monitor how you react within the next 24 hours. Keep a food diary. Be aware,

also, of newly developed food allergies...With hope and prayers, Heidi>>>

Gidday Heidi

I agree with what you say all the way.

I was shaking my head initially, but you dragged me round as you

finished it off.

I remeber while still in hosp and ready to go home from the principle

attack in May 95, I had scrambled egges for lunch. Now I love eggs and

couldn't see there would be aproblem! I had already found that the

minutest sliver of fat on a paper thin piece of cold roast beef with

sald had put me in attack while in hosp that 1st trip.

You need to understand that that trip was an exception trip, one of

those life and death trips. So I was particularly delicate.

Now, 7 years down the track I do eat a huge amount of things that I

probably shouldn't even today. But for those trying to find their

TRIGGERS for aggravations of their pancreas should be advised to go

right back tot he basics and then slowly work their way back up again.

It is my experience that most hospital systems not only seem to

understand basic pancreatitis and especially cxhronic pancreatitis but

they also have no information to hand you as you head out the door.

Nutrition and Diet is sadly omitted from their experience and ability

to help the patient with. Most of it is hit and miss!

You mentioned chef prepared sauces which didn't agree with you when a

home prepared " hotter " one may be fine. I think you might have hit it

on the head when you said BUTTER! I am convinced it is the animal fats

that somehow attack us the most! I won't eat Roast beef, prok, Sheep..

I will Raost Skinless Chicken and fish prepared anyway you like it.

BUT use marg or oil, never butter..

I don't know how delicate my system is today toward chilli cayenne and

the rest.. I do know that half a packet of Ginger Nuts in a day will

turn the pancreas over a few times! So that is good enuff to keep me

away! Mind you I still buy the ginger nuts, just eat them more

sparingly these days!

The food diary is critical if you want to improve the quality and

variety of your food. Pick what is good and average and a real no-no!

And keep experiementing. Just remember to not go too far! I mean a

serious attack that hospitalises you may not be worth it for the

addition of one too many hot spices.

I do understand why people might have problems with HOT tacos or

whatever from a commercial vendor. it may not be the hotness of the

spices that gets you as the poor quality of the minced beef they have

used, it may be low quality, cheap and fat heavy!

Have a nice day and a great feed or two!


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> Yes, Bangor is in Maine (ME), Massachusetts is MA. Please don't

get me wrong. I know there are people out there are knowledgeable on CP

but just not here. When you chose to live in Maine you have to give up a few

things...Cassie's Dr.'s don't have that God complex...Patty In Bangor MAINE>>>


Thanks for the clarification.

You are well served by doctors without god complexes, it is important

to hang onto doctors and all medical professionals who treat this a

journey of partnership. With the partnership everyone has an equal

voice and with respect. I have the utmost respect for a number of the

doctors in my personal team, and they listen to me which means I will

do anything that is decided.

The best thing with my surgeon is that he gives me all the options and

asks me what I want.. that is fabulous empowerment and for someone

feeling less useful as a person everyday, it is the thing I need most!

We all have tremendous rights in medical care, world wide, ad we are

responsible for ensuring we make sure we get what we are entitled to!

have a nice day in Maine, and everywhere!


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