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SCD and lethargy?

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My nephew, Shane, is 27 months old. After starting life as a very

affectionate, cuddly guy, he started to regress five or six months ago

and was diagnosed on 27 January 2006 as severely autistic. I'm trying

to help my sister and brother-in-law out by doing research and

providing support in any way I can.

My sister and brother-in-law placed him on the SCD mid-January.

Recently, his BMs were starting to become formed when he got a hold a

piece of toast with peanut butter on 9 Feb (and violated the diet) and

reacted with severe diarhea. His BMs have since improved but are still

loose. However, since starting the SCD he has been lethargic - to the

point where he is now not active at all and he resists walking by

himself. My sister is very concerned. I'm just wondering if anybody

has experienced this lethargy with the SCD and if not, if anyone has

any insight, I would deeply appreciate it.

Many thanks,


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Welcome to the group Fiona,

> My nephew, Shane, is 27 months old. After starting life as a very

> affectionate, cuddly guy, he started to regress five or six months


> and was diagnosed on 27 January 2006 as severely autistic. I'm


> to help my sister and brother-in-law out by doing research and

> providing support in any way I can.


> My sister and brother-in-law placed him on the SCD mid-January.

> Recently, his BMs were starting to become formed when he got a hold


> piece of toast with peanut butter on 9 Feb (and violated the diet)


> reacted with severe diarhea. His BMs have since improved but are


> loose.

When infractions occur many find that going back to the intro diet

for a couple of days helps flush the system again and get things back

on track.

However, since starting the SCD he has been lethargic - to the

> point where he is now not active at all and he resists walking by

> himself. My sister is very concerned. I'm just wondering if


> has experienced this lethargy with the SCD and if not, if anyone


> any insight, I would deeply appreciate it.

Lethargy is not uncommon when beginning the diet; it is a symptom of

die off. Is he getting enough legal carbohydrates : ripe banana,

diluted legal juice etc...?

Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs,

mom of Em and Dan

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Welcome to the group Fiona,

> My nephew, Shane, is 27 months old. After starting life as a very

> affectionate, cuddly guy, he started to regress five or six months


> and was diagnosed on 27 January 2006 as severely autistic. I'm


> to help my sister and brother-in-law out by doing research and

> providing support in any way I can.


> My sister and brother-in-law placed him on the SCD mid-January.

> Recently, his BMs were starting to become formed when he got a hold


> piece of toast with peanut butter on 9 Feb (and violated the diet)


> reacted with severe diarhea. His BMs have since improved but are


> loose.

When infractions occur many find that going back to the intro diet

for a couple of days helps flush the system again and get things back

on track.

However, since starting the SCD he has been lethargic - to the

> point where he is now not active at all and he resists walking by

> himself. My sister is very concerned. I'm just wondering if


> has experienced this lethargy with the SCD and if not, if anyone


> any insight, I would deeply appreciate it.

Lethargy is not uncommon when beginning the diet; it is a symptom of

die off. Is he getting enough legal carbohydrates : ripe banana,

diluted legal juice etc...?

Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs,

mom of Em and Dan

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Welcome to the group Fiona,

> My nephew, Shane, is 27 months old. After starting life as a very

> affectionate, cuddly guy, he started to regress five or six months


> and was diagnosed on 27 January 2006 as severely autistic. I'm


> to help my sister and brother-in-law out by doing research and

> providing support in any way I can.


> My sister and brother-in-law placed him on the SCD mid-January.

> Recently, his BMs were starting to become formed when he got a hold


> piece of toast with peanut butter on 9 Feb (and violated the diet)


> reacted with severe diarhea. His BMs have since improved but are


> loose.

When infractions occur many find that going back to the intro diet

for a couple of days helps flush the system again and get things back

on track.

However, since starting the SCD he has been lethargic - to the

> point where he is now not active at all and he resists walking by

> himself. My sister is very concerned. I'm just wondering if


> has experienced this lethargy with the SCD and if not, if anyone


> any insight, I would deeply appreciate it.

Lethargy is not uncommon when beginning the diet; it is a symptom of

die off. Is he getting enough legal carbohydrates : ripe banana,

diluted legal juice etc...?

Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs,

mom of Em and Dan

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