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Hi Sharon!

And " Hi " to the rest of this wonderful group. I am new to the group and so

happy to be a part of it. I definitely need lot's of help/support/info.

before I attempt once again to put my son Lucas 4 1/2 years (had

neurosurgery May '04 to remove a tumour in his hypothalamus which caused

constant seizures since birth resulting in dev. regression, loss of speech,

autistic tendencies, aggression) on the SCD diet. Lucas is now seizure

free, Praise the Lord! Sharon, and everyone, I truly admire your

determination, persistence, courage, and love for your children/family.

These children are truly blessed. Sharon, I can relate a bit to your

situation because Lucas only drinks diluted organic brown rice milk. Of

course I take the blame for this but we had to choose something Lucas could

drink (besides juice) while on the GFCF diet for about 1 1/2 years. As a

result of the surgery, Lucas has diabetes insipidus (sodium related

diabetes) and must take Desmopressin(intranasal) to help his body retain

water. He must also drink enough fluid each day, however not too much. It

has become a bit complicated because Lucas does not drink on his own from a

glass/cup. He wants us to spoon it into him. After reading BTVC a few

months ago I was so excited so I started the diet (without the intro and not

knowing about this group). We took Lucas off the brown rice milk cold

turkey and I made almond milk (cheese cloth and all) and many of the

suggested foods for our whole family. Lucas did not want to have anything

to do with the almond milk nor the rest of it. He became dehydrated and

thus was hospitalized. I was fatigued and discouraged.

So, here we are and I am so eager to help Lucas' body heal, etc.,etc.

through this diet properly. We've actually for a few weeks now have already

been on the SCD minus the milk. I have chicken soup on the stove hoping

that Lucas will enjoy it once again as he used to so as to start the " intro "

diet. All he's been eating is banana pancakes, almond/zucchini muffins,

carrot/zucchini bread, banana bread, pears, carrots, pumpkin seeds, and

dates rolled in coconut. He used to eat so well (prior to and shortly after

surgery), organic meats, fish, vegetables, eggs. etc. Since then he has

become so picky.

Sorry to have gone on so long here...so much to share...hoping for some

advice on the best way to continue on with the SCD. Also supplements, etc.

Lucas used to take many but currently none.

Thanks so much,

Anita (Windsor, Ont. Canada)

" Mama " to Lucas 4 1/2 years, 4 1/2 , Micaela 3, " Baby #4 " on the way

- May '06)


>Reply-To: pecanbread

>To: pecanbread >

>Subject: RE: Re: Fw: Most Offspring Died When Mother Rats Ate

>GM Soy

>Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 07:05:51 -0500


>I'm the one giving soy - this with goat's milk is all will drink,

>and I need him to drink. I've been trying to get him off soy for 6

>months now (prior to SCD), and this is the last hold-out. Tried a

>yogourt smoothie with grape juice yesterday and he got so mad he cried

>(he never gets mad). So I'm still looking for a drink for him. I could

>g-tube all his fluids but I don't want to do that. While I don't want to

>jinx anything by telling, he's had only single seizures the last few

>days - no clusters (which we could predict like clockwork). This to me

>is amazing and I feel like SCD (even with the soy/goat bubba) is

>working, and I am even more eager to find a legal drink for him. I am

>going to try dripping the yogourt today, then mixing it with banana and

>vanilla. I WILL find something for him to drink.

>Sharon, 5 days SCD except soy/goat milk bottle


> Re: Re: Fw: Most Offspring Died When Mother Rats

>Ate GM Soy



>I'm not sure Carol. I saw that some moms are using the soy milk for


>little ones. I thought about it and found this article. Thanks for

>clarifying for the rest of the group that soy is not legal on SCD! Jenn


>Kali 8 months scd






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