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Forum Chat with Jim (SSDCavalry) Thursday, Aug 29, 2002

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Hello All,

This evening Jim joined us to answer more questions about SSDI. As always,

it was very informative. For those of you who could not make it this

evening, he will be back next week (9-5-02). Please mark your calendars and

plan on joining us.

Here are the key questions and answers:


Would getting CP listed with SSA give it anymore credibility in the medical

world (especially ER trips)?

Jim (SSDCavalry)

Perhaps. I can't give you a definitive answer, because I am not a member of

the medical profession. That said, it does add credence to, as Social

Security now gives credence to chronic fatigue syndrome under SSR 99-2P.

Please note, CFS is very nebulous, while pancreatitis is not. Pancreatitis

is easier to diagnose medically than CFS, because their are objective medical

tests, which can demonstrate CP. Also, you would want to see what the Center

for Disease Control says about CP. Or the National Institute of Health.

Their word carries a great deal of weight with SSA.

ReeAnn (ReeAnn)

Today I received a notice in the mail that I am schedule for an appointment

with an SSA physician. What advice can you give about this visit? Should I

take medical records? Anything special I should know about?

Jim (SSDCavalry)

This is the consultative exam. You can bring records, if you wish, but he

may not look at them. Let them know your pain, and the history and the

progression of your CP. You should go. I have learned over the years of doing

this work how to glean nuggets of gold from such exams. Explain your good

and bad days. Or, you bad and not so bad days. Please let him know of your

frequent hospital visits -- hospital records and tests are often very


ReeAnn (ReeAnn)

I have every intention of going... Need my case approved ASAP and not

willing to do anything to slow it down

Jim (SSDCavalry)

Also, note how long he spends with you. If it is less than ten minutes,

write it down. Make sure to note, whether he actually examines you or comes

in, talks to you and walks out. Also, if only a nurse examine you in the

doctors stead, note it. If the exam is of short duration and he does not

seem to examine you, write it down, sign and date it, make copies, and put

the original in a sealed envelope. Keep it, because if you go to a hearing

and the CE is unfavorable to you, you may need this letter to discredit the

CE. If the CE does not examine you and writes a favorable report, leave it



This doesn't relate to CP but to my Mom. She was denied SSD, but now she

gets retirement and is still fighting for SSD... Is it true that once you hit

a certain age they will deny you every time? She has been fighting for it

for 4 years now...will they go that far back?

Jim (SSDCavalry)

She can do it (fight for her past disability) to increase her retirement

benefit. But, I believe SSR 99-3P deals with this. People 65-72 are treated

like people from 60-64. Also, it is even easier to have a severe impairment

for step two of the disability process. However, she may have a date last

insured issue, depending on when she last worked and how many years before

that in which, she worked. They do not, once you reach any age,

automatically deny you every time.

Poncho (Poncho9191)

I got SSDI in May and became 60 years old in June, at my age should I expect

a review of my award ever?

Jim (SSDCavalry)

You will likely be reviewed at least once before you reach your retirement

age of 65 and so many months. You may not ever receive any notice, if (1)

you grid out, that is satisfy one of their vocational rules, or (2) You have

had no marked medical improvement.

Becky D. (Rekadaub)

While in the ICU, after being taken off life support, while still in a coma I

fell out of bed and now have a perm. disability can I take any action? This

happened in April 2001. I now have a perm. disability can I take any action?

Jim (SSDCavalry)

What type of disability or problem?

Becky D. (Rekadaub)

My right leg does not work, told I have neuropathy.

Jim (SSDCavalry)

Can you walk on it like before?

Becky D. (Rekadaub)

No, for 11 months I had a metal leg brace.

Jim (SSDCavalry)

If you received this injury at a hospital, you would need to talk to a lawyer

in your area who specializes in

medical malpractice to determine whether you have a case under that state's

tort law.

Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make this event a success.

Lots of Gentle Hugs,


ReeAnn M. Betts


Wisconsin Chapter Representative

National Membership Registration Chairperson

Pancreatitis Association, International

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