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Asperger's Syndrome Tuesday, Jan. 17th on Dr. Phil Show

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Asperger's Syndrome discussed on the Dr. Phil Show

Tuesday - January 17

Check your TV listings for exact time and station

Does your child rage, scream and kick doors? Is his or her behavior the

typical brattiness of a spoiled child, or involuntary behavior beyond the

child's control? Dr. Phil sheds light on a pair of widely misunderstood extreme

neurological disorders. First, he looks at Asperger's syndrome, a

high-functioning form of autism which causes a person to lack control over his

or her emotions, including anger. Rich and 's 15-year-old son, , was

diagnosed with Asperger's at age 6. His sudden fits of rage and erratic behavior

have put a strain on his whole family. Should his parents be afraid of , or

is there something they can do to bring his behavior under control? Plus, Craig,

37, can't control his physical tics, nor can he keep from constantly uttering

obscenities, literally hundreds of times a day. Craig suffers from Tourette

syndrome, an affliction that's gotten so bad, he won't go into grocery stores,

movie theatres or any public place for fear he'll be kicked out.

What will the disorder mean for his plans to start a family?


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