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What about fevers/pain?

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My dd is 2. The pain releivers offered to her have sugar or other

illegals in them (I'm assuming) She is also working on her 2 year

molars. We have been giving her motrin at bedtime but I cut that out

since we started the diet. It doesn't seem to be making a difference

so I'll keep that up.

We do have a legal homeopathic for teething that I am using.

But if we should be in the situation where she needs pain releif or a

fever brought down what can we give her? I'm thinking of the night

that her ear drum burst and she was up screaming every 3-4 hours when

the pain meds wore off. I want to have an option for that, that won't

cause other issues.

Anyhow ideas?

Patty 6 days scd

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Hi Patty,

> My dd is 2. The pain releivers offered to her have sugar or other

> illegals in them (I'm assuming) She is also working on her 2 year

> molars. We have been giving her motrin at bedtime but I cut that


> since we started the diet. It doesn't seem to be making a


> so I'll keep that up.

> We do have a legal homeopathic for teething that I am using.


> But if we should be in the situation where she needs pain releif

or a

> fever brought down what can we give her? I'm thinking of the night

> that her ear drum burst and she was up screaming every 3-4 hours


> the pain meds wore off. I want to have an option for that, that


> cause other issues.


Elaine always said that when you *need* meds don't worry about the

small amounts of illegals in them. Some people opt on the side of

caution though and have their meds including pain relivers and fever

meds compounded at a pharmacy with legal ingredients.

You can find some legal fillers listed at


Generally, ASD kids use ibuprofen and IBSers use acetaminophen.

Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs

mom of 2

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Hi Patty,

> My dd is 2. The pain releivers offered to her have sugar or other

> illegals in them (I'm assuming) She is also working on her 2 year

> molars. We have been giving her motrin at bedtime but I cut that


> since we started the diet. It doesn't seem to be making a


> so I'll keep that up.

> We do have a legal homeopathic for teething that I am using.


> But if we should be in the situation where she needs pain releif

or a

> fever brought down what can we give her? I'm thinking of the night

> that her ear drum burst and she was up screaming every 3-4 hours


> the pain meds wore off. I want to have an option for that, that


> cause other issues.


Elaine always said that when you *need* meds don't worry about the

small amounts of illegals in them. Some people opt on the side of

caution though and have their meds including pain relivers and fever

meds compounded at a pharmacy with legal ingredients.

You can find some legal fillers listed at


Generally, ASD kids use ibuprofen and IBSers use acetaminophen.

Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs

mom of 2

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Hey guys:

Acetaminophen is the name for tylenol. Ibuprofen is the name for motrin.

They are given both to adults and children in their respective age/weight

dose and intervals. In children you do not give more than 10mg of motrin per

kg of bodyweight per dose, which is generally not more often than every 6 to

8 hours depending on age and minimum weight. For tylenol in children, you do

not give more than 15mg of tylenol per kg of bodyweight every four to six

hours, depending on the age.

One note on these meds: there are studies that show that both of these meds

can have profound depression of the immune system and may hinder, not only

at the time give, but long after even giving one dose, detoxification. They

are immune suppressors! I need to look in my files for the reference so that

you can read it if you are interested and I'll post it as soon as I find it.

My daughter has been teething nonstop since 4months of age. We have tried

everything (before we knew about SCD), including the meds above, oragel, and

all the OTC meds, including homeopathics. Since she became allergic to ALL

the things we gave her and sometimes had pretty strong pain, we started

dipping a toothbrush in warm, very freshly brewed coffee. It has worked

marvels. We reserve it for when she is really hurting, though, since we

cannot give her anything else. If you decide to do coffee, please only give

very fresh coffee becasue if you let it set it can be yeastogenic, i.e.,

promote the growth of yeasts -only if not fresh.

good luck


mom to fiol asd 14mo


> Hi Patty,


> > My dd is 2. The pain releivers offered to her have sugar or other

> > illegals in them (I'm assuming) She is also working on her 2 year

> > molars. We have been giving her motrin at bedtime but I cut that

> out

> > since we started the diet. It doesn't seem to be making a

> difference

> > so I'll keep that up.

> > We do have a legal homeopathic for teething that I am using.

> >

> > But if we should be in the situation where she needs pain releif

> or a

> > fever brought down what can we give her? I'm thinking of the night

> > that her ear drum burst and she was up screaming every 3-4 hours

> when

> > the pain meds wore off. I want to have an option for that, that

> won't

> > cause other issues.

> >


> Elaine always said that when you *need* meds don't worry about the

> small amounts of illegals in them. Some people opt on the side of

> caution though and have their meds including pain relivers and fever

> meds compounded at a pharmacy with legal ingredients.

> You can find some legal fillers listed at

> http://pecanbread.com/supplements.html


> Generally, ASD kids use ibuprofen and IBSers use acetaminophen.


> Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs

> mom of 2







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hey guys:

Acetaminophen is the name for tylenol. Ibuprofen is the name for motrin.

They are given both to adults and children in their respective age/weight

dose and intervals. In children you do not give more than 10mg of motrin per

kg of bodyweight per dose, which is generally not more often than every 6 to

8 hours depending on age and minimum weight. For tylenol in children, you do

not give more than 15mg of tylenol per kg of bodyweight every four to six

hours, depending on the age.

One note on these meds: there are studies that show that both of these meds

can have profound depression of the immune system and may hinder, not only

at the time give, but long after even giving one dose, detoxification. They

are immune suppressors! I need to look in my files for the reference so that

you can read it if you are interested and I'll post it as soon as I find it.

My daughter has been teething nonstop since 4months of age. We have tried

everything (before we knew about SCD), including the meds above, oragel, and

all the OTC meds, including homeopathics. Since she became allergic to ALL

the things we gave her and sometimes had pretty strong pain, we started

dipping a toothbrush in warm, very freshly brewed coffee. It has worked

marvels. We reserve it for when she is really hurting, though, since we

cannot give her anything else. If you decide to do coffee, please only give

very fresh coffee becasue if you let it set it can be yeastogenic, i.e.,

promote the growth of yeasts -only if not fresh.

good luck


mom to fiol asd 14mo


> Hi Patty,


> > My dd is 2. The pain releivers offered to her have sugar or other

> > illegals in them (I'm assuming) She is also working on her 2 year

> > molars. We have been giving her motrin at bedtime but I cut that

> out

> > since we started the diet. It doesn't seem to be making a

> difference

> > so I'll keep that up.

> > We do have a legal homeopathic for teething that I am using.

> >

> > But if we should be in the situation where she needs pain releif

> or a

> > fever brought down what can we give her? I'm thinking of the night

> > that her ear drum burst and she was up screaming every 3-4 hours

> when

> > the pain meds wore off. I want to have an option for that, that

> won't

> > cause other issues.

> >


> Elaine always said that when you *need* meds don't worry about the

> small amounts of illegals in them. Some people opt on the side of

> caution though and have their meds including pain relivers and fever

> meds compounded at a pharmacy with legal ingredients.

> You can find some legal fillers listed at

> http://pecanbread.com/supplements.html


> Generally, ASD kids use ibuprofen and IBSers use acetaminophen.


> Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs

> mom of 2







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hey guys:

Acetaminophen is the name for tylenol. Ibuprofen is the name for motrin.

They are given both to adults and children in their respective age/weight

dose and intervals. In children you do not give more than 10mg of motrin per

kg of bodyweight per dose, which is generally not more often than every 6 to

8 hours depending on age and minimum weight. For tylenol in children, you do

not give more than 15mg of tylenol per kg of bodyweight every four to six

hours, depending on the age.

One note on these meds: there are studies that show that both of these meds

can have profound depression of the immune system and may hinder, not only

at the time give, but long after even giving one dose, detoxification. They

are immune suppressors! I need to look in my files for the reference so that

you can read it if you are interested and I'll post it as soon as I find it.

My daughter has been teething nonstop since 4months of age. We have tried

everything (before we knew about SCD), including the meds above, oragel, and

all the OTC meds, including homeopathics. Since she became allergic to ALL

the things we gave her and sometimes had pretty strong pain, we started

dipping a toothbrush in warm, very freshly brewed coffee. It has worked

marvels. We reserve it for when she is really hurting, though, since we

cannot give her anything else. If you decide to do coffee, please only give

very fresh coffee becasue if you let it set it can be yeastogenic, i.e.,

promote the growth of yeasts -only if not fresh.

good luck


mom to fiol asd 14mo


> Hi Patty,


> > My dd is 2. The pain releivers offered to her have sugar or other

> > illegals in them (I'm assuming) She is also working on her 2 year

> > molars. We have been giving her motrin at bedtime but I cut that

> out

> > since we started the diet. It doesn't seem to be making a

> difference

> > so I'll keep that up.

> > We do have a legal homeopathic for teething that I am using.

> >

> > But if we should be in the situation where she needs pain releif

> or a

> > fever brought down what can we give her? I'm thinking of the night

> > that her ear drum burst and she was up screaming every 3-4 hours

> when

> > the pain meds wore off. I want to have an option for that, that

> won't

> > cause other issues.

> >


> Elaine always said that when you *need* meds don't worry about the

> small amounts of illegals in them. Some people opt on the side of

> caution though and have their meds including pain relivers and fever

> meds compounded at a pharmacy with legal ingredients.

> You can find some legal fillers listed at

> http://pecanbread.com/supplements.html


> Generally, ASD kids use ibuprofen and IBSers use acetaminophen.


> Sheila, SCD 60 mos, UC 22 yrs

> mom of 2







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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