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Newly dx with ALL nut and egg allergy

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We took Caden to the allergist on Thursday and he has a severe nut

allergy with almonds beening the worst as well as ALL other nut (some

of which he has never eaten) but not peanuts since they are legumes

and to whole eggs. We are now the proud owner of an EpiPen. He has

eaten nuts in some form almost everyday for a year, mostly almond in

baked goods but also whole nuts (rotated daily) for snacks. So it is

my fault that he now has this.

I've cried for a couple days and now am asking for some help. SCD was

tolerable when Caden could have cookies, pancakes, muffins and cake

occasionally.....but now that is gone. I do not want to do peanuts

more that 1 small amount per week for fear of him becomeing allergic

to them as well.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? He doing well with his

gut. He occasionally has undigested food but that was mainly just

nuts that were not well chewed. I beleive that the yeast is under

control. We started SCD because of intestinal yeast and 8-10 DBM per

day. He now has 1-2 soft " normal " BM's per day.

I know that SCD has helped with this. But with this new development

of allergies, I was considering starting to le him have " illegals "

occasionally. He will NEVER (over my dead body) go back to the diet

he was on prior to SCD which was a " normal american " diet of french

fries, sugar and overly processed foods. His favorite food right now

is brocoli and apples and I love that!!! Due to his egg and nut

allergy most processed foods are out anyway due to the possibility of

contamination in the factories in which they are made.

Has anyone had success with NAET or other technique to get rid of


Any suggestions is greatly appriciated!!!

frustrated mother of Caden 2 5/6 years, SCD 1 year and Emmalynn

14 months

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Hi, ,

I've been experimenting with beans instead of nuts for baking. Our

financial situation at the moment is stressful, and I probably won't

be able to order nuts for a couple of months. Although I haven't

made cookies yet, I have made muffins. I prepare the beans according

to the directions (soaked and cooked). Using the basic muffin recipe

in the BTVC I add the eggs, honey, baking soda and coconut oil

(butter) in the blender, then add about the same amount of cooked

beans. I use the blender to make sure there are no lumps. The oven

temperature needs to be about 300 degrees, and they take a much

longer time to cook. I always add some type of fruit. The blueberry

muffins smelled and tasted like bran muffins of old, the banana ones

were very good, and making muffins out of the carrot cake recipe was

absolutely heavenly! I don't know how it would work with egg

substitute, but it's cheap enough to experiment.

The navy beans also make a wonderful mock garlic mashed potato.

Saute onions and garlic, add mashed (refried SCD of course) beans,

mix in cheddar cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Yummy!!

Be careful about adding in too many beans too fast. It can affect

bm's and take days to clear.

Good luck.

Sue celiac, BJ fragile X, SCD since May 05

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Thanks Sue. I'll try that. He has been able to toerate beans for

some time now, of course at meals.



> Hi, ,

> I've been experimenting with beans instead of nuts for baking.


> financial situation at the moment is stressful, and I probably


> be able to order nuts for a couple of months. Although I haven't

> made cookies yet, I have made muffins. I prepare the beans


> to the directions (soaked and cooked). Using the basic muffin


> in the BTVC I add the eggs, honey, baking soda and coconut oil

> (butter) in the blender, then add about the same amount of cooked

> beans. I use the blender to make sure there are no lumps. The


> temperature needs to be about 300 degrees, and they take a much

> longer time to cook. I always add some type of fruit. The


> muffins smelled and tasted like bran muffins of old, the banana


> were very good, and making muffins out of the carrot cake recipe


> absolutely heavenly! I don't know how it would work with egg

> substitute, but it's cheap enough to experiment.


> The navy beans also make a wonderful mock garlic mashed potato.

> Saute onions and garlic, add mashed (refried SCD of course) beans,

> mix in cheddar cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Yummy!!


> Be careful about adding in too many beans too fast. It can affect

> bm's and take days to clear.


> Good luck.


> Sue celiac, BJ fragile X, SCD since May 05


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