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Frequent bowel motions

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Hi everyone,

I am looking for anybody who has gone through the same situation as us. My

son is 8 and has autism. Until 14 months ago he did not appear to have any

bowel issues. However at that point he became constipated for a short while

and was put on senna (and a few other things). He then in April became

incontinent and has remained so ever since. He does not have diarrhoea but

very frequent very soft stools which are usually foul smelling. In August

of last year his gastroenterologist put him on movecol a very strong

laxative as he said that he was very loaded with soft stools. The hospital

have been unable to come up with any further treatments to help with the

incontinence. He is currently having around 15 accidents a day, and there

is rarely any bulk.

is currently GF/CF/YF/SoyF/SugarF/CornF/NutF and we are about to

embark on SCD.

We are following the DAN protocol and he is on Nystatin, yeast aid, bear

berry and quassia for the different pathogens in his bowel. We had hoped

that treating his bowel would resolve the incontinence but so far it has

not. Does anyone have a message of hope?!!!


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My son was having 4-5 mucus-filled horrible smelling

BMs a day last summer. We were GFCFSFCF at the time.

After the ped GI gave Ben a colonoscopy and told me

nothing was wrong, we ended up on SCD. Ben now has 1-2

formed, normal smelling BMs a day. You will need to

determine if all allowed SCD foods agree with your son

and also examine supplements for healing to take


Good luck-it worked for us!


Ben's mom-HFA, SCD 13 weeks

--- " Elaine.Rankin " Elaine.Rankin@...>


> Hi everyone,


> I am looking for anybody who has gone through the

> same situation as us. My

> son is 8 and has autism. Until 14 months ago he did

> not appear to have any

> bowel issues. However at that point he became

> constipated for a short while

> and was put on senna (and a few other things). He

> then in April became

> incontinent and has remained so ever since. He does

> not have diarrhoea but

> very frequent very soft stools which are usually

> foul smelling. In August

> of last year his gastroenterologist put him on

> movecol a very strong

> laxative as he said that he was very loaded with

> soft stools. The hospital

> have been unable to come up with any further

> treatments to help with the

> incontinence. He is currently having around 15

> accidents a day, and there

> is rarely any bulk.


> is currently GF/CF/YF/SoyF/SugarF/CornF/NutF

> and we are about to

> embark on SCD.


> We are following the DAN protocol and he is on

> Nystatin, yeast aid, bear

> berry and quassia for the different pathogens in his

> bowel. We had hoped

> that treating his bowel would resolve the

> incontinence but so far it has

> not. Does anyone have a message of hope?!!!


> Elaine





> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






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Hi Elaine. I am new to this site, but have a 3year old son with PDD/autism who's

been GFCFSFYF, etc. 11 mos and SCD, non dairy since Aug. I switched him to SCD

because even though I saw some good changes on first diet, it wasn't enough. I

hoped SCD would firm up his stools which were never formed in his entire life.

His progress on SCD is remarkable, but when he still had the loose stool

problems by late Dec, I gave in and agreed to some brief course of meds. He

started lamisil (antifungal) and Flagyl (antibiotic) on New Years Eve and we had

a Happy New Year present of the first formed poop of his life! In just one day,

there was form to his BMs, which got firmer until just right by day 3, and have

continued every day since, even though he stopped the meds on Jan 28th. His DAN

doctor said he may need to resume the meds periodically if the loose stools

return, but that following the SCD will give us the best chance of that not

happening because we are not giving him any food to feed that condition. I

don't know if SCD would eventually have eradicated the gut condition on its own

in time, but I wanted a quicker fix. The DAN doctor said sometimes its so bad

that the gut needs medication and in my son's case he gave both the antifungal

AND an antibiotic. I haven't read anyone else's postings about antibiotic use

yet, just the antifungal use. Most people mention nystatin, but my doctor said

lamisil and I think it had something to do with what is comprised of, though I

am not sure if there is anything in nystatin that would be illegal to SCD.

There seems to be so many people on it on this site that I'm sure its legal.

Anyway, maybe the antibiotic had something to do with my son's stools firming

up. Thought I'd pass that along incase it helps you. Good luck. Tracey

Frequent bowel motions

Hi everyone,

I am looking for anybody who has gone through the same situation as us. My

son is 8 and has autism. Until 14 months ago he did not appear to have any

bowel issues. However at that point he became constipated for a short while

and was put on senna (and a few other things). He then in April became

incontinent and has remained so ever since. He does not have diarrhoea but

very frequent very soft stools which are usually foul smelling. In August

of last year his gastroenterologist put him on movecol a very strong

laxative as he said that he was very loaded with soft stools. The hospital

have been unable to come up with any further treatments to help with the

incontinence. He is currently having around 15 accidents a day, and there

is rarely any bulk.

is currently GF/CF/YF/SoyF/SugarF/CornF/NutF and we are about to

embark on SCD.

We are following the DAN protocol and he is on Nystatin, yeast aid, bear

berry and quassia for the different pathogens in his bowel. We had hoped

that treating his bowel would resolve the incontinence but so far it has

not. Does anyone have a message of hope?!!!


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Hi Elaine. I am new to this site, but have a 3year old son with PDD/autism who's

been GFCFSFYF, etc. 11 mos and SCD, non dairy since Aug. I switched him to SCD

because even though I saw some good changes on first diet, it wasn't enough. I

hoped SCD would firm up his stools which were never formed in his entire life.

His progress on SCD is remarkable, but when he still had the loose stool

problems by late Dec, I gave in and agreed to some brief course of meds. He

started lamisil (antifungal) and Flagyl (antibiotic) on New Years Eve and we had

a Happy New Year present of the first formed poop of his life! In just one day,

there was form to his BMs, which got firmer until just right by day 3, and have

continued every day since, even though he stopped the meds on Jan 28th. His DAN

doctor said he may need to resume the meds periodically if the loose stools

return, but that following the SCD will give us the best chance of that not

happening because we are not giving him any food to feed that condition. I

don't know if SCD would eventually have eradicated the gut condition on its own

in time, but I wanted a quicker fix. The DAN doctor said sometimes its so bad

that the gut needs medication and in my son's case he gave both the antifungal

AND an antibiotic. I haven't read anyone else's postings about antibiotic use

yet, just the antifungal use. Most people mention nystatin, but my doctor said

lamisil and I think it had something to do with what is comprised of, though I

am not sure if there is anything in nystatin that would be illegal to SCD.

There seems to be so many people on it on this site that I'm sure its legal.

Anyway, maybe the antibiotic had something to do with my son's stools firming

up. Thought I'd pass that along incase it helps you. Good luck. Tracey

Frequent bowel motions

Hi everyone,

I am looking for anybody who has gone through the same situation as us. My

son is 8 and has autism. Until 14 months ago he did not appear to have any

bowel issues. However at that point he became constipated for a short while

and was put on senna (and a few other things). He then in April became

incontinent and has remained so ever since. He does not have diarrhoea but

very frequent very soft stools which are usually foul smelling. In August

of last year his gastroenterologist put him on movecol a very strong

laxative as he said that he was very loaded with soft stools. The hospital

have been unable to come up with any further treatments to help with the

incontinence. He is currently having around 15 accidents a day, and there

is rarely any bulk.

is currently GF/CF/YF/SoyF/SugarF/CornF/NutF and we are about to

embark on SCD.

We are following the DAN protocol and he is on Nystatin, yeast aid, bear

berry and quassia for the different pathogens in his bowel. We had hoped

that treating his bowel would resolve the incontinence but so far it has

not. Does anyone have a message of hope?!!!


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