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I SURE hope all are doing well at this time. I have heard from many who

are having flu shots & are also having reactions.....That's not good

-right?? I hope it means you wont get a bad flu later from someone


So how was your week ? ? ?


prv.gif> ?

This isn't too long a post as I have been answering those folks as I


ERIN H...How is it going with the book sales. They are all so good. I

wish a medical company would buy a lot & then give them to clinics to

hand out .They are soooo worth the money.

Even though they aren't expensive, but they are great helpers..

Hoping this post finds all you tribe doing well. YEP.Your first!!!:):):)


VANESSA... How is dear Mateo. I do send all the best wishes & know he is

doing super by now-post an update soon

FRED...It sure is good /nice to se you all back on the lists from time

to time.I know your really busy with " stuff " , but a sentence here &

there is fine:):)

MARGO..It was super that Amber's slumber party sounded like those I

remembered of the good ole days when my gals were wee ones. Lots of fun,

& of course the junk food!!!It's nice that those experiences are allowed

& normal fun for all-as it should be.They are very good friends.

MARK. how wonderful . 's party a success also. It is very , very

nice that Amber & are getting together as cyber buddies too. the

idea of them meeting some time sounds really cool

http://skins.hotbar.com/skins/mailskins/em/080402/080402cool_prv.gif> I

hope it happens.if not, they will always have a great cyber

pal......Best wishes to you all

MARK Corbitt.. Gosh, I sure hope your doing well Haven't heard in a

bit..It seemed you had quite the experience last month. Your right about

all the folks on these lists. They are so helpful & knowledgeable..Stay

on the insurance companies to get YOU what you NEED. maybe your doc can

write a really PRESSING letter. Good luck ,waiting to hear it all :):)

KENDALL L.. If your posting , let me know if you or Maia have gotten in

touch with Mitch Messer yet. He might be an invaluable source there

too.Did the package get to Bulgaria & Kamelia? Hope she is doing well.

Bless you all for helping her too.........

NANCY /JIM...you two are really as one, the way I see it.If your married

to a spouse who has CF , then you have CF too. You feel their hurt, pain

, joys & SOB too. Bless you . I hope all is doing well as you read

this(thanks for putting up with me :):)I love you all What great folks

to each other you are.

SUSAN TOM... I hope you & Jill have a great time at the concert. cant

remember which date , but know you'll have a blast...You both need a

break today !!! love ya both!

SUSAN..You are such a busy bee,sewing & all . I know

your sweet KAYLEE will be doing so much. It has to be so much work / but

fun for you all. The whole choir will be beautiful , I am sure. You'll

have to take a picture & send to us. Be sure & let us see them in

costume and of course,

label the folks we should know. Bless you, your their angel !

FRIENDS who have returned~~~~~ it is nice to have so many new folks ,

even if they are " returnees " on the lists.

Its great !. That is the way this CF Family goes. busy , slow, busy,

slow, busy, busy :):):)We love it when your here to share with us. YES,

you will learn allot from so many. Also be able to tell of your

experiences.--- ask your questions AND answer other's questions..Kinda

like a barter system of info :):):) But oh such nice folks to barter

with " ) " )

PAULA Hi & welcome .It is wonderful what you & your hubby are doing for

your sister & her wee one. I am surprised the service doesn't pay the

full caregiver fee though. You will have a very responsible job caring

for little Xavier, but I feel from your posts that he is in good-no ,

great hands!! best wishes.

KRYSTENS R.. I know your little CADEN is being tested for CF , your a

wise mom to try to learn all you can & being prepared. More should do

that . It is a hard thing to accept for some, especially f they know

nothing about CF, It is scary. But we are here, Write, any questions,

etc or just post your feelings & vent-We all know the various feelings

one can have at this time. Yes, write-------write. Best wishes to you &

your family...

KAREN S..wonderful surgery report. Home & out to dinner -same day. O.K.

wonder woman. You'll do anything to go to Ruby Tuesdays, RIGHT???? it

was such great news. Now take care & stay feeling great.keep us


CRYSTAL..great that ADAM came thru the surgery so fine & is on his way

to " welldom " :):)Your little guy sounded like the perfect patient & of

course perfect baby/ooops big boy-7 months+.getting up there:):):) You

have your hands full with Adam & his sweet little " big girl " sister,

le. good luck!!-Great health!!

R.. Gosh gal.. Do you ever stop!! How is Damon doing ? I do hope

you can give us an update & one that will be " more better " as the kids

say:):)Love you all the gang......

JEN/RON.. Speaking of Gangs , How is my TENN gang doing?? I do know ,

you all are so very busy. It will get more so with the holidays coming.

Where will all of you spend Christmas/ will your mom & dad , sisters,

etc all come to your place? I bet that is fun-wild-fun-& you are all

ready for bed that night!! I hold you all in my prayers ....

KELLY G.. my, you sure have had some " stuff " going on. Heidi's birthday

was great. still is , in fact . What a super thing for your relatives to

give the surprise party too!! Now the surgery for will be fine. He

I am sure will be up & away soon after.You are all in my thoughts & many

prayers .KEEP THAT SMILE ON MOM,That is what he will remember & it will

be a great comfort. he is doing an unknown to him , & that is a,always

scary to each of us. he & you will be fine. We all have you in our GREAT


LENORA. Your picking up & running with the " skill, companies, resources

for each other on the list is going to be great " I am so pleased you

thought it was a good idea. I always run spots in my newsletter "

INFORMER " for those in our CF Family as they are starting out or hung

up in some way, job wise. :):):) We have scratch each others backs as my

dad used to say:):). Best wishes on your business offer post too!!

PETER S.. I am glad you've joined in the list Your BEN will do fine with

having a dad who is taking so much interest in find all about the

CF..........The alternative treatments will perhaps be a real part of

care, it seems to be working for many.Please share with us all .With 10

years experience in this CF World, we can all learn. -even thru

mistakes, just don't want to do that often though .

LAURIE.. Prayers for your Grandmom who is still in hospital & hopefully

doing better soon.

. Welcome to our lists .They are yours too.We welcome all info &

questions & just plain ole great friendship & with support. You will

love us :):):)You & Pete will do very well But, your very right , as

many said .BE HONEST with each other-share all feelings. If you want to

try them out on us first, go for it :):):)As you can see , we will give

our opinion...BUT it is your choice to do as you want........We love ya

either way!!

ROSEMARY> yes, we have to see both sides in all the problems that we

will encounter with others kids. You are always so caring for the others

point of view .Bless you . I do hope your 3 with CF are doing super

today. Thanks for your part on these lists. Your always there for us


MARION. Hi & hope this finds you doing well. I read many of your posts &

your also very helpful.Its great with all your experiences.

ERIC. I hope you have gotten your password for the new " LUST

LIST " ;hahahaahha

That was so funny. My typo's are really good when I have them )often

too). BUT I will have to give KATHY the prize this time for her house

driving down her road in front of house-for real!! That is great

............being true is superb..way to go Kathy R.....

SHANA.. Glad your going to be able to stay on line with us. That would

have been such a loss for us all You " haveta " stay here near us all. I

hope it is a better day today also.

KingRICHARD. I am holding all your family Kathy & & you & your

daughter as well, in all my prayers .Wishing everyone would get home

from hospital soon. ..

DAWN.Hi . Hoping everything is doing super

AUBRIE.. I know your going to be rollerblading down the hospital halls

soon. CHRIS. Hold her back now:):):) Prayers, lots of love. You will be

huffing & blowing really soon with those brand new lungs....Loving

prayers coming!!

KELLY CROWE.. I am looking forward to having you come to FL this

Wednesday. I'll be at airport at 11:00 in the baggage area. You have my

cell phone number & office just incase:):):)

To all my friends on these lists . If I have missed answering a post or

written back , please excuse me, post me again. let me know. I would

never slight anyone. ALSO , if anyone wants some of the wash hands

pins/buttons, please be sure to send me YOUR mailing address WITH

REQUEST. I have more of the following FREE:GROWING OLDER WITH CF,GO

LUNGS GO!,A practical guide for adults with CF,CFRD, answers to commonly

asked Questions,The will to live, And just a few " Stevie's


I am going to go take my Shay (grandson) to dinner, he has to go back to

college tonight.I try to do that each time he comes home to visit.





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