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Cheryl/GrammyGay: SCD Pals in CA & doctors

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Cheryl cmolczanski cmolczanski@...

Thanks for confirming what I thought that the OJ concentrate was

illegal. I do live in the Toronto area so any info/SCD Pals and Doctors

would be helpful. I was looking throught BTVC looking for recipes to try -

my new past time... and came across an ingredient in the orange mousse

that I

thought was illegal - frozen orange juice concentrate. Is this okay as

long as it has no sugar? Can I be giving him oj made from frozen

concentrate instead of the much more expensive jugs of not from concentrate

juice?T hanks,


Cheryl, Mom to 7 (SCD 1.5 yrs) and 3

Stay on the support group list serve for help also.

*Click on the e-mail address. Put in subject: SCDiet help, please.

Put their names on your contact list. ****These people are a

blessing**** Ask if they are still on the scdiet or not. If not, let me know, so

I can take them off the list of SCD pals.


Elaine Gottschall

Born: August 18, 1921 Died: September, 5, 2005

WEB SITE: http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

KIRKTON PRESS LTD., 396 Grills Road, R. R. #2, Baltimore, Ontario,



Fax Judy Herod [Elaine's daughter] is still printing the

BTVC orders.

**WEB SITE: http://www.uclbs.org will help

**Digout says e-mail to uclbscontact@... in Cananda or

www.scdiet.net hebegb70@... Put in Subject: SCD Pals, help

please. Will help you get SCD Pals and doctors in your area or

SCD-list-subscribe@... /

SCD-list-digest-subscribe@... in or

http://www.pecanbread.com/support.html [Autism] for help

** " Suzann " suzann@... will help

French, Canada, and Quebec Bienvenue à tous et toutes les quebecois :-)

We can answer the questions in French for anyone who has trouble with

English. Plus any references to local stores and/or doctor, they will

be received in mother tongue (French)

**If you are Canadian and wish to avoid the brokers' fees, etc., just


from: www.scdcanada.com the Freeda Vitamins or

Directly from the listowner of SCD INFO: suzann@...

**Grain Free Gourmet Cookbook by Jodi Bager bager@... Lass


www.scdiet.net/ click www.scdiet.net/scdfood.htm see Jodi Bager's SCD

Baked Goods Contact: info@...

Buy Grain-Free Gourmet in book stores across Canada and the United

States by

mid October or online: In Canada, Amazon.ca, Chapters-Indigo, J.


In the United States, Amazon.com, & Noble On


On http://www.scdiet.net/

**SCD in Canada A Bed&Breakfast for Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Travelers on Vancouver Island

** and@... or call at .


**/Bill McLean logcabinquilting@...

Okanagan Valley in British Columbia,Pacific Northwest CD

information about Leaky Gut will help

**Charlene/ Flikkema jflikkema@... Burlington will


** " " nikitagirl@... Stratford Ontario will help

** bartolo_58@... Toronto will help

**Giu neatapparel@... Montreal will help

**K C Kerri Chambers sougamama@... Montreal will help

** " Theresa n " lavoiemarion@... Vancouver, BC

will help

** madrona@... 193 Kingfisher Lane,

Saltspring Island, B.C.,CanadA V8K 1S5, , Fax: (250)

537-8880, Edema, Speaks French, will help

**Gisele Lamarche loopylafae@... will help

**Pam Mountain pmstrat@... near Toronto will help

**Janet White cwhite@... Granby Calgary will help

** " Cook " cookn@... Toronto, Ont. will help

** " Ben Leung " Ben.Leung@... Toronto will help

These people have been on the Autism Children list serve

from CA

AB Calgary Alma almacmg@...

BC Vancouver (Canada) Theresa n tmarion@...

ON Kincardine jenniferhanabird@...

ONTARIO Barrie Cindy ctonn@...

ONTARIO London, Sarnia Kim Spezowka pakisa@...

ONTARIO Toronto Lara doyouhavebob@...

ONTARIO Orangeville & Toronto mmcgugan@...

ONTARIO town Ilana J. Rosenshein smiles@...

ONTARIO town Cheryl cheryl_molczanski@...

WINNEPEG, Canada Manitoba Karla Klaverkamp kklaverkamp@...

NEWFOUNDLAND, Canada C.B.S. Sheila Trenholm sheilatrenholm@...

**SCD Friendly Doctors in Canada:


**ND in Canada [Word of Mouth]

Jane Lauermeier, lauermeier@... , 12 Secord Dr., St.

Catharines, ON, Sent in by: Charlene/ Flikkema


**Elaine talks about her life and SCD. Includes comments by her daughter

Judy produced by Stan Kurtz, he presented it to the DAN Conference in California

October 29th 2005

** http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/news/news.htm

Forum: *http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pecanbread

[it is a searchable list where Elaine Gottschall participated:]

How to use the search engine:



You may save the URL in your computer's favorites file

Elaine Gottschall wrote:


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:





Loving Care,Grammy Gay IBS-1930, IBD-1984, SURGERY-1988, CD-1994,


Put my address in your contact list or your address book.

Grammy_Bauer@... for list serve

*My Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net/

hebegb70@... Support Group

*Put in Subject: SCDiet SCD Pals or help, Please

*** Or I may not see your post to me. ALSO: ***

*FOR SCD-Friendly Doctor, Componding Pharmacy,

and Vacation area, please


*LIST OF SCD FOODS: E-mail to scdiet@...

SCDiet.com will provide this at no charge.

In the subject put CARD REQUEST

Give your name and address to get it snail mail.


Active Parenting Today Online Groups

[parenting classes from the comfort of home]

Join: *http://www.activeparenting.com/aptog.htm



Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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