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Long but please read if you don't consume aspartame

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As always I'm interested in your commentary. Doesn't inspire much confidence in

our FDA.


From: " Elena Upton "

Date: Thu Jun 6, 2002 10:23 pm

Subject: ***ASPARTAME: ***Recent factual documentation on ***aspartame.

FYI Joyce

Today we have at least 5 aspartame detoxification centers in the US

Passing on this current information on the dangers of aspartame, and the history

of how this

deadly neurotoxin was allowed into the US food market.


Dear Trish,

Please forward this note to Health Minister Annette King but be sure to remove

all personal

notes on this post:

Honorable Annette King

Minister of Health

New Zealand

Dear Ms. King:

I am answering your note to Ms. Trish Jardine of May 28, 2002. I am the founder

of Mission

Possible International, a worldwide volunteer force in 50 states and 22

countries of the world

warning all consumers off the deadly chemical poison, aspartame.

You say, " I would like to reiterate the comments in my previous correspondence

that, before

any food additives are approved for use, the Government has to be satisfied that

the additive is

both needed and safe to use. "

Mrs. King, there may have been a time that the FDA in this country was

interested in safe

food and drugs, at least in the case of aspartame but that's not the way it

works today. Ed

Horton, Editor of the prestigious Lancet, wrote in May, 2001 that the FDA of

this country

takes money from industry and endangers the lives of the people. They go to

work for the

FDA to be bureaucrats so they can leave as plutocrats. They are known in this

country as

the attack dog of industry. They have also been called Monsanto's Washington



Back when Searle, the original manufacturer of aspartame, was trying to get it

approved, the

FDA was still intact. They not only knew aspartame was not safe but they wanted


company indicted for fraud. However, because of the power of the manufacturer

both U.S.

Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations

expired. Those who

help pharmaceutical companies are usually rewarded exceptionally well. Sam

Skinner was

one of those Prosecutors and he became Secretary of Transportation so he could


squelch the cries of the pilots having grand mal seizures in the cockpits of


airliners from this seizure triggering neurotoxic drug, losing both their health

and occupations.

Later on he became Chief of Staff under President Bush, one of the highest

positions in the


After 16 years Searle still had not been able to get aspartame on the market

because no FDA

Commissioner would approve it. Searle hired Don Rumsfeld who said he would call

in his

markers and get it approved. He had absolutely no concern for the safety of

aspartame. So

the day after President Reagan took office he appointed Dr. Arthur Hull to

do the

deadly deed. So the FDA set up of a Board of Inquiry of the finest scientists

they had to offer

and told Dr. aspartame had not been proven safe and triggered brain


Therefore, the petition was revoked and he could not approve it. But Dr.

was there to

approve aspartame so he over-ruled the Board of Inquiry and approved it anyway.

Then he

went to work for the PR Agency of the manufacturer and has refused to talk to

the press ever

since, and that includes as late as 3 years ago when Fox News went to his home

for an

explanation. You can hear the 12 minute newsclip that was on Washington, D.C.

TV on


Don Rumsfeld today is Secretary of Defense of the United States. Need I say


Since aspartame was approved in l981 it has stayed in the news as the public has


outraged at being poisoned. According to Constantine who wrote NutraPoison

with 100

references on www.dorway.com aspartame was actually listed with the pentagon in


inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress. And

it works

just like one because it is made up of three neurotoxins that breaks down to a

witches brew of

toxins including diketopiperazine, the brain tumor agent that triggered brain

tumors in original

studies. After the National Soft Drink Association wrote 30 pages which became

part of the

Congressional Record (on web) about it's dangers and the fact that it decomposes

at 86

degrees, the pop companies with full knowledge sent it to the Persian Gulf to

sit in the 120

degree Arabian sun as long as 8 weeks at a time on pallets. To date at least

40,000 of the

troops have perished. In one support group in Texas, there are 70 vets with

brain tumors.

Friendly fire killed more than the enemy! Aspartame is also a chemical


agent so it also interacted with the vaccines given to the troops. Aspartame

destroys the

central nervous system and mimics MS and causes Lou Gehrigs symptoms. A new

study on

Desert Storm Syndrome has proven Lou Gehrigs.

As victims suffered neurodegenerative diseases, had seizures, went blind, etc.


Metzenbaum decided to have congressional hearings. However, Senator Orrin Hatch

said no

to them until l985. There were three congressional hearings but senators like

Hatch were paid

by Monsanto who bought Searle in l985. And Hatch did a hatchet job so a bill


wrote never got out of committee that would have put a moratorium on aspartame

and had the

National Institutes of Health do independent studies on the problems they were

seeing in the

public and from post marketing surveillance reports such as seizures, behavioral


drug interaction and what aspartame does to the fetus.

It was admitted in hearings that the FDA was getting so many complaints they

were referring

victims to the AIDS Hotline. By l986 the Community Nutrition Institute in

Washington, D.C.

had petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame because so many were going blind and


seizures. The FDA put in the position to protect the public or protect Monsanto

said no to

public safety and yes to loyalty to Monsanto.

Be sure of one thing, the FDA has no interest whatsoever today in protecting the

public. Their

own toxicologist, Dr. Gross, who tried to prevent its approval told

Congress that

" beyond a shadow of a doubt aspartame can trigger brain tumors " and " violated

the Delaney

Amendment. " The Delaney Amendment forbid putting anything in food or drugs you


would cause cancer. His last words to Congress were " And if the FDA violates

its own laws

who is left to protect the public? " Obviously, we have no protector.

The other evening Jennings did an expose on the pharmaceutical industry.

One doctor

said when a new drug is marketed they wait a year to prescribe it to patients,

and wait 5

years to prescribe it to family members.

Keep in mind that aspartame is a drug and interacts with just about every drug

used to treat

the problems it causes. So today no drug on the market is safe with 2/3rds of

the American

public and 40% of children consuming this neurotoxin. H. J. , M.D. has

now declared

Aspartame Disease to be a global plague and has published a 1038 page medical

text which

goes into the implications of marketing a chemical poison for human consumption.

It is 1038

pages of diseases and symptoms triggered by this toxin and has a chapter on

brain tumors

and other tumors, drug interactions and how to treat a patient who has used


Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, www.aspartameispoison.com or


The FDA in this country lies and denies. Flooded with complaints on aspartame

they decided

in l996 they would really show their loyalty to Monsanto by granting blanket of

this neurotoxin

to be used like sugar. In order to do this they had to show a decline of

complaints so they

said they would no longer take complaints on aspartame. Well that keeps more

from coming

in, but how are you going to make them decline. The FDA started throwing out

hundreds of

aspartame complaints. Their excuse was it was required because they were

changing their

bookkeeping system. They must have stayed up all night to think that one up.

This is the same FDA who approved Tamoxifen. That's the drug they give to stop

the spread

of cancer. Of course, a Duke Study shows it backfires and gives you cancer. And

then the

World Health Organization declared Tamoxifen a carcinogen. To give a carcinogen

to stop the

spread of cancer is like playing Russian Roulette with an automatic weapon.

Then they

approved Celebrex by Searle. You see aspartame hardens the synovial fluids and


agonizing joint pain. So Searle thought they could make more billions on the

agony they

caused and made this drug to treat joint pain. Of course, in the first 13 weeks

on the market

10 people died. Don't look for the FDA to recall it. They are not interested

in safe drugs.

Searle showed an editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association the

first 6 months

of research and he wrote a glowing report. Then he happened to be visiting the

FDA for an

arthritis meeting and saw the last 6 months of research and all the problems.

And he was

furious but he had already published the report. Perhaps you were looking for

integrity from a

manufacturer of aspartame?

Mrs. King, aspartame is so dangerous it even damages the cardiac conduction

system and

causes sudden death. It also interacts with cardiac medication. So people are

now just

dropping dead from aspartame.

And if you think ANZFA is any better think again. They have received complaints


aspartame for years and Dr. has written them personally. So what do

they do about

it, knowing its a deadly neurotoxin, they approve a clone that the FDA won't

even approve -

Neotame. It has only been approved in Australia and New Zealand by your great


I have written repeatedly. They have no comment except to say they have done


investigation. Extensive investigation on these short term studies on Neotame -


extensive could it - perhaps an hour and a half?

Don't write form letters and hope for imagined investigations. The people of

Australia and New

Zealand need your left to stop this mass poisoning. We are now taking case

histories for

class action on aspartame and facing what may be one of the largest plagues in

world history.

500 Reports have been sent to Brussels with the hope that aspartame can be

banned in

Europe, while ANZFA approves a more potent version. Make something happen, Mrs.


The first thing is educate yourself on the subject. Monsanto knowing litigation

is coming sold

NutraSweet and merged with Pharmacia, but it won't help them. Read Dr. Woodrow


report titled Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health,


He is now living in New Zealand and can be reached at woody.monte@... Then


Dr. Cabot, Mission Possible Australia, doctorcabot@..., and

cabot@... She is a brilliant physician who specialized in OB-GYN and


written books and articles on the liver. She lectures on NutraSweet all over the

world and can

explain to you how deadly it is. I would also contact Wheeler, Mission

Possible New

Zealand at chrisw@... who has written in great detail on the subject. Also,


Ziliani, Mission Possible Australia and bring to this meeting Trish

Jardine, a victim

and now part of Mission Possible New Zealand.

Once you have a meeting with these people you will know how deadly aspartame is.

Monsanto sold part of NutraSweet to Ajinomoto. If you really want to know the

details of the

fiasco of aspartame approval read my letter to them completely documented.


Remember nothing is going to happen unless you make it happen. I ask that you

help to

save the people of New Zealand and Australia. ANZFA will never do anything of

its own

accord, we've tried for years. They know the score and could care less.

Today we have at least 5 aspartame detoxification centers in the US and there

are 100,000

web sites warning consumers. The Aspartame Toxicity Center documenting the

horror stories

is at www.holisticmed.com/aspartame There are now four support groups on line

for the

victims. Within about a week we will have the entire Board of Inquiry report

scanned into web

along with one of the congressional records and the famed Dr. Olney's

testimony to the

Board of Inquiry. Dr. Olney is probably one of the most renowned

neuroscientists on the

planet today and founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity. He

did the studies

on aspartic acid, a component of aspartame in l970 and found that it caused

lesions in the

brains of mice. He told Searle but they did not tell the FDA until after it was


Neurosurgeon Blaylock, M.D., wrote the book on excitotoxicity -

Excitotoxins: The

Taste That Kills, www.amazon.com it's all a matter of public record. And its

all at your

disposal. Remember the people of New Zealand need you, and nothing is going to


unless you make it happen.


Mrs. Betty i, Founder

Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097


770 242-2599.

Knowledge is power... only if you know

what to do with it. I'd rather be wise.

Race to Save the Primates - every click provides food!


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