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Re: New to SCD/Read the book

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Bridget, Your daughter could be one of my kids. I have an almost 16 year old

on scd for almost 2 years now. It was tough in the beginning until he could see

the amount of food he could have to substitute the other stuff. It took him a

year of strict scd before we saw the behavior change. But it came!!!!! In the

last year we have only had 1 situation of that kind of behavior. We still get

adolescent behavior but not the out of control stuff. He is also learning

better. Bacon is sold in every grocery store that is listed as low sodium

bacon. Check them out, it does't have any sugar in it. Just make sure there is

lots of food available to her that is legal. I think you said it yourself that

the thing that will make it work for her is to understand the goal she wants and

then go for it. " She wants to be N.T. " Remind her of it often. This is how

we get there. My son now brings his own food where ever there is other food.

Alot of kids would rather have his food. I also

didn't want to deal with the pressure of school and the accessiblity of other

food so I took them out. Have you thought of homeschooling her for a while to

get her through the hump of knowing how good she could feel. Congratulations on

getting her down on the meds. You are truly a fighter for her and she is

blessed that your her mom. Pearl

Hi guys,

My daughter was diagnosed ADHD when she was 6, she is now 10.

Learning disabilities, ASD type symptoms.

It has been a long road, trying different things.

Been to Pfeiffer and 2 DAN doctors.

I truly believe ADHD is a symptom and not a true diagnosis after

everything we have been thru.

She has major IgG food allergies that cause many of her symptoms

(especially gluten).

Bottom line, and I won't go thru the past 4 years, we started her on

the Houston enzymes, and the improvement was unbelievable. But I

wanted to keep going as she was on 54 mg Concerta. Behavior improved,

everything. Then started on GSE for a while, and the bacteria flared

up, the ugly ODD mean stuff, she did great on GSE till then.

Anyway, with everything I've done, she is now down to 27 mg concerta.

(Hey, I am getting there)The 2nd DAN put her on Klaire probiotics and

Caprylic acid, tough adjustment, but she was doing great, till she

couldn't tolerate them anymore, and became ill (that cycle you know).

ANyway, DAN told me she wouldn't treat my daughter anymore till we

went GFCF, so we tried that for awhile (1 month), with such horrible

reactions to the increase in the Carbs, that I realized I absolutley

had to do SCD.Never called the DAN back. Went to Whole Foods (we're

in Calif) and started making nut muffins and yogurt (exhausting).

As my daughter is 10, high functioning ADHD in a very demanding

school (her problems are mostly behavioral) she wants to be NT :.(

and eat what the NT kids eat, you know, all the junk.

My daughter can not tolerate pizza, of any form, and of course what

do they serve at every kid party ...PIZZA.

So I've read the book, and I believe,Another book that was recently recommended

to me by a health care worker was The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is

Not Immunizations.

I did not do the intro diet because I knew she would starve her self

first (which would actually help in a weird way). But she is very

thin, so I am concerned about her general health.

Slowly moving into SCD with the introduction of the muffins, breads,

to replace her lunch sandwich. We have been mostly low carb with her

in general. The only carb I really let her have was a small PB&J at

lunch, stuffed her with fruits, eggs, bacon (which, unless I can find

a no sugar bacon, she'll have to give up) Any ideas for bacon, which

she loves?

I know as she is 10, and I have no control over what she puts in her

mouth every minute (caught her at the lockers at school eating

chocolate chip cookie with another girl, I was cool, I didn't freak!)

What I really need is an SCD coach? Anyone know of one here Calif?

Or I can I e- mail an SCD coach?

I will tell you, she was very happy to have SCD almond cookies and

muffins, because she hasn't even had that! in 6 months.(other than

what she sneaks at school) We're talking about a plan for her to earn

money by following the diet (any other ideas?)

She can not tolerate honey, so I am subbing the saccharin for now.

She has had a yeast flare up since starting which I treated with GSE.

Tried small does of yogurt (1tbs). Will have to start smaller. She

did ok, but I need to go back and start with just licks.

I really think this will work for her. Anticipating the ups and

downs, as I have seen with everyhting else. But I still keep trying.

I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I see how far we have gotten!

Hope I can get some great info from you guys!


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Bridget, Your daughter could be one of my kids. I have an almost 16 year old

on scd for almost 2 years now. It was tough in the beginning until he could see

the amount of food he could have to substitute the other stuff. It took him a

year of strict scd before we saw the behavior change. But it came!!!!! In the

last year we have only had 1 situation of that kind of behavior. We still get

adolescent behavior but not the out of control stuff. He is also learning

better. Bacon is sold in every grocery store that is listed as low sodium

bacon. Check them out, it does't have any sugar in it. Just make sure there is

lots of food available to her that is legal. I think you said it yourself that

the thing that will make it work for her is to understand the goal she wants and

then go for it. " She wants to be N.T. " Remind her of it often. This is how

we get there. My son now brings his own food where ever there is other food.

Alot of kids would rather have his food. I also

didn't want to deal with the pressure of school and the accessiblity of other

food so I took them out. Have you thought of homeschooling her for a while to

get her through the hump of knowing how good she could feel. Congratulations on

getting her down on the meds. You are truly a fighter for her and she is

blessed that your her mom. Pearl

Hi guys,

My daughter was diagnosed ADHD when she was 6, she is now 10.

Learning disabilities, ASD type symptoms.

It has been a long road, trying different things.

Been to Pfeiffer and 2 DAN doctors.

I truly believe ADHD is a symptom and not a true diagnosis after

everything we have been thru.

She has major IgG food allergies that cause many of her symptoms

(especially gluten).

Bottom line, and I won't go thru the past 4 years, we started her on

the Houston enzymes, and the improvement was unbelievable. But I

wanted to keep going as she was on 54 mg Concerta. Behavior improved,

everything. Then started on GSE for a while, and the bacteria flared

up, the ugly ODD mean stuff, she did great on GSE till then.

Anyway, with everything I've done, she is now down to 27 mg concerta.

(Hey, I am getting there)The 2nd DAN put her on Klaire probiotics and

Caprylic acid, tough adjustment, but she was doing great, till she

couldn't tolerate them anymore, and became ill (that cycle you know).

ANyway, DAN told me she wouldn't treat my daughter anymore till we

went GFCF, so we tried that for awhile (1 month), with such horrible

reactions to the increase in the Carbs, that I realized I absolutley

had to do SCD.Never called the DAN back. Went to Whole Foods (we're

in Calif) and started making nut muffins and yogurt (exhausting).

As my daughter is 10, high functioning ADHD in a very demanding

school (her problems are mostly behavioral) she wants to be NT :.(

and eat what the NT kids eat, you know, all the junk.

My daughter can not tolerate pizza, of any form, and of course what

do they serve at every kid party ...PIZZA.

So I've read the book, and I believe,Another book that was recently recommended

to me by a health care worker was The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is

Not Immunizations.

I did not do the intro diet because I knew she would starve her self

first (which would actually help in a weird way). But she is very

thin, so I am concerned about her general health.

Slowly moving into SCD with the introduction of the muffins, breads,

to replace her lunch sandwich. We have been mostly low carb with her

in general. The only carb I really let her have was a small PB&J at

lunch, stuffed her with fruits, eggs, bacon (which, unless I can find

a no sugar bacon, she'll have to give up) Any ideas for bacon, which

she loves?

I know as she is 10, and I have no control over what she puts in her

mouth every minute (caught her at the lockers at school eating

chocolate chip cookie with another girl, I was cool, I didn't freak!)

What I really need is an SCD coach? Anyone know of one here Calif?

Or I can I e- mail an SCD coach?

I will tell you, she was very happy to have SCD almond cookies and

muffins, because she hasn't even had that! in 6 months.(other than

what she sneaks at school) We're talking about a plan for her to earn

money by following the diet (any other ideas?)

She can not tolerate honey, so I am subbing the saccharin for now.

She has had a yeast flare up since starting which I treated with GSE.

Tried small does of yogurt (1tbs). Will have to start smaller. She

did ok, but I need to go back and start with just licks.

I really think this will work for her. Anticipating the ups and

downs, as I have seen with everyhting else. But I still keep trying.

I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I see how far we have gotten!

Hope I can get some great info from you guys!


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Bridget, Your daughter could be one of my kids. I have an almost 16 year old

on scd for almost 2 years now. It was tough in the beginning until he could see

the amount of food he could have to substitute the other stuff. It took him a

year of strict scd before we saw the behavior change. But it came!!!!! In the

last year we have only had 1 situation of that kind of behavior. We still get

adolescent behavior but not the out of control stuff. He is also learning

better. Bacon is sold in every grocery store that is listed as low sodium

bacon. Check them out, it does't have any sugar in it. Just make sure there is

lots of food available to her that is legal. I think you said it yourself that

the thing that will make it work for her is to understand the goal she wants and

then go for it. " She wants to be N.T. " Remind her of it often. This is how

we get there. My son now brings his own food where ever there is other food.

Alot of kids would rather have his food. I also

didn't want to deal with the pressure of school and the accessiblity of other

food so I took them out. Have you thought of homeschooling her for a while to

get her through the hump of knowing how good she could feel. Congratulations on

getting her down on the meds. You are truly a fighter for her and she is

blessed that your her mom. Pearl

Hi guys,

My daughter was diagnosed ADHD when she was 6, she is now 10.

Learning disabilities, ASD type symptoms.

It has been a long road, trying different things.

Been to Pfeiffer and 2 DAN doctors.

I truly believe ADHD is a symptom and not a true diagnosis after

everything we have been thru.

She has major IgG food allergies that cause many of her symptoms

(especially gluten).

Bottom line, and I won't go thru the past 4 years, we started her on

the Houston enzymes, and the improvement was unbelievable. But I

wanted to keep going as she was on 54 mg Concerta. Behavior improved,

everything. Then started on GSE for a while, and the bacteria flared

up, the ugly ODD mean stuff, she did great on GSE till then.

Anyway, with everything I've done, she is now down to 27 mg concerta.

(Hey, I am getting there)The 2nd DAN put her on Klaire probiotics and

Caprylic acid, tough adjustment, but she was doing great, till she

couldn't tolerate them anymore, and became ill (that cycle you know).

ANyway, DAN told me she wouldn't treat my daughter anymore till we

went GFCF, so we tried that for awhile (1 month), with such horrible

reactions to the increase in the Carbs, that I realized I absolutley

had to do SCD.Never called the DAN back. Went to Whole Foods (we're

in Calif) and started making nut muffins and yogurt (exhausting).

As my daughter is 10, high functioning ADHD in a very demanding

school (her problems are mostly behavioral) she wants to be NT :.(

and eat what the NT kids eat, you know, all the junk.

My daughter can not tolerate pizza, of any form, and of course what

do they serve at every kid party ...PIZZA.

So I've read the book, and I believe,Another book that was recently recommended

to me by a health care worker was The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is

Not Immunizations.

I did not do the intro diet because I knew she would starve her self

first (which would actually help in a weird way). But she is very

thin, so I am concerned about her general health.

Slowly moving into SCD with the introduction of the muffins, breads,

to replace her lunch sandwich. We have been mostly low carb with her

in general. The only carb I really let her have was a small PB&J at

lunch, stuffed her with fruits, eggs, bacon (which, unless I can find

a no sugar bacon, she'll have to give up) Any ideas for bacon, which

she loves?

I know as she is 10, and I have no control over what she puts in her

mouth every minute (caught her at the lockers at school eating

chocolate chip cookie with another girl, I was cool, I didn't freak!)

What I really need is an SCD coach? Anyone know of one here Calif?

Or I can I e- mail an SCD coach?

I will tell you, she was very happy to have SCD almond cookies and

muffins, because she hasn't even had that! in 6 months.(other than

what she sneaks at school) We're talking about a plan for her to earn

money by following the diet (any other ideas?)

She can not tolerate honey, so I am subbing the saccharin for now.

She has had a yeast flare up since starting which I treated with GSE.

Tried small does of yogurt (1tbs). Will have to start smaller. She

did ok, but I need to go back and start with just licks.

I really think this will work for her. Anticipating the ups and

downs, as I have seen with everyhting else. But I still keep trying.

I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I see how far we have gotten!

Hope I can get some great info from you guys!


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Welcome to the group Bridget,

> My daughter can not tolerate pizza, of any form, and of course


> do they serve at every kid party ...PIZZA.

Have you tried any of the SCD pizza recipes:

The recipe in BTVC


My kids love the hamburger crust Pizza:

http://www.scdrecipe.com/recipes/r_035_00041.php I top it with

homemade pizza sauce (legal tomato juice simmered with garlic and

basil) and their fav toppings.

I also make personal pizzas without nut flour so they could bring

them to their Nut free school. I used the Nut free dairy free bread

recipe at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/pecanbread/files/

baked into circles as the base and loaded it with toppings.

> So I've read the book, and I believe, but how do I get my ADHD 10


> who wants to be a NT and VERY PICKY eater, to go along with the



> I did not do the intro diet because I knew she would starve her


> first (which would actually help in a weird way). But she is very

> thin, so I am concerned about her general health.

> Slowly moving into SCD with the introduction of the muffins,


> to replace her lunch sandwich. We have been mostly low carb with


> in general. The only carb I really let her have was a small PB&J


> lunch, stuffed her with fruits, eggs, bacon (which, unless I can


> a no sugar bacon, she'll have to give up) Any ideas for bacon,


> she loves?

The nut free dairy free bread is great for making sandwiches. You

can bake it square or rectangular and looks like wheat bread with

the crusts cut off. I have made grilled cheese, egg salad, bacon

and cheese melts and pb and (homemade) jam sandwiches with it.

> I know as she is 10, and I have no control over what she puts in


> mouth every minute (caught her at the lockers at school eating

> chocolate chip cookie with another girl, I was cool, I didn't



> What I really need is an SCD coach? Anyone know of one here Calif?

> Or I can I e- mail an SCD coach?

You can ask questions on the list or see

http://pecanbread.com/support.html or


> I will tell you, she was very happy to have SCD almond cookies and

> muffins, because she hasn't even had that! in 6 months.(other than

> what she sneaks at school) We're talking about a plan for her to


> money by following the diet (any other ideas?)

There are lots of great recipe ideas geared toward's kids at


Other SCD recipe sites:





Lots of great info also at (picky eaters etc..)


Sheila, SCD 60 mos, 22 yrs UC

mom of and

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