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Re: need advice on colonic, edemas, cleansings

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We have found that our 4 year old with crohns gets a big tummy and

loose stools when fed veggies, fruits and even cooked applesauce when

having microbial overgrowths going on. We back way off the juice,

cooked veggies, appleasauce and she starts having much better

formation of stool and a smaller tummy. She feels a lot better.

She's only 3 months into the diet so she is not tolerating much

beyond steak, hamburger, eggs, chicken, banana's and the chicken soup

recipe. She also gets her freeda multi vitamin. There are times

when she will start tolerating more things and we bump up the

applesauce and butternut squash. Higher protein and very little

carbs work best for our child early in this diet.

Brent father of Ella, 4 years old. SCD 3 months crohns


> Hi,

> my 2.5 year old ASD son has huge " pregnant " tummy after each

> meals


> we have been SCD since june 2004

> and try feeding him smaller amounts/meal

> still he has big belly post meals


> I suspect he has some form of colitis

> since he has not gained weigh for 1 year

> and he used to cry pre-diet when I gave rice or beans or sweet


> colic if I ate dairy/chocoholate and nurse him when he was little


> he was developing normally and was advanced

> at 14 months he was speaking in sentences

> and had over 100 words

> he was doing so well (he was almost completely SCD since

> birth) that I broke his diet to make him gain weight

> in Feb 2003 we gave nystatin and then broke his diet

> hoping he would gain weigh

> in 3 months of that, he regressed and was diagnosed with autism

> I am so sad but

> how can 3 months of broken diet create autism

> and 8 months of SCD cannot correct it

> how did i destroy this child?

> (he had 2 rounds of vaccines as newborn)


> I imagine the GFCF cookies, rice, potatos, sugars are stuck in

> his ultra sluggish gut and that

> it is STILL there after all these SCD months

> that's why he looks pregnant

> and is so sluggish, autistic


> is it safe to do colonics, enemas, cleansings for a small child

> where is the best place to look for info?

> do i find a dr to do it

> or do it myself

> how frequently can i do it



> any info, tips, advice


> thanks!

> Jzin Teng


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