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Re: Jerry

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all you people are scaring me as i start on pred in about three weeks. some

of the side effects are terrifying. i would hate to think that i could get

grouchy with my only family. three cats and a dog. they are the ones i talk

to all the time and dont want them upset with me. i read each email with

interest as this group has given me so much infomation about aih. at least it

made me question my liver doctor who finally decided to shut me up he better

start treating me. he was not going to treat me at all from june to dec, in

that length of time, who knows what could have happened to me. geri is very

helpful and the others also. sometimes i feel they have an inside joke and i

dont know what the punch line is or the joke, but just keep reading and soon

it will come forward.

just keep in the group and in time you will feel right at home.

linda satx

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the only other support group I`ve ever

tried is A.A.

don`t now nor ever have had a drug problem

your perception is wrong if you think have belittled anyone

my life has been far from pitiful but rather given my disease has been

quite blessed

and all in all i`m quite happy with the person I am --

as a professional perhaps you regognize that quite often we don`t like

others because we see something of ourslves in them

I capitulate and bow to your obvious superior insight....

your indebted servant...jerry

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Don ...

It seems that I`ve gotten off on the wrong foot..and it bewildered me

that I could act that way.. What i`ve come across as is the exact

opposite of me.

I`ve apologized for my boorishness but it doesn`t seem to be enough,

The group is supposed to support like people and offer advice to those

new to AIH. I`ve been told

on this site that pred. causes such effects but when it happens it goes

unrecognized for what it is and that understanding is missing. I`m not

going any further as what ever I say is misperceived ,even when written

in black and white. Thank you for your kindness .I really did take

Zoloft but stopped sometime ago as I made peace with my self, perhaps

I`ll get it rescripted.


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don .... thats the other thing .. I find my self trying to explain my

behavior to my family and friends because they never knew me like that ,

but I don`t even know myself.... my kids understand too.. they have to

,they love me..

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that is a good question. when they discovered there was something wrong with

my liver it was in jan of 2000. when they did my three month check on my

sugar diabetis. then they send me to this liver doctor, and before i saw him,

had a cat scan where you drink all that " good " junk. also had a liver biopsy.

the liver doctor could not make up his mind what was wrong with me, only that

i only had 15 per cent of my liver left and the rest was cirrhosis. (if i had

gotten it the usual way, i could see it, but there was nothing in the

neighborhood for me.) oh i did tell the liver doctor of the weekend i went

with parents without partners and we had no water to brush our teeth with and

i used creme dementhe. but i dont feel that little amount would cause my

problems. any way, when i saw him again in june after the biopsy, he stated

that he would see me again in december. i asked for something to help me keep

what little liver i had left, but he said that at my age he didnot think it

would help. what is the matter with my age, so i am over the hill, dont feel

like it and dont want to look like it and dont want a liver that does either.

lol lol lol

it was not until i started writing to this group that i realized that he was

not helping me by not helping me, does that sound confusing??? it is 3:30 am

anyway. i finally told him i wanted something done and he stated there was a

blood test that would prove positive whether i had hep c or aih. i took it

and it came back with neg for hep c. actually, he did not give me the first

steriods, the aristocort. my primary did because my legs and arms and joints

and bones and all ached so bad. i spent a month like that and could not stand

the pain any longer and made an appt to go see her and told her and she

suggested the one i had now. but after i took that blood test, and went back

to see dr flores he told me to finish up the aristocort and go and have blood

work done and then take the pred for six weeks and go for more blood work. i

have a new hmo and am going to see if i can get a second opinion. i dont

really feel that flores wants to help me that much. or he feels that i am to

old so why bother. again i dont think that sould be a consideration for help.

i have 8 grandchildren i want to see grow up and maybe in time, if i am

lucky, an old friend will come back into my life that made me feel like a

truly beautiful person, even though i know the answer to that. i used to tell

him, i looked like a million dollars----old and wrinkled!!!!!!!!!!but he did

not see it that way and it made me feel good about myself. oh well, enough of

that. gosh now i am not sure if i answered your question or told you my life

story. forgive me for boring you. thanks for writing back,

linda satx

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satx, I want to get to know you so don't worry about telling me your

life story. I feel I do the same thing when talking to people in here but

one thing leads to another to get the point across. I am glad you are going

for a second opinion cause I don't think that other doctor knows anything

about AIH or liver diseases. I know when I went to see my Gyn. and was

telling him about Jodi having AIH, who is her Gyn. also he told him he didn't

know what that was. I feel there are a lot of doctors out there who aren't

keeping up with a lot of the diseases they don't know what causes them or how

you contract them. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of your problems.

Take care and God bless.

Genny/Jodi's Mom/AIH


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The time delay with e-mail groups can sometimes take its toll. Sometimes people react to things written several days ago. You've already moved on, yet it seems like people keep bringing up the past. That's the downside of e-mail groups. It's not as immediate as you'd sometimes like.

Recognizing that misunderstandings can and do happen, it's best to keep disagreements civil. It's ok to disagree with an idea, its never a good idea to attack the person. If you get upset that someone is misunderstanding you, it's best to hold your tongue, or fingers, and let things calm down, rather than writing something that you may have to apologize for, later.

Though we understand how our meds can affect our moods, none of us like to be yelled at, or made fun of.


Terradon Unlimited


"People who ask me how we can still have such a positive attitude after all we’ve been through, have it all wrong…We’ve been able to get through all that we have BECAUSE we have a positive attitude". Don Hanson 8/2000

-----Original Message-----From: gefox@... [mailto:gefox@...]Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 4:20 PM egroupsCc: egroupsSubject: RE: [ ] JERRY

Don ... It seems that I`ve gotten off on the wrong foot..and it bewildered methat I could act that way.. What i`ve come across as is the exactopposite of me.I`ve apologized for my boorishness but it doesn`t seem to be enough,The group is supposed to support like people and offer advice to thosenew to AIH. I`ve been toldon this site that pred. causes such effects but when it happens it goesunrecognized for what it is and that understanding is missing. I`m notgoing any further as what ever I say is misperceived ,even when writtenin black and white. Thank you for your kindness .I really did takeZoloft but stopped sometime ago as I made peace with my self, perhapsI`ll get it rescripted.jerry

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I strongly suggest you get your script refilled. Explaining your actions only goes so far. My family understood why I had the outbursts, but they sure didn't like it. My wife, who dearly loves me, almost filed for divorce because it got so bad. Once on paxil, I could better control myself.


Terradon Unlimited


"People who ask me how we can still have such a positive attitude after all we’ve been through, have it all wrong…We’ve been able to get through all that we have BECAUSE we have a positive attitude". Don Hanson 8/2000

-----Original Message-----From: gefox@... [mailto:gefox@...]Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 4:25 PM egroupsCc: egroupsSubject: RE: [ ] JERRY

don .... thats the other thing .. I find my self trying to explain mybehavior to my family and friends because they never knew me like that ,but I don`t even know myself.... my kids understand too.. they have to,they love me..

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Thanks Don but I made a decision awhile ago that didn`t really need it

I really had reached an elevated state of serenity. I just had forgotten

how I had gotten there.

Sincere prayer.. All I had to do was return to this simple method. I did

last night. I`ve offered my apologies the best I`m able, gave up and

moved on. I can`t change other people only myself. Nor can I take back

the past I choose to live in the moment, for my future is unkown and

doubtul to say the least. Hence when I feel emotions of anger and

resentment coming out pred. induced or not I will try to take a moment

to meditate and pray, before I say things I really don`t mean.

Your advice is not going to be entirely disregarded though cause I like

to leave

options.Also your advise and grasp of my feelings is greatly

appreciated. I just for a moment had forgotten how I had reached this

point in the 1st pl.

Keep the wisdom coming.... jerry

I strongly suggest you get your script refilled. Explaining your actions only goes so far. My family understood why I had the outbursts, but they sure didn't like it. My wife, who dearly loves me, almost filed for divorce because it got so bad. Once on paxil, I could better control myself.


Terradon Unlimited


"People who ask me how we can still have such a positive attitude after all we’ve been through, have it all wrong…We’ve been able to get through all that we have BECAUSE we have a positive attitude". Don Hanson 8/2000

-----Original Message-----From: gefox@... [mailto:gefox@...]Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 4:25 PM egroupsCc: egroupsSubject: RE: [ ] JERRY

don .... thats the other thing .. I find my self trying to explain mybehavior to my family and friends because they never knew me like that ,but I don`t even know myself.... my kids understand too.. they have to,they love me..

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I heard you Jerry, I was just asking if you could help me....but never mind.

Take care,


Re: [ ] Jerry

I`ve said ...repeatedly..... prayer and meditation...positive

thinking,and a sense of humor... obviously no one`s listening

....... I`ve asked no one for help.

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You have told us in every post how you are an alcoholic and you make sure we

all hear you. One question is why are you an alcoholic? And as for laughing

off not taking your meds because you don't feel like getting them. Did you

know That with Prograf you only have a 2 hour time table? Then you try to

believe the added damage is the AIH. Of course it is. By not taking your

Prograf you allow the AIH to attack the liver.


galye@... ^0^


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Believe me, Jerry, THINKING people are long past wanting to help

you. I didn't have a dog in this fight but you have repeatedly

attacked my friends without provocation, so here I go:


whined because you felt ignored, then when you weren't you lashed out

viciously at people you don't have a prayer of understanding. Kind

and good people. Do you know what NO SLAMMING means? I have read

posts where people reached out to you - not for help, but in

friendship and asking for your help. That earned people your

vitriolic spew. Trust me when I say this - we don't care about your

alcoholism, your religious beliefs or what a terrific person all your

cohorts think you are. All we want from you is support. All we want

to give you is support. It is clear that you only bring pain and

stress to this group. You are hurting people I have long cared about

and I cannot be silent anymore.

It's time for you to take another personal inventory. You have

started negative altercations in every instance. I have been reading

posts for more than a year, and I certainly know a pugilist when I

hear one. I have never seen a bigger chip on anyone's shoulder. If

you are looking for a group on which to take out all your miseries,

this one isn't it.

I felt very supportive and understanding of you when you first

joined, but you quickly destroyed those sentiments in me. Once

again, this is a SUPPORT GROUP and you have only been centered on

self. Clean up your act or go elsewhere.


Joan and all, my apologies.

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\take me off this list immediately.

[ ] Jerry

> Good Morning, hope you are having a good weekend. I just wanted you to


> that I appreciate your posts. I don't respond to many but I have found


> you offer information that I can relate to. I don't think that I would be

> able to be so personnal online but I appreciate your candor,honesty, and

> outlook. Thinking of you.

> Debra

> your gentle friend

> God Bless






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Jerry - you took what I said the wrong way not everyone with a liver disease


and that is why I was upset. Lets not start this alcoholism thing agin.

Everyone lives

their life as they wish I didn't choose to drink you did and I do not look

down upon you for that, it was your choice as was mine not to. Amen. At

leaset I finally got a

post from you. Hugs to you Gerry with your strength you will fight this I

know you will


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, you took me the wrong way.. I just don`t know how to communicate

with this group . I was only saying the same as you were ..not everyone

who has cirrhosis drinks...... I was making a social comment the same as

you were....my point is that when these people thought you were

alcoholic they looked down on you ..... why should that be?..... and you

got mad because of it... I`m not trying to start anything all over

again. real alcoholics have LOST their ability to CHOOSE to drink or

not......It`s a disease .....like AIH..... you can`t just will it

away...Please show me some compassion I`m on your side.... I`ve got AIH

and alcohol didn`t cause it...I`m praying that God graces you with....

love and serenity jerry

Jerry - you took what I said the wrong way not everyone with a liver disease


and that is why I was upset. Lets not start this alcoholism thing agin.

Everyone lives

their life as they wish I didn't choose to drink you did and I do not look

down upon you for that, it was your choice as was mine not to. Amen. At

leaset I finally got a

post from you. Hugs to you Gerry with your strength you will fight this I

know you will


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I don't know what to say to you anymore....do you read with understanding

what others are saying....I don't think so...you take offense at everything

said by others.. and say we take you the wrong way... Jerry, we have taken

you just as you presented yourself here....you have made the image we have of

you, don't blame us for that...I get so many letters personally about you...

and you always have to come back with a long distertation about you....JERRY,



compassion......compassion for what.....we are all in the same boat, have

some form of liver disease at varying stages, we are all compassionate with

each other...you seem to miss that.....And people look down everyone for one

thing or another....I am looked down on because I am Italian...so what....it

is their problem, not mine....I am the most important person I know...I

think we are have that right to feel like that...even you.....

So Jerry, Please refrain from making retorts back when you feel someone has

taken you the wrong way...show us a little of that compassion you want from


Love ya'll, have a great day, remember to laugh all day. Laughter is music to

the heart and very healing. Soooooo, laugh a lot, love a lot, and be healthy,

especially love a lot, the more love you give the more you get in return.....

Joan, List Moderator


AIH, 1 Gall Stone, HBP


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Jerry - There is something that I don't understand if you had a transplant,

which means a new liver how did you get AIH? Was it because the disease was

in your system or was the new liver infected with it? I don't want to appear

stupid I just

don't understand that. I thought once you get a new liver everything is

fine, maybe

I am living in a dream world. Take care,

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......I don`t know... I had never heard of this disease before... I

was told that autoimmune diseases were present in your system and is

carried in the blood....

as I have no family history of Ai disease

it was conjectured that I contracted it perhaps from blood I received

during all the transfusions I got (varecial bleeds, hemmorage,surgery)

or even in the new liver itself..... it lie dormant till it was

triggered ..... I`m lucky, as I routinely get my blood drawn and it was

diagnosed early I think..


Jerry - There is something that I don't understand if you had a transplant,

which means a new liver how did you get AIH? Was it because the disease was

in your system or was the new liver infected with it? I don't want to appear

stupid I just

don't understand that. I thought once you get a new liver everything is

fine, maybe

I am living in a dream world. Take care,

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Thanks Jerry I have been having a lot of discomfort and have watched diet,


don't understand what could be going on, and have real sharp pains in my

right shoulder. Any ideas you have been through it all? Hugs,

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