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Hello My Panc. Pals!!!

Last post I made said 'feeling great.... " ...GUESS WHAT????? About

30 minutes later I was in absolutely horrible pain. I took my

percocet like a good girl but no help. So I went to the ER at

4:30am...I Pleaded with the Dr. (he has seen me numerous times) to

make sure I was admitted. I am supposed to be admitted upon

arrival...Right?? That's My DR.'s Orders. Well, My Dr. was supposed

to be on vacation and his partner whos knows me also refused. After

getting 75 + 25 mg of demerol they sent me home. 2 hours later I was

back in the ER and this time they admitted me. Unfortunately my Dr.

cancelled his vacation because of this. Guess I do have somewhat of a

gem in him. I didn't have the best stay in the hospital as the veins

kept blowing etc. I finally talked my Dr. into a picc line (he was

weary as I had developed a blood clot from one b4) so in case I need

to return to the ER for meds or need fluids at home it would be easy.

Today I had a celiac block. So far so good. My back is killing me and

I've had abdominal pain but I think it's from severe diarrhea.

Anyway...everything is in place for MN. Just waiting to hear from

Anne Marie for the exact surgery date.

Good News...I have Friends. While I was in the hospital several of

my friends got together and have spread the word of my impending

costly surgery. A local band (I'm casual friends with all the guys)

are donating all of their door takes and their pay for the next 8

gigs to help defray the cost. I also have someone who has offered to

pay for all airline tickets involved (including my follow-up visits).

I guess I'm not a person who asks for anything (except prayers) and I

was very shocked that people have offered monetary gifts. I haven't

told my mom yet because she would refuse any help. I'll just present

her with the tickets.

, Glad to hear you are doing better buddy!!!! Keep the faith

dahlin...things will get better.

, Congrats Dude!!! I'm extremely Happy for you and wish I

was eating Mc's french fries right now! I'm Jealous....lol.

I'm not slighting anybody but I have a ton of mail to catch up on.

I'm tired from the lack of sleep in the hospital and need my rest.

I'll be caught up in a few days.

Hope everyone is doing well and remember the PAI members are always

in my prayers.

Peace & Love,

N'Awlins Gal

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