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Re: Re: Fish/Jeni Lynn

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Jeni Lynn-

I just wanted to jump into this discussion to ask you another question ( all

of your info has been so helpful!).

Which specific type of NN CLO are you using?

Also, is there any reason why you chose the NN CLO over Kirkmans?

Thanks as always!


> Hi!


> Dr. ph Mercola recommends that no one consume fish unless they

> know for a fact that it is from the Alaskan waters. He says these are

> the only waters left in the world that are not polluted, and fish from

> other waters contain unsafe levels of mercury.


> Aside from Dr. Mercola, pregnant women are now told to not consume any

> fish (canned or otherwise) during their pregnancy for this same reason.


> You have to make your own decision, but we do not consume fish any

> longer in our family. We do, however, use Nordic Naturals Cod Liver

> Oil as a supplement for the necessary omega-3 fatty acids as well as

> the Vitamin A and D (since we are dairy free). This cod liver oil is

> third party tested for safety. And the vitamin A in the cod liver oil

> comes in a form (palmitate, I believe) that can be absorbed by my

> kids. Many kids that are ASD are not able to absorb vitamin A in the

> other form which comes in vegetables like carrots, etc. For example,

> my infant shows levels of plenty beta carotene in her blood. However,

> her body does not convert that beta carotene to vitamin A. As a

> result, she has dangerously low levels of vitamin A. The cod liver

> oil provides the vitamin A in direct form and she is able to absorb it

> that way.


> Hope this is helpful!


> Jeni Lynn

> mom to Margeaux, 5 yr. (ADD)

> , 3 yr. (undiagnosed gastrointestinal problems)

> Elle, 16 mo. (leaky gut, severe eczema, and heavy metal toxicity)



> >

> > Since my daughter is autistic, is it better for me not to give her

> > fish, fresh and from a can, due to the mrecury levels and metals? Or

> > am I OK to do so?

> >








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Jeni Lynn-

I just wanted to jump into this discussion to ask you another question ( all

of your info has been so helpful!).

Which specific type of NN CLO are you using?

Also, is there any reason why you chose the NN CLO over Kirkmans?

Thanks as always!


> Hi!


> Dr. ph Mercola recommends that no one consume fish unless they

> know for a fact that it is from the Alaskan waters. He says these are

> the only waters left in the world that are not polluted, and fish from

> other waters contain unsafe levels of mercury.


> Aside from Dr. Mercola, pregnant women are now told to not consume any

> fish (canned or otherwise) during their pregnancy for this same reason.


> You have to make your own decision, but we do not consume fish any

> longer in our family. We do, however, use Nordic Naturals Cod Liver

> Oil as a supplement for the necessary omega-3 fatty acids as well as

> the Vitamin A and D (since we are dairy free). This cod liver oil is

> third party tested for safety. And the vitamin A in the cod liver oil

> comes in a form (palmitate, I believe) that can be absorbed by my

> kids. Many kids that are ASD are not able to absorb vitamin A in the

> other form which comes in vegetables like carrots, etc. For example,

> my infant shows levels of plenty beta carotene in her blood. However,

> her body does not convert that beta carotene to vitamin A. As a

> result, she has dangerously low levels of vitamin A. The cod liver

> oil provides the vitamin A in direct form and she is able to absorb it

> that way.


> Hope this is helpful!


> Jeni Lynn

> mom to Margeaux, 5 yr. (ADD)

> , 3 yr. (undiagnosed gastrointestinal problems)

> Elle, 16 mo. (leaky gut, severe eczema, and heavy metal toxicity)



> >

> > Since my daughter is autistic, is it better for me not to give her

> > fish, fresh and from a can, due to the mrecury levels and metals? Or

> > am I OK to do so?

> >








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Jeni Lynn-

I just wanted to jump into this discussion to ask you another question ( all

of your info has been so helpful!).

Which specific type of NN CLO are you using?

Also, is there any reason why you chose the NN CLO over Kirkmans?

Thanks as always!


> Hi!


> Dr. ph Mercola recommends that no one consume fish unless they

> know for a fact that it is from the Alaskan waters. He says these are

> the only waters left in the world that are not polluted, and fish from

> other waters contain unsafe levels of mercury.


> Aside from Dr. Mercola, pregnant women are now told to not consume any

> fish (canned or otherwise) during their pregnancy for this same reason.


> You have to make your own decision, but we do not consume fish any

> longer in our family. We do, however, use Nordic Naturals Cod Liver

> Oil as a supplement for the necessary omega-3 fatty acids as well as

> the Vitamin A and D (since we are dairy free). This cod liver oil is

> third party tested for safety. And the vitamin A in the cod liver oil

> comes in a form (palmitate, I believe) that can be absorbed by my

> kids. Many kids that are ASD are not able to absorb vitamin A in the

> other form which comes in vegetables like carrots, etc. For example,

> my infant shows levels of plenty beta carotene in her blood. However,

> her body does not convert that beta carotene to vitamin A. As a

> result, she has dangerously low levels of vitamin A. The cod liver

> oil provides the vitamin A in direct form and she is able to absorb it

> that way.


> Hope this is helpful!


> Jeni Lynn

> mom to Margeaux, 5 yr. (ADD)

> , 3 yr. (undiagnosed gastrointestinal problems)

> Elle, 16 mo. (leaky gut, severe eczema, and heavy metal toxicity)



> >

> > Since my daughter is autistic, is it better for me not to give her

> > fish, fresh and from a can, due to the mrecury levels and metals? Or

> > am I OK to do so?

> >








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Thanks Jeni.

Yes, I believe that Kirkmans is the only SCD compliant one, per our

nutritionist. However, I like the NN products too and was thinking of also

using the NN CLO.

Thanks for all of your help and info.

I appreciate you taking the time to share so much!


> ,


> I haven't looked into Kirkman's. My guess is that this form is OK

> since Kirkman has such a good reputation. However, this is only a

> guess. Like I said, I haven't looked into it personally.


> We chose NN CLO simply because this was the only brand (along with

> Carlson's) that was recommended by our nutritionist who works closely

> with our DAN. I think the things that make it recommendable are the

> way the cod liver oil is processed, the fish that it is derived from,

> and the fact that all of this is third party tested for safety.


> Currently, my children are on the peach flavored liquid form (my kids

> like this flavor best). It says Nordic Natural's Artic Cod Liver

> Oil, pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled on the label. When

> it is available, we get the orange flavored liquid form simply

> because that flavor comes in a family sized bottle (found at Whole

> Foods). And if you are curious about dosages. Our nutritionist has

> all of my kids taking 1/2 tsp. 2 times a day.


> Out of curiousity, do you know of a reason why Kirkman's would be a

> better choice? Is it SCD compliant whereas NN CLO is not (or

> something like that)?


> Jeni Lynn



> > > >

> > > > Since my daughter is autistic, is it better for me not to give

> her

> > > > fish, fresh and from a can, due to the mrecury levels and

> metals? Or

> > > > am I OK to do so?

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

> the book

> > > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

> following

> > > websites:

> > > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > > and

> > > http://www.pecanbread.com

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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