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Hi everyone:

I will giving a presentation on migrant farmworking men and I wanted to see

if someone could help me.

I wanted to show the streams, in which the MSFW move through the country.

Could some please send that to me.

Mil Gracias!

Jesús Reyna

Latino Health Specialist

Washington Association of Community & Migrant Health Centers



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One of these two references has a great migrant stream

illustration - sorry I can't remember which it is:


D. 1992. Health Status and Needs of Migrant Farm Workers

in the United States: A Literature Review. Journal of

Rural health. 8: 227-234.


J.S. 1991. The Health of Migrant Farmworkers.

Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. 6(3):


Let me

know if you have already found what you were looking for. If

not, I will send you a scanned version of the migrant stream

illustration - I have this on my home computer so will need to do it

at night.




Hi everyone:

I will giving a presentation on migrant farmworking men and I wanted

to see

if someone could help me.

I wanted to show the streams, in which the MSFW move through the


Could some please send that to me.

Mil Gracias!

Jesús Reyna

Latino Health Specialist

Washington Association of Community & Migrant Health Centers



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I was woundering if you thought of going out and doing a survey for recent

information.My family travel from Michigan to Florida every year.

In Michigan we picked manazana, pepino,fresas y blueberries y en florida

tomate.Some of my family left for the oranges in florida and will come

back fo blueberries,fresas,pepinos y las manzanas para la otra cosecha.este ano

en michigan la temporada de la serresa no dio.Muchas familas lluegaron

y como helo en los principos de la primera se perdio la serresa,un tanto de la

blue berry,fresa y tardo la manzana,pepino, y lo que no se

perdio de las demas cosechas.este ano fue diferente pero si hubo una cantidad de

gente en la clinica en donde trabajo que vino y cuando fuimos a los campos en la


de out reach que hacemos y donde hacemos preguntas de salud.Ojala que esto te

ayude de algo Norma

--------------Original Message-------------

From: Latinohealth@...

Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 08:41:16 -0800

Subject: [ ] RE: STREAMS

>Hi everyone:


>I will giving a presentation on migrant farmworking men and I wanted to see

>if someone could help me.


>I wanted to show the streams, in which the MSFW move through the country.


>Could some please send that to me.


>Mil Gracias!


>Jesús Reyna

>Latino Health Specialist

>Washington Association of Community & Migrant Health Centers





>To Post a message, send it to: Groups


>To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to:




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