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Hi All,

I joined the board 2 weks ago and have been amazed at the postings

and support you offer.

My story is this I am a 33 year old female. I had my gallbladder out

in January 2002 and thought it was gonna be fine. It was for awhile.

Then at Easter of this year I came down with Hypoglycemia, paramedics

took my sugar reading at 24. I just knew I was gonna die that day.

Scarred me senseless. Was in hospitial for 2 days and docs couldnt

ind anything wrong with me. Told me to eat every 2 hours and watch my

sugar. Then a week later I started having pain under my right rib

that was similar to my gallbladder attacks. Also was vomiting after

every meal or had severe naseau. Went to urgent care and they said I

might have an ulcer and sent me home with protonix. Didnt stop the

pain or naseau. Went to my idiot PCP and she swithced me to Nexium.

Gave me bad diareah. Switched me to Prevacid and naseau stopped,

whew. But the pain is still there and switches from right to left

side with back and shoulder blade pain as well. Prescribed

Hydrocodine and that made me ill and naseaus so I stopped taking it

and am living with the pain. Was refferred to GI and he did a

colonoscopy and found 2 poloyps and removed then and told me nothing

was wrong. Wanted to do an ERCP to look for ulcer and I told him no I

would do an upper GI first if he really thought I had an ulcer it

would show up there. He got mad, but relented. Had the test, showed

negative for ulcer, but very mild reflux. Told me to keep taking the

prevacid. I has now been 6 months and I have lost 50lbs, I feel like

crap, have no energy, I want to sleep all the time and I cant keep my

sugar regulated. I do eat every 2 hours and I eat as much protein as

I can stomach. I have been on unemployment since. Febuary and that

ran ot so I started my own business in my hometown. Hoping it would

take off and I wouldnt have to make excuses to my boss as to why I

couldnt come in today cause the pain is so bad. My 17 yr old daughter

helps me at the store, so when I feel bad I just go in the backroom

and laydown on a love seat I got for just that reason. However my

business isnt doing as well as I would like and if it doesnt pick up

in the next month or so, I might have to consider closing it. I live

in the extreme southern part of Illinois. Is there anyone out there

who is close by who shares in my experience. I know I am having

pancreitis attacks, yet the docs are not interested. I have no

medical insurance currently. I am applying for a state medical card,

but I don't hold my breath as I own my own business and they will

expect me to not pay rent on the building in order for my to cover my

medical expenses. Then I have no business and would have to go on

welfare, which pays nothing. Visious circles here. It is hard enough

to buy strips for my gluco meter, not to mention the $120 a month for

30 pills of prevacid. Thanks god for samples or I would have been on

the streets alot sooner.

Thanks for letting me ramble and tell me story, and thanks for all

the email support I recieve from this board daily.

I would make a suggestion that people take a few minutes and hit the

chat room at night. I have been there 3 times in the last week and no

one is there, not even a moderator. I think it would be nice to all

get together and chat.

Once again thanks for letting me vent and if any of yu have any

suggestions, please feel free to load my email box up, lol

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