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Photofacial Success in Ireland!!!

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Hi everyone!

I'm am posting you today, 2 weeks after my 3rd photofacial treatment

and thank god it looks like i may have my old life back. Like most

people here i have been thru the mill with this horrible condition.

I've been on antibiotics, antihistamines daily, used the rosacea LTD

discs, pumped loads of vitmain supplements into me, all to no avail.

I was also on the verge of going on a course of Accutane. Now after

only three months my rosacea is almost completely gone. Last night i

was in a pub drinking pints of guinness by a big open fire and my

face looked great, no hint of flushing. This would have been

impossible only a few weeks ago. My face still looks a bit red and i

can and do still flush but nothing as bad as before and it's usually

after working out or if i'm really stressed and not from having a

coffee or beer or a pizza. However my face is still improving

everyday. I intend on having one more treatment next month and my

doctor believes that will be sufficent. She never induced a flush

before hand and when i mentioned to her about some people in this

group having increased redness after their 3rd or so treatment she

genuinely seemed very surprised, saying she had never heard or seen

this in any of her patients and that the person who had performed the

photofacial had not done so properly.

I still continue to drink 2-3liters of water daily plus i continue to

take approx 3-4000mgs of vit c and 450mg of grape seed extract. I

also tried to eat as healthy as possible and still leave out foods

(well try to)that would have caused me to flush before. I'm going on

a surfing holiday in a few weeks time and i have to admit that i'm a

little anxious about spending alot of time in the sun even with a

60spf on. As it is my own personnel opinion that sun is a major

culprit when it comes to rosacea as in sundamage although my doctor

did tell me it was purely genetic and that there was nothing i could

have done to prevent it. Anyway thats my story so far. Hopefully i

will see only improvements in my rosacea but i will still be careful

with my skin for ever from what i eat,drink and expose it to.

Unfortunetly the cold weather is playing havoc with my eczema, it

hasn't been this bad for years and i don't know why, it's only my

face thats effected!!

I hope this post is of some encouragment to some of you and i would

strongly recommend people go for photofacial.

I received my treaments from the Derma Clinic in Blackrock, County

Dublin and the doctors name has completely slipped my mind!! If

anyone requires any more info please feel free to e-mail me.


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