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Re: Debbie from W

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You bring up a point I have pondered many times. I have had documented cases of

acute pancreatitis. I've also had times when the panc enzymes were normal but

the liver enzymes were up to 30 times the normal limit. Then I've had times

when the labs were totally unremarkable. The pain feels the same to me no

matter what the labs show. In fact, some of the worst episodes I've had (in

regard to pain, nausea, and vomiting) have been with totally normal labs.

Typically, my mind works in a very logical fashion. (my undergrad degree is in

math/education) I try to find a logical explanation for even the strangest

things in life. For the life of me, it just does not make sense that I would

have documented cases of acute panc and then have the exact same pain (with

normal labs) that is totally unrelated to whatever is causing the pancreatitis.

I mean, to me, it would seem bizaar that I would have acute panc and something

totally unrelated cause the exact same pain and symptoms. Also, if not for

something related to an improperly functioning pancreas, why would I begin to

develop problems with my blood sugar going too high and too low (don't want to

call it diabetes at this time!) after losing 100 lbs and also 2 months after the

return of the acute panc attacks? I've had one general surgeon refer me to

Vanderbilt (in Nashville, TN) with a diagnosis of chronic panc. The general

surgeon that just recently did my hernia(s) repair and looked for adhesions in

the area of the panc and bile duct told me that his guess on the blood sugar

problems would be that my panc has sustained damage and no longer functions

properly. Am I missing something or is this basically another way of saying I

have the beginnings of chronic panc despite the fact that on film the panc looks


I'm really not trying to diagnose myself. (okay, maybe I am) Mostly, I'm just

trying to find an answer for the somewhat bizaar things I have going on with my

health. Add to the mix, the fact that I have systemic lupus and my rheumie told

me she believes the acute panc is related to the lupus. This was 2 weeks prior

to the return of the acute panc attacks. At the time I saw her, I was having no

problems at all and had almost forgotten my history of acute panc.


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