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Re: Tiredness, nigthmare and spanish

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Oh man! I undestand you so well, I'm feeling the same

way since the day this stupid condition came along. I

know I have to keep a positive state of mind but is so

difficult !!! specially when I look myself in the

mirror and I think " now what? " It seems that doesn't

matter all the speacial care, all the drugs and

topicals, all the gallons of water, all the vitamins

and all the restrain in my diet and lifestyle, my face

just is still red, dry and awful looking. I would give

anything just to feel and look " normal " again or just

to have a day without worrying about my face. I'm

sorry to say that life in no fun anymore. I'm just 32

and I already dread the future!.

As all you I also so tired of all the hope build up in

a moment with a new topical and the disappoinmet that

follows...this is so frustrating...

Maybe I am at the moment that my skin is so sensitive

that reacts with everything and I don't know what to

do anymore.

I know that I'm sounding like a good candidate for

prozac but it feels so good to vent and not have to

keep the charade of coolness or self-calm that I have

to play for my husband and relatives, for a moment, so

they don't send me to the cuckoo house ; )

and all , thanks for reading my distress ...I

just want to wake up of this nigthmare!!!...

BTW sorry for my bad english, my main language is

spanish, so if somebody here speaks spanish feel free

to email me, thanks.

--- Dennis & Galway dgalway@...>

escribió: >


> > Does anyone elso feel that having rosacea makes

> them particularly tired -

> that day to day activities take more out of you than

> most other people<


> Hi Thanks for a great post. I am both emotionally

> and physically drained

> with this cursed thing. I think that if dermos knew

> the toll that this has

> taken on some of our lives, then, at least, they

> would be a little more

> sympathetic.

> I know, I know. I am a supposedly mature 51 year old

> woman still ranting and

> raving about something over which I have no control.

> This feeling of loss of

> control (whether perceived or real ) is zapping me

> of energy. I try not to

> let it get to me, I honestly do but I am so afraid

> that something I might

> eat or drink or wear or say will make me flush or

> blush or flare and set off

> a whole chain of events that will make matter worse.

> This continually

> walking on eggs shells is almost unbearable.

> I don't understand what is going on with my face. I

> truly don't. Just

> thinking about what is going on makes me tired. then

> I have nothing left to

> give. No energy for things that I know will make me

> feel better but for now,

> they are too much for me to consider doing or

> participating in. For example,

> as many of you know I retired from a 30 year

> teaching career last June and I

> still try to maintain some contact with my

> colleagues. well, I supposed t

> meet them for a social this afternoon but I could

> not muster the desire or

> the energy to go. The worry of being there and the

> not knowing what this

> wretched face of mine mught decide to do was simply

> too great. I stayed at

> home. Now I feel guilty for not going. I am about

> ready for a nervous

> breakdown. I just want to feel numb. I don't want to

> have rosacea or sebderm

> anymore. wanting it to go away so badly is

> emotionally taxing as well.

> i have days when I don't think that I can bear

> another yet somehow I muster

> on. This is the time of my life when I thought that

> I could do all the

> things that I did not have the time or the money to

> do when I was younger

> and raising my son. Now what do I do.

> When I see or read those ads or those stupid

> brochures at the dermos, I

> could scream. they make rosacea seem so simple. Just

> wash with Cetaphil, use

> the topicals and camoflage the red . Be happy. watch

> those triggers.

> I got to end now since all this ranitng and raving

> is making me tired. all I

> want to do is curl up nd sleep. You know from

> Shakespear

> sleep that knits the ravelled sleeve of care

> to bed to bed, perchance to dream... dream of a

> cure, dream of not having

> this, of not hearing that cursed word, dreaming of

> washing my face without

> fear, dream of eating some pizza. dream of having a

> glass of wine to

> celebrate my 3oth anniversary, dream of going biking

> with my husband. All

> dreams.

> I am so tired. So tired. I am so relived that these

> words are being read by

> those who do not judge me as a sick, self centrered

> whiner. Those of us who

> have suffered ( yes, I say suffer ) from rosacea can

> understand. i am

> speaking from my heart

> thanks for listening.


> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > Please read the list highlights before posting to

> the whole group

> (http://rosacea.ii.net/toc.html). Your post will be

> delayed if you don't

> give a meaningful subject or trim your reply text.

> You must change the

> subject when replying to a digest !

> >

> > See http://www.drnase.com for info on his recently

> published book.

> >

> > To leave the list send an email to

> rosacea-support-unsubscribe

> >

> >

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