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howdeeEEE EVERYONE......








REAL & DID VERY WELL WITH IT LAST NIGHT.So, we will see by Friday :):):)

ELLA... so nice to see you on the list. join them all .Great folks.

Thanks for your note .

FRED.YEA!! your back. I am so happy your trip went well. I know it had

some touching moments BUT, it was so gratifying for you & Pat. We're

glad your here.

GINA.. Your such a sweetie , as I said to many BUT , I DO MEAN THAT.. it

was so nice , not surprising though, that I heard form so very many

about ERIN'S first & very upsetting hospitalization. thanks bunches.

CHERI. it is the same to you as well. I am happy your gifts from heaven

are doing well. bless you for your caring for as well.

JEN/RON... It was good to hear from you.Sorry I missed you here in FL .

I was the one going away, but you know that feeling. I sure hope that

Mall is doing better & of course all the gang doing well. You are a true

saint the way you get all " stuff " done. No wonder the child from

one of your centers wants to be with you & yours. best wishes on the

next visit for Mallory too.keep us posted on that.

CHRISTIE.R.. thanks for your post on the mold. I forwarded that on to

Kelley also. I had told her when we were in the local hospital , I

couldn't believe they put her neb back into a zip lock bag, no washing,

no drying , wet. to breed all it could between treatments...They also

touched everything with their hands.NO gloves.I was appalled

There were other things too, but I wont go there now:) Thanks for

keeping us up to date on so very much.

SUE, It was sad to hear about your emergency trip to the club

too.Bleeding isn't to be taken lightly. I am glad your doing a bit

better now.I hope you got some more helpful ideas from the lists for

" next time " which I pray doesn't happen to you .I do mean it when I say

take care..& I know you will!

JILL C.... KEEGAN will always be there to check on you , so the next

reunion you go to, be sure to check on it . :):) I know you were having

a great time, & he will be over your shoulder too. Those things are so

much fun -sometimes.........I hear. I haven't been to one, But did go

back & visited OLD friends. Gosh, Are they ever OLD.I don't want to do

that again.:):):)

AGNES,, it was nice to get your post .I do hope everything is starting

to go better. Insurance & all that stuff is such a trial . Tell that

great kid, ALEX I said hi . How is he doing now.?Oh, & a hi to Bob


CLOYCE .. I just found the pic you & sent me , I laid it on my

desk, .have moved so much " stuff " around , I couldn't find it. Just did

a major clean up here & found it . you gals are sure good looking I hope

this note finds you both & your families doing well . Haven't heard much

about TARA lately, so have to think she is doing fine. She is in my

prayers. give all a shout from me too.

LIZA/BREE. I am so glad your back & we will hear as you have time. it is

tough when your working & have the wee one by yourself. but know your in

my prayers.

TRICIA M.. Gosh, 4 boys, that is a big job, even without the CF . I know

you are liking these lists.It adds to your day allot that your hubby

has MS too. be sure & take time for you , so you will be able to do all.

It is an overwhelming job to each /many here on the lists too.You are

great to do as well as you do. Don't feel different in that manner. We

understand & you can post those feelings here & get much support from

others & maybe get some ideas how to help you deal with it at the same

time. We are very glad your here & do hope your doing o.k. now.

NICOLE C.. Sorry I haven't written much , as you can imagine I haven't

stopped . At my daughters house I didn't know how to get on the computer

to get my emails. Sure wish I had. I am going to get the " tricks of the

trade " on how to do that...It is great that you & are doing so

well. I am very happy for you & proud you have worked out all the

logistics, etc. take care. I will write to you directly soon.

HELENA... HI there.it is very nice to have someone from Finland here on

the list. Maybe you will share how some of your treatments are done &

many of the different meds & therapies you have. You said there were

only 50 folks with Cf there. Gracious, Your whole population must be

small ????I will look forward to your posts.

TIFFANY R.. how are you doing now gal?? I haven't spoken to you in a

bit. I do hope your car window has been fixed now. I was hoping it would

get done while you were in this time for treatment. When did you finally

HAVE to go in? Did have to take off much work. Sure hope not, I

know he's really trying to save (???) days off.

Could the insurance co go after the gal who hit you. Maybe just to help

$$ so you could get the other one fixed (window, etc.)I wonder if

Abilities would at least pay for the window as that does affect your

health.Did you call. Can't hurt. keep in touch. Love ya!!

LORNA.. I love the idea of many of us getting together when you get here

for your visit. How many have you heard from yet?? It sounds like fun.

Spring break-here we all come:):):)

GINNY. thanks for your nice posts .Your sure full of great info. I

passed it on . She is doing better & hopefully get to go home soon. Once

they could get the bowels to open up , she started doing better. The key

was to her moving about -walking allot!! then of course .allot of

something else.that caused a gasmask alarm for all :):):)Anyway, she is

doing that fairly normal . of course , we not having normal meals yet,

that cant be either. thanks for all your well wishes & prayers .

CATHY, I am so glad your trip was a FULL filling one. Also the vest box

idea worked for you. they are such a helpful company . It makes the

whole trip a different one. Maybe next time our paths will cross.Jen was

here , but I kept having to go to N.C. with ERIN. so , we will meet

again soon. Hope you got pictures too.

DAELYNN.. I am sorry your son , had to go thru this as ERIN

did. he was so young . She did understand & that helped a little bit

when they had to do things -they explained. At least it is all over but

the shouting I HOPE, now.You were absolutely right. MOVING was the trip

.. getting it started .God Bless you & thanks so much for your prayers &


ROXANNE B...I am happy your doc found a way to keep you out of the

hospital for awhile. It might be that some of the other times , you

didn't have to either. Did you just change docs/clinics?? Sometimes they

do things differently .of course, they should for different folks

-different strokes, I think that is the way its said :):):)But , the

important thing is your doing better now. take care , I will look

forward to your posts.

BECKY D.. what is the change. ?? Maiden or wedding ?? I am sure

your doing well now. I know it helps when your doing well & then you can

deal with other problems. I am so happy about the clinic report . Ten

weight gain was super as well as the growth chart WOW!!! way to go

Zithromax!1 .and a good mommy.

ELLA.. my dear, what a terrible bug that Winter Vomiting Bug is -was.!!

I am hoping above all that it is on its way to an end. You have surely

been thru it & back again. I hope all has started to settle now &

getting back to normal(?) :):):)Wishing you all well.

KATHY Greek goddess.......:):) gosh, I am glad your doing well. I know

the discussion of TX isn't fun, but on the other hand, it is a whole new

life. You know some who have been there -done that & hear & see what

they mean. I know you & will do well when the time comes. You can

then beat him at ping pong :):):)Take care sweet wee one. GrandmomBEV is

keeping you in my prayers.

ERIC It is very nice to see your post .You are a wealth of info . at 47

yrs, I know you have been there& done that too. Thanks for your input..

JACQUI L.. WELCOME, I do hope you have found out about the insurance

info. it is always something with them. We are getting different

questions BUT there seems to be one who knows about it , each time we

have questions. So , ask away. It is nice to have you on these lists

too.hoping your kiddo's are doing well.

KERRY. I am so happy Maggie made cheerleading again. You knew she would

..She is great!! Stevie is the little s---- in the gang , but he is

adorable .so, just give it up :):):)

Tell Maggie . lots of hugs & kisses from me on her getting picked!!!

Now , I think I need to stop for a bit so this will get on line. I never

know how big it is .

I miss you all terribly . Hope to be able to stay on & keep up with all

of you . gosh, lists are growing . (Cause your all so good)

Best of wishes, vibes & prayers , as you need & want...........





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