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Physiology of Airway Mucus Clearance

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Physiology of Airway Mucus Clearance

Bruce K Rubin MEngr MD FAARC


Role of Mucus in Mucociliary Clearance

Mucus Properties



Airway Surfactant

Cough Clearance

Role of Inflammation

Chest Physical Therapy


Respiratory tract secretions consist of mucus, surfactant, and

periciliary fluid. The airway surface fluid is present as a bilayer,


a superficial gel or mucous layer and a layer of periciliary fluid

interposed between the mucous layer and the epithelium. A thin layer


surfactant separates the mucous and periciliary fluid layers. The


layer extends from the intermediate airway to the upper airway and is

approximately 2-10 micro gmm thick in the trachea. Airway mucus is the

secretory product of the goblet cells and the submucosal glands. It

is a

nonhomogeneous, adhesive, viscoelastic gel composed of water,

carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. In health, the mucous gel is

primarily composed of a 3-dimensional tangled polymer network of


glycoproteins or mucin. Mucin macromolecules are 70-80% carbohydrate,


protein, and 1-2% sulfate bound to oligosaccharide side chains. The

protein backbones of mucins are encoded by mucin genes (MUC genes), at

least 8 of which are expressed in the respiratory tract, although


and MUC5B are the 2 principal gel-forming mucins secreted in the


Mucus is transported from the lower respiratory tract into the

pharynx by

air flow and mucociliary clearance. Expectorated sputum is composed of

lower respiratory tract secretions along with nasopharyngeal and

oropharyngeal secretions, cellular debris, and microorganisms.


of normal secretion or mucociliary clearance impairs pulmonary


and lung defense and increases risk of infection. When there is


ciliary damage and mucus hypersecretion, airflow-dependent mucus

clearance such as cough becomes critically important for airway


Key words: mucus, sputum, cough, cilia, mucociliary clearance,

surfactant, submucosal glands, goblet cells, cystic fibrosis, chronic

bronchitis, asthma. [Respir Care 2001:47(7):761-768]


Mucus secretion and clearance are extremely important for airway

integrity and pulmonary defense. It has been estimated that mucus

secretion volume is between 10 and 100 mL per day in health. Airway


is a viscoelastic gel containing water, carbohydrates, proteins, and

lipids. It is the secretory product of the mucous cells (the goblet


of the airway surface epithelium and the submucosal glands). Mucus is

transported from the lower respiratory tract into the pharynx by air


and mucociliary clearance. In human large airways, and in many larger

species of mammal, the capacity to secrete mucus in response to a

stimulus seems to lie principally in the glands. However, at rest,


cells may contribute a greater fraction to the total mucus volume,

considering the contribution of distal airways, where surface mucous

cells are found in the absence of submucosal glands.

Mucus consists of a superficial gel or mucous layer and a liquid or

periciliary fluid layer that bathes the epithelial cilia. These 2


are separated by a thin layer of surfactant (Fig. 1). In health, the

mucous layer is about 2-5 micro gmm thick in the trachea, and it


from the bronchioles to the upper airway. The periciliary fluid layer

lies between the cell surface and the mucous layer at a depth that is

just less than the height of a fully extended cilium. Mucus protects


epithelium from foreign material and from fluid loss. The depth and

composition of mucus depends on secretion from airway glands, goblet


discharge, and active ion transport across surface epithelium.

Sputum consists of lower respiratory tract secretions, nasopharyngeal


oropharyngeal material (including saliva), microorganisms, and cells.

When there is mucous hypersecretion and impaired clearance, abnormal

respiratory secretions can impair pulmonary function, reduce lung

defenses, and increase the risk of infection and possibly neoplasia.

The collection of normal mucus for analysis requires sampling from

endotracheal tubes, bronchial aspirates from healthy animals or


or secreted material from animal trachea or human bronchial explants.

Commonly the study of airway secretions consists of examining

expectorated sputum, but that material would give only limited insight

into the properties of native, uninfected mucus.

Positioning Versus Postural Drainage




Posture and Turning

Postural Drainage

Practice to Evidence

Postural Drainage Procedure

External Manipulation of the Thorax

Contraindications for Postural Drainage


Role of Exercise


For the past 70 years positioning and postural drainage have played an

important role in increasing lung volumes, perfusion, oxygenation and

mobilization of secretions. While gravity is not a primary mechanism


normal secretion clearance, it plays a major role in depth and

pattern of

ventilation, perfusion, and lymphatic drainage. Changing patient

position, or turning patients on a regular basis, is a powerful tool


maintaining lung health in a broad range of patients. In contrast,

postural drainage requires considerable investment of time, and has


shown to have limited benefit in most patients. Postural drainage has

been shown to improve mobilization of secretions in patients with


fibrosis as well as patients who produce, and have difficulty


large quantities of sputum. The benefits of postural drainage appear

technique-dependent, requiring sufficient drainage time (3-15 min) for

each position drained. The evidence does not support the use of


and percussion independent of active postural drainage. Exercise


benefit in secretion clearance, which increases when combined with a

program of postural drainage. In conclusion, routine turning,

mobilization and exercise is important to maintain lung health in all

patients, while postural drainage, properly applied, has been shown to

improve secretion clearance in a relatively narrow range of patients


cystic fibrosis and excessive sputum production. Key Words: postural

drainage, secretion clearance, chest physical therapy, cystic


[Respir Care 2001:47(7):769-777]


Since the 1930s, clinicians have used gravity (by turning the

patient) to

increase lung volumes and oxygenation and to help mobilize secretions

(via postural drainage). Low lung volume, ineffective cough,

ventilation/perfusion mismatch, and thick secretions are commonly

associated with pulmonary complications. Though postural drainage has

become synonymous with secretion clearance in patients who have large

volumes of secretions, there is a greater body of evidence supporting


therapeutic implications of mobilization and patient positioning for a

broader patient population. This became evident to the team charged to

develop the American Association for Respiratory Care's Clinical


Guideline on Postural Drainage. Consequently, that document expanded


scope beyond postural drainage, to include the therapeutic impact of

positioning. In this paper I explore the practice of and the rationale

and evidence for positioning and postural drainage in secretion


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