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RE: Vascular flushing and antibiotics.

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" You can stay on minocycline indefinately,especially if it helps your

flushing "

Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) has been reported to account for at least 50% of

chronic health care complaints, in today's society. In LGS, the epithelium

(outer surface of cells) of the small intestine becomes inflamed and irritated,

which allows metabolic and microbial toxins of the small intestines to flood

into the blood stream. This event compromises the liver, the lymphatic system,

and the immune response including the endocrine system. It can be a e primary

cause of the following common conditions: asthma, food allergies, chronic

sinusitis, eczema, urticaria, migraine, irritable bowel, fungal disorders,

fibromyalgia, and inflammatory joint disorders including rheumatoid arthritis.

It also contributes to PMS, uterine fibroid, and breast fibroid. Leaky Gut

Syndrome may also be the basis for chronic fatigue syndrome and pediatric immune


LGS is a modern phenomenon. Historically, the only way bowel toxins entered the

blood stream was through trauma, for example by sword or spear. This quickly led

to septicemia that might be treatable, or more probably, ended in death. Outside

of trauma, the body maintained a wonderfully effective selective barrier in the

small intestine, one that allowed nutrients to enter, but kept out metabolic

wastes and microbial toxins rampant in the intestines.

What modern event allowed such a breakdown? Primarily it has been antibiotics,

secondarily non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs are commonly

taken for various pains, and include ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil). They are quite

damaging to the small intestine mucosa lining. Since their entry into

mainstream medicine in 1939 antibiotic use accelerated. Among other conditions,

they have been heavily prescribed for pediatric ear infection, bronchitis, and

sore throat. It is sadly ironic that many of these infections are viral in

nature. In this instance, not only are the antibiotics damaging, they are also


Antibiotics create their damage in two ways. The first is by destroying

beneficial bacteria. The small intestine and large intestine host over five

hundred different kinds of beneficial bacteria. These bacteria perform hundreds

of functions required for healthy metabolism and immune response. Through enzyme

secretions, bacteria transform metabolic and microbial wastes before the body

discharges them. These wastes include cellular debris, hormones, chemical

wastes, bile, pus accumulations, viral toxins, bacterial toxins, etc.

For example, the body creates bile not only as a lubricant to flush wastes out

of the liver, but also, by its cold and bitter nature, to detoxify many of the

poisons accumulating in the liver. Bile however is extremely caustic to large

intestine epithelium. When bile enters the small intestine via the common bile

duct, beneficial bacteria break the bile salts down into a less caustic

compound, making it non-dangerous by the time it reaches the large intestine.

When you take antibiotics you destroy these bacteria and the bile salts freely

enter and damage the large intestine. I believe this contributes significantly

to the high incidence of colon cancer plaguing today's society.

Beneficial bacteria also break down hormone secretions that are discharged from

the liver to the small intestine. If you lack the bacteria to break down

estrogen and the intestinal permeability has been altered, the patient is now

reabsorbing estrogens in their original state. The body will deposit these in

estrogen sensitive areas such as the breast, uterus, or ovaries, contributing,

if not causing, fibroids and tumors. The same scenario is responsible for

premenstrual syndrome as well.

Healthy mucosa allows nutrients to pass the barrier while blocking the entry of


With leaky gut, the barrier is dysfunctional, blocking nutrients at the damaged

villi while permitting toxins to enter the blood stream.

Antibiotics Promote the Growth of Fungus

The second way antibiotics damage the intestines is by fostering the growth of

Candida albicans and other pathogenic fungi and yeast. This event, more than any

other, precipitates Leaky Gut Syndrome. In a healthy situation the small

intestine epithelium maintains tight cell junctions, which contributes to the

physical barrier involved in intestinal absorption. In addition to the physical

barrier, there is an important chemical barrier within the mucus. This barrier

contains immune agents that neutralize any toxin that comes in contact.

Candida exudes an aldehyde secretion that causes small intestine epithelial

cells to shrink. This allows intestinal toxins to infiltrate through the

epithelium and into the blood. The secondary barriers, immune agents in the

epithelial mucus, remain the sole agent for neutralization. Eventually, the

immune system becomes exhausted rising to this challenge.

Many people have an erroneous belief that the Candida itself enters the blood

stream, allowing it to be deposited elsewhere, such as the brain. Unless the

immune response is completely depleted, as in AIDS, Candida is quickly destroyed

in the blood. The real damage done by Candida is to the intestinal epithelial

barrier, allowing the absorption of serious toxic agents and chemicals, which

then enter the blood and affect numerous organs, including the brain.

Food Allergies: The Complicating Factor

When the integrity of the intestinal barrier has been compromised, intestinal

toxins are not the only pathogens to be absorbed. The barrier, in a healthy

state, selectively allows digested nutrients to enter the small intestine when

all is ready. With leaky gut, nutrients can be absorbed before they are fully

digested. The body's immune response, through specific antigen-antibody markers,

will tag some of these foods as foreign irritants. Every time that particular

food touches the epithelia, an inflammatory immune response is mounted which

further damages the epithelial lining. What started as a Candida irritation with

shrinking of the cells has now been complicated with active inflammation every

time a particular food is eaten. Food allergies are a common secondary problem

to Candida, and if present, will maintain the leaky gut continuously, even if

the Candida is eradicated.

The most common food allergies are dairy, eggs, gluten grains (wheat, oats,

rye), corn, beans (especially soy), and nuts. There are seldom real allergies to

meat, rice, millet, vegetables, or fruit, although an allergy to garlic is not

uncommon. We have to distinguish a real allergy - that which causes a histamine

inflammatory reaction at the site of the small intestine (SI) epithelia - from

sensitivity, which may cause uncomfortable symptoms, but seldom is damaging.

Sensitivities are usually due to low stomach acid or pancreatic enzyme

secretion, that is, poor digestion.

In the healing of the intestinal lining, exposure to a significant allergy can

sabotage the treatment. For example, one may be very good at restricting wheat,

dairy and eggs, but then compromises the treatment by taking garlic tablets.

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