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does anyone donate?

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Just out of curiosity what do people think about donating to the NRS? I was

going to ask if anyone does donate (inadvertantly have!) but that's a bit


I'm just curious, as we're on a mission to crack this thing and I think (know)

scientists are needed. I can't seem to find any listings of any other research

going into rosacea. I am in the UK and have tried to find about any other

scientific research related to rosacea. I couldn't find anything!- not a dicky

bird. A lot of the hospitals are researching more " life threatening conditions "

fair enough but it still doesn't install one with much confidence..

At least some of the research going on for the NRS is sounding like it's going

in the right direction. It wasn't that long ago that facial edema (I'm not

referring to nose swelling) associated with rosacea was ignored. I remember

being told five years ago that rosacea may cause nasal thickening, but it

doesn't cause edema, even with severe flushing ( I think it's pretty much

impossible for anyone not to sell slightly when very hot even if you aren't a

rosacea - just look at folks in the gym). Even though i was living proof.

I wonder if more funds would help push the process along a bit?. Does anyone

know of any other reserach going on?

PS before any of you start moaning I don't work for the NRS- I just want a cure/

effective treatment and quick:) and quite frankly searching for it independantly

and avoiding triggers is costing me a fortune.


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