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any advice about pcp not returning calls?

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i HAVE had my pcp now for 11 months... I don't know what to make of

him.. He is young.. but initially sounded like he was knowledgeable

and caring about my cp now for 6 years.. I have been through lots of

doc's that just don't know a thing or they are really nasty! I

haven't had insurance now for 3 years and tom has now spent ALL his

inheritance money on me and my medical bills which are

henderous.......! Now..... the inheritance money is ...0....

gone and he is working 2 full time jobs just tokeep up. Anyway...

I called dr.a my pcp and asked the recpt./nurse for some lortab as

I haven't had pain meds in 2 months. Could she call in a prescrip.

as she has done before..... I am having major flareuiups and can't

control them.. She said she would ask Dr. A. She called back and

said he didn't feel comfortable giving the prescript. as i had missed

2 appts... and refused surgery as was recommended by surgeon. i

wasn't aware of the two appts. i explained or i surely would have

called or been there.... and as for the surgery.... i didn't refuse

it..... that it was decided that the two large pseudocysts they

found .... one larger than my pan and the other covering my left

kidney..... had shrunk dramatically in 5 days AFTER the

cat/scan..! I had and still along with prayer, meditation... do

visualization..... and these two large cysts have now shrunk and I

didn't even need pain meds..... I told her our situation had now

changed and we had no money for a 140.00 office visit and anyway I

couldn't get there. Could you please let me talk to dr. a.???? or

what do you suggest i do? He never returned my callsssss and I have

a feeling she... isn't giving him the message... I just don't know.

and I don't know how to find out if he doesn't want to treat me

anymore or he isn't getting the messages I give to her..... her name

is Patty. This isn't the first time she has made things difficult

for me. she has an attitude..... if you get what i'm saying....

Dr. A. pcp has conversed with Dr. J. my gastro specialist.... who

by the way is an absolute saint!.... every single time I go to see

him. Dr. A that is... Maybe..... Dr. A. is tired of me or...... I

don't have a clue as to what's going on. A few days ago.. I called

Dr. J. to see if I could get in ... and the recptl just

laughed.... Dr. J. is booked.... because of season starting

now.. Down here.... in florida.. the snow birds take presidence over

us locals... and things are miserable when they are here. They are

rude to say the least. She called me back a day later and I have

a cancellation spot tuesday... to see Dr. J.... He has done many

ERCP's on me and stents and as much as I hate them ...... they do

help..... especially the stents.. But the pain factor.... up to

three days after the procedures is maddening... to say the least... I

get 150 demoral every 2 hours with a breakthrough of 5 morphine if

needed.... And it doesn't even begin to take the pain away.. but

that's all they will give. I pace and pace and pace...when i'm in

the hospital and i seldom sleep a wink... I always have centerlines

in hosptial as my veins roll and colapse easily even with a ped's

butterfly. I also rock.. sitting in bed.. I rock myself up and down

from my waist to the bed constantly... it doesn't what realm of drugs

they give..... I cannot relax. I have been tortured by unqualified

personal before in hosptials before many many times... and I seem to

have to know what all is going on at all times.. I have been told by

the chief of surgery 3 years ago... that I better hope he is not

the ER doc when I go in as it will be him that decides IF or HOW

MUCH pain meds he will give!!!! because I didn't agree with him....

can you believe it?? Also another doc... one time told me ......

again I didn't agree with him. that I was a waste of his time and

his money and he would be taking me off his list of patients! I

have countless horror stories.. The thing is...... I am still

here.... and I know that sometimes the procedures they want to do

are not necessary...... they are grasping at straws.... and thanks

to this website i am more knowledgable . Experience is

knowledge... and I tell you.....some days I feel like a

genius???!!?! not really.. But..... I am really puzzled about this

situation of my pcp.... any advice??? I really don't want to start

from square one once again with a new one.... my case is

sooooo complicated... thanks for listening.... jan

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