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New, need information on breastfeeding

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Hi all,

I am new to SCD although my son and I have been on various restrictive

diets for allergies since 2 months old. My son is now 3 and has

autism. He can only tolerate about 15 foods currently, but I have

removed all the disaccharides from his diet within the last month. I

have not yet removed all illegal vegetables (turnips, rutabagas,

cabbage, broccoli), because they are some of the few foods he is not

allergic to and I need to feed him something! y

A recent upper and lower GI scope showed no inflammation apart from

what the doctor termed " mild gastritis " , but did show nodular lymphoid

hyperplasia. A Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis showed a

continuing yeast problem (which we've been treating on and off for a

year), and high lactoferrin levels indicative on inflammation. He also

has occult blood in his stool and high Secretory IgA. His doctor

believes there is probably inflammation in his small intestine and has

recommended a trial of Singulair. He is highly allergic to corn (IgE)

and Singulair granules contain mannitol, so this makes me nervous but

we are going forward. He is not anaphylactic, thank goodness. His main

food allergy symptom is eczema.

I am breastfeeding my son and I eliminating all the foods he cannot

tolerate. My question is about the role of breastmilk in the SCD diet.

Elaine doesn't mention this in BTVC and I have not seen it mentioned in

the files or various SCD websites. As far as anyone knows, is

breastmilk legal? I do continue to eat a few foods that are SCD illegal

(small amounts of sugar, and potatoes for calories). However, my son

only gets a very small amount of breastmilk any more - maybe an ounce

or two per day.

It is my understanding that sugars and carbohydrates are broken down in

my digestion and do not transmit through breastmilk like food proteins

do. Is my understanding correct? As far as I know, my own digestion is

fine and I would have no problems eating a standard American diet

(though I'm sure I'm healthier without it). But quite simply, I have

been on an extremely restricted diet for 3 years, often eating only 3

foods at a time for months, and I don't think I am able to restrict it

further than I currently am - which is pretty restricted. We rotate

foods every 2 days, so I do only eat 3 or 4 foods on any given day. The

reason I can't restrict my diet more is mostly due to the time it would

take to prepare SCD foods for myself in addition to my son. I already

spend 3-4 hours per day cooking, and I work full time and spend 3 hours

driving my son to therapy. There just isn't more time, and if I can pop

a baked potato in the microwave, it often means that I get to eat when

I otherwise would go hungry most of the day. Also, can I safely eat raw

(uncooked) fruits?

Thanks for your advice!


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