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Hi Pals,

If anyone sent me an e-mail from Tuesday night thru 3pm on Thursday. Would you

mind resending it to me. If seems like my husband was being a perfect donkeys

butt( putting it nicely) and went in and erased all my e-mail from all of you

folks. He thought that we had too many on the computer. So he erased all of

mine plus read all of his then erased his. Well to make a long story short. I

went online when he got off and there were no e-mails. So I ask him what happen

and he said that there we too many so he took care of it for me.

I told him to stay out of my e-mail, as I stay out of all of his smut and junk

that he gets.

I'm in the process of getting my own e-mail address and then not telling him

what it is. This is the second time he has did this too me. Well the first

time he did it to me was in June when he even went so far as unscribe me to this

group. Well I was off the group for about 2 weeks before I realized what he did

to me. I just thought we had computer problems and the only problem I had was

with him. I was quite annoyed (putting it politely) with him yesterday, when I

found out what he did to me. I just didn't want you all to think that I was

being rude to you all by not answering you back. I would never do that to you

all, because I have come to depend and care about this very supportive group

very much. Well so much of my venting about my annoying husband for one day.

By the way, I'm was having a very bad day today and quite sick yesterday too,

so his actions were sort of the icing on the cake. I'm having all lot of pain

in my upper left quadrant into my back. It almost like doubling me over when I

sitting up, It hurts when I stand and even when I lay down.It even hurts to move

or breathe. This is unusual for me to have only left sided pain, as I usually

have right sided pain. I guess Mr. P tail has decided to act up this time.

Then pain was so bad that it has woke me up 3 times doing the night and still

quite bad this morning. I just took my nausea and pain pills and waiting for

them to start working so I can go back to bed and hopefully sleep. At least

when I can sleep it isn't hurting. I do go to the hospital to have my pain pump

refilled today at 11am. I did call them yesterday and tell them that it was

acting up, so they are going to try and get ahold of my doc to see if it can be

turned up 1 mg. I sure hope so, as I don't like feeling this way. It started

very suddenly yesterday morning when I woke up, bingo, the pain was there about

a 6 and now it up to a 7. I usually have about a 2-4 pain level, so when it

goes up to a 6 or 7 and stays there I know something is wrong. MY very

observant husband finally ask me this morning if something was wrong, since I

didn't even get dress Thursday. I just had on a Muumuu all day, as I couldn't

stand anything tight on. I told him yes, I was hurting. He told me to rest

and take it easy today. I told him I think I just over did it on Wednesday, as

I went to Sam's Club and Wal-mart with my best friend,had lunch out, it was so

nice to get out for awhile, the went grocery shopping, then in the evening raked

the yard and them made a homemade from scratch cake for my daughter to take to

work. I was really tired when I was doing the cake. One of the days I will

learn to say no. I think the raking is what did me in, All that pulling and

tugging on my side. Oh, well, that's life! He actually seem like he cared. I

sorry that I whining so much this morning, but I very frustrated between him

erasing my e-mails and all this dag gone pain. It very nerve racking, as I know

all of you know quite well.

Well, that enough whine, maybe now I should go have some cheese with it.

Thanks for listening and hope you all are having a better day than I am.

I hope that this makes sense and I sort of out of it with the pain today.

Oh, well, It can't last very long and with a little luck after they fill my pain

pump that'll do the trick. Thanks for letting me vent, as I feel better getting

this off my shoulders. Have a good day for me.

Take Care,

Louie in WV

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