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Re: Digest Number 1897

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è I think the daily pain may be part of this and also

è the fact that my only other option besides pain meds is

è surgery, all of which don't have a really good success rate

è in my opinion. I'll see what I can dig up over the next

è couple of days on the internet.

è kimber

Dear Kimber,

I too have a lot of researcher and sometimes it is tedious looking for that

one elusive fact. But I know I have read in several places that end-stage

and/or late-stage pancreatitis is when the organ does not produce enough

enzymes to properly digest foods. This is usually first determined with the

72 hour fecal fat test. When you lose the ability to properly digest foods,

90% of pancreatic function is gone.

I also assumed that the " burn-out " is when the pancreas is completely non

functional and brittle diabetes is a fact of life. Yes, I have read that the

pain is supposed to end at this point. But as it has been pointed out, not

one person here has reached that of no more pain. Makes you wonder if the

doctors are right about this..... And if they can be wrong about it... what

else are they wrong about?????

Lots of Gentle Hugs,


ReeAnn M. Betts


Wisconsin Chapter Representative

National Membership Registration Chairperson

Pancreatitis Association, International

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sorry it took so long for me to respond but I was out of

town for the whole holiday weekend. I did bring my laptop,

but never actually got to it to check my messages.

As for the research, I think I also had something that said

not all people ever reach the " burn out " , though they didn't

know why. (No big surprise there). Guess I need to go back

and read and label info this time instead of just

underlining it. Now that I'm back from my mini vacation,

guess I need to start reading again.




Vallejo, CA


Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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