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Re: Re: to -

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Hi ,

Thanks for the nice reply. I glad to hear that Holly is feeling much better.

I certainly know what you mean about your attitude. I have had CP since 90, for

12 1/2 yrs now. I'm doing fairly good right now, that's now I can have this I

can beat this thing attitude right now. If I was in the middle of a bad

flare-up like I was when I first found this group in Feb. of this year, I would

have been down. I was in the middle of a flare-up then for 2 really bad months

and the docs did care or know what to do with me, so at that time I was pretty

well down. But then I began to read everyone stories and found out about the

Auto Eyelet Transplant, and it was like a light went off. I had a new purpose.

I had a new fight to win. My battery got recharged, so to speak. I have been

turn down for it 2 times from my insurance and I know that I can't have the Auto

Eyelet Transplant, because I'm diabetic, but I still can have a Total

Pancreactectomy(SP?) and I not going to give up until I have this done. I know

that they don't do them at Cleveland Clinic or OSU, so now I have to get letters

from both places stating that for my insurance. Now I have to try WVU and

Allegenheny General in Pittsburgh, PA, as they both are also in our associate

group for our local HMO. Once I find out that these places won't do it either,

then I can fight with my HMO once again, to get to see Dr. Sutherland. So I

guess right now I get my energy from my mission to get to see Dr. Sutherland,

plus a big PLUS my children are grown up. Elissa is 27, she does live at home,

but works as a full time receptionist in a doctor office and very seldom is a

home and is 25 and married for 3 years to . She does live here in

Wheeling on Wheeling Island in the middle of the Ohio River. It's where I-70

goes thru Wheeling. So she is close by and I get to see her after. Ed works

for the school board and has his own school where he Head Custodian and works

6a-2p. So now that I can't work any more and I hear all day by myself, I have

a lot of time to recharge my energy. So that is why I can seem up a lot of the

time. I don't have kids to take care, only me.

That makes a big difference. Just think when you get old like me 52, you'll

be able to take it easier. Now your kids take up all your time and energy.

Don't compare your self to anyone else. Your really doing a great job taking

care of your children and try to cope with this dreaded disease, and your doing

a good job a both!!!! There a lot of days when it takes all my energy just to

make dinner for my hubby. Just take it one day at a time is the best I have to

offer right now. When I had to give up my job that I loved, it took me a long

time to get to that place, but once I did I have been doing much better. If I'm

having a crappy day( which does happen often with this CP) then I just remind

myself that tomorrow will be another day and things have to get better. Then

when tomorrow comes and it's still a crappy day, I say Louie, this surely can't

last forever, just hang in there and tomorrow will be better. After you have

said this for allot of days, things do improve. So just hang in there and take

it on days at a time. Sorry that this got so wordy, but I was on a roll. I'm

always love to hear from you. I hope you had a pain-free weekend.

Take Care,

Louie in WV

Re: to - Back to LOUIE

Hey Louie,

Thanks for the concern about Holly. She is 12, and 1 whole min.

older than her sister. All of her test came back normal, thank

goodness. I do have to take her back in a month for a follow-up.

She is back to her normal self.

I wanna know something really important..........how long have you

been sick, and how can you keep that great attitude up? I've been

sick since 93, and for years & years my motto was " I'm gotta beat

this thing....NO MATTER WHAT! " I think I've lost the focus of that

statement somewhere through the years. Because most days I wonder if

I will ever beat this. Ya know what I mean?

Thanks again for your concerns about Holly & myself. They are

greatly appreciated, my friend. And remember.....take care of YOU!

Lots of Hugs,

> Hi ,

> Thanks for the e-mail. Sorry to hear one of the twins aren't feel

well. I hope she is feeling better by now. How old is she? I'm glad

that things are improving for you. I have been worried about you. I

glad that you back on line and feeling better. Now that your feeling

better, try and not over due it and your don't want to get down

again. I know that it's easier say than done when you have kids that

need mom's attention. I'm feeling better. I did get to go to the

beach for a week in July, It did rain everyday but we still had a

nice time. It was just nice to get away. I did go to a doc at

Cleveland Clinic last Wed. I didn't get the results that I had hope

for, but I wasn't disappointed, as I when with no hopes of an

answer. SO when I got the answer that I didn't want, I was ok with

it. I guess I'll just keep on trying to I get the results that are

right for me. Just like history class when we were in High School.

I can't give up the fight, as I have just begun to fight. So you

hang in there girl and take care of yourself. It's so good to hear

from you again.

> Take Care,

> Louie in WV





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