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Update on Jackie...

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Hey All,

I am not able to read all of your posts to me but will when I have

more time. Weston and did call me. If anyone else tried

to call and hasn't gotten a hold of us, then we were probably pacing

the halls. called right before she was to get some reglan, told

me about her reactions to it and I told the nurse not to give Jackie

anymore of it. The doc said she could have phenagran...don't know

why now and not when she was first in there. Anyways, I was told her

exact levels (lipase) yesterday...Tuesday at the ER they were

3400...then Wed morn they were up to 4736, Fri morn they were 1035 so

the are going down. And she slept last night about 2 two hour

periods and she is not pacing and walking as much. I do think she

has a habit now of wanting to " go walking " but she has calmed down a

good bit. I so appreciate 's call at the right time...she was

fixing to have more of that junk. The nurse said she had never heard

of that reaction, oh well. The nurse did start giving her 75 mg of

dermerol and said she didn't know why she wasn't given the highest

allowed dose, they told me it was 50. Then the night nurse goes back

to 50 with phenagran...I think I will make them go to the 75 again

today, just makes you mad you have to argue with them. She seems to

be in the same amount of pain but am hoping the levels will continue

to drop and she will be out of there soon. Got a call from the MUSC

and her ERCP will be the day before Thanksgiving...I agreed cuz I am

ready to see if this will be any help and if they can find something.

I will read ya'lls posts when we get home from the hospital and I

will write to you all when she is home. I am hoping only 2-3 more

days. Thanks for all of your support,

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I read both your posts. So glad Jackie's levels are going down. Ya know, I

just don't get nurses and pain med. There were times my doc wrote the order for

25-50 mg demerol every 2 hours as needed. They never told me I could have 50

and only gave me 25 even during times I told them it didn't totally take care of

the pain. Of course, I never knew the order said 25-50 and I really didn't know

what they were giving me. I just knew that a few times I needed more before

time and they told me I couldn't have it. When I read the chart, I saw the

order was for 25-50 but they only gave me 25 every time I asked for it. They

never charted the times I asked for it early, but I remember them. I never told

the doctor cause by the time I saw him again, I was better and the 25 was taking

care of the pain for long enough. I just don't get the lies.

Glad they quit giving Jackie the reglan. I can't believe the nurse never heard

of that reaction to reglan. Maybe they should all check one of the prescription

drug sites for potential side effects! It was right there in black and white!!!

(as I'm sure you saw in the e-mail I sent you - I read it word for word to you

on the phone)

Just goes to show, we must ALWAYS be aware of potential side effects of meds and

pay attention to our bodies cause the nurses and doctors may not even know of

some side effects! Boy, kind of scary when at times you are so sick and out of

your mind with pain/nausea/vomiting when in their care!

Take care and keep us informed on Jackie's progress.


Update on Jackie...

Hey All,

I am not able to read all of your posts to me but will when I have

more time. Weston and did call me. If anyone else tried

to call and hasn't gotten a hold of us, then we were probably pacing

the halls. called right before she was to get some reglan, told

me about her reactions to it and I told the nurse not to give Jackie

anymore of it. The doc said she could have phenagran...don't know

why now and not when she was first in there. Anyways, I was told her

exact levels (lipase) yesterday...Tuesday at the ER they were

3400...then Wed morn they were up to 4736, Fri morn they were 1035 so

the are going down. And she slept last night about 2 two hour

periods and she is not pacing and walking as much. I do think she

has a habit now of wanting to " go walking " but she has calmed down a

good bit. I so appreciate 's call at the right time...she was

fixing to have more of that junk. The nurse said she had never heard

of that reaction, oh well. The nurse did start giving her 75 mg of

dermerol and said she didn't know why she wasn't given the highest

allowed dose, they told me it was 50. Then the night nurse goes back

to 50 with phenagran...I think I will make them go to the 75 again

today, just makes you mad you have to argue with them. She seems to

be in the same amount of pain but am hoping the levels will continue

to drop and she will be out of there soon. Got a call from the MUSC

and her ERCP will be the day before Thanksgiving...I agreed cuz I am

ready to see if this will be any help and if they can find something.

I will read ya'lls posts when we get home from the hospital and I

will write to you all when she is home. I am hoping only 2-3 more

days. Thanks for all of your support,

PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

Online e-mail group

To reply to this message hit & quot;reply & quot; or send an e-mail to:

Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo

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I read both your posts. So glad Jackie's levels are going down. Ya know, I

just don't get nurses and pain med. There were times my doc wrote the order for

25-50 mg demerol every 2 hours as needed. They never told me I could have 50

and only gave me 25 even during times I told them it didn't totally take care of

the pain. Of course, I never knew the order said 25-50 and I really didn't know

what they were giving me. I just knew that a few times I needed more before

time and they told me I couldn't have it. When I read the chart, I saw the

order was for 25-50 but they only gave me 25 every time I asked for it. They

never charted the times I asked for it early, but I remember them. I never told

the doctor cause by the time I saw him again, I was better and the 25 was taking

care of the pain for long enough. I just don't get the lies.

Glad they quit giving Jackie the reglan. I can't believe the nurse never heard

of that reaction to reglan. Maybe they should all check one of the prescription

drug sites for potential side effects! It was right there in black and white!!!

(as I'm sure you saw in the e-mail I sent you - I read it word for word to you

on the phone)

Just goes to show, we must ALWAYS be aware of potential side effects of meds and

pay attention to our bodies cause the nurses and doctors may not even know of

some side effects! Boy, kind of scary when at times you are so sick and out of

your mind with pain/nausea/vomiting when in their care!

Take care and keep us informed on Jackie's progress.


Update on Jackie...

Hey All,

I am not able to read all of your posts to me but will when I have

more time. Weston and did call me. If anyone else tried

to call and hasn't gotten a hold of us, then we were probably pacing

the halls. called right before she was to get some reglan, told

me about her reactions to it and I told the nurse not to give Jackie

anymore of it. The doc said she could have phenagran...don't know

why now and not when she was first in there. Anyways, I was told her

exact levels (lipase) yesterday...Tuesday at the ER they were

3400...then Wed morn they were up to 4736, Fri morn they were 1035 so

the are going down. And she slept last night about 2 two hour

periods and she is not pacing and walking as much. I do think she

has a habit now of wanting to " go walking " but she has calmed down a

good bit. I so appreciate 's call at the right time...she was

fixing to have more of that junk. The nurse said she had never heard

of that reaction, oh well. The nurse did start giving her 75 mg of

dermerol and said she didn't know why she wasn't given the highest

allowed dose, they told me it was 50. Then the night nurse goes back

to 50 with phenagran...I think I will make them go to the 75 again

today, just makes you mad you have to argue with them. She seems to

be in the same amount of pain but am hoping the levels will continue

to drop and she will be out of there soon. Got a call from the MUSC

and her ERCP will be the day before Thanksgiving...I agreed cuz I am

ready to see if this will be any help and if they can find something.

I will read ya'lls posts when we get home from the hospital and I

will write to you all when she is home. I am hoping only 2-3 more

days. Thanks for all of your support,

PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

Online e-mail group

To reply to this message hit & quot;reply & quot; or send an e-mail to:

Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo

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I read both your posts. So glad Jackie's levels are going down. Ya know, I

just don't get nurses and pain med. There were times my doc wrote the order for

25-50 mg demerol every 2 hours as needed. They never told me I could have 50

and only gave me 25 even during times I told them it didn't totally take care of

the pain. Of course, I never knew the order said 25-50 and I really didn't know

what they were giving me. I just knew that a few times I needed more before

time and they told me I couldn't have it. When I read the chart, I saw the

order was for 25-50 but they only gave me 25 every time I asked for it. They

never charted the times I asked for it early, but I remember them. I never told

the doctor cause by the time I saw him again, I was better and the 25 was taking

care of the pain for long enough. I just don't get the lies.

Glad they quit giving Jackie the reglan. I can't believe the nurse never heard

of that reaction to reglan. Maybe they should all check one of the prescription

drug sites for potential side effects! It was right there in black and white!!!

(as I'm sure you saw in the e-mail I sent you - I read it word for word to you

on the phone)

Just goes to show, we must ALWAYS be aware of potential side effects of meds and

pay attention to our bodies cause the nurses and doctors may not even know of

some side effects! Boy, kind of scary when at times you are so sick and out of

your mind with pain/nausea/vomiting when in their care!

Take care and keep us informed on Jackie's progress.


Update on Jackie...

Hey All,

I am not able to read all of your posts to me but will when I have

more time. Weston and did call me. If anyone else tried

to call and hasn't gotten a hold of us, then we were probably pacing

the halls. called right before she was to get some reglan, told

me about her reactions to it and I told the nurse not to give Jackie

anymore of it. The doc said she could have phenagran...don't know

why now and not when she was first in there. Anyways, I was told her

exact levels (lipase) yesterday...Tuesday at the ER they were

3400...then Wed morn they were up to 4736, Fri morn they were 1035 so

the are going down. And she slept last night about 2 two hour

periods and she is not pacing and walking as much. I do think she

has a habit now of wanting to " go walking " but she has calmed down a

good bit. I so appreciate 's call at the right time...she was

fixing to have more of that junk. The nurse said she had never heard

of that reaction, oh well. The nurse did start giving her 75 mg of

dermerol and said she didn't know why she wasn't given the highest

allowed dose, they told me it was 50. Then the night nurse goes back

to 50 with phenagran...I think I will make them go to the 75 again

today, just makes you mad you have to argue with them. She seems to

be in the same amount of pain but am hoping the levels will continue

to drop and she will be out of there soon. Got a call from the MUSC

and her ERCP will be the day before Thanksgiving...I agreed cuz I am

ready to see if this will be any help and if they can find something.

I will read ya'lls posts when we get home from the hospital and I

will write to you all when she is home. I am hoping only 2-3 more

days. Thanks for all of your support,

PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

Online e-mail group

To reply to this message hit & quot;reply & quot; or send an e-mail to:

Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo

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