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Another update on Ann's TX with Doc Ritchie

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Another update on Ann's tx with doc Ritchie

Hi group, I just wanted to give everyone another

update on how my txs with doc Ritchie have been going. I posted

awhile ago after my 15th tx, just to let you know I have had several

more since my last post.

I can't tell you what this doctor has not only

done for me as far as been able to help me tremendously, but has also

become quiet an inspiration to me. I have an incredible amount of

respect for him and what he has accomplished this far. Not once has

he ever become discouraged or frustruated, although, I have even more

times then I can begin to count. He has been right there explaining

everything that has been happening and what the reason was, so I

could have some kind of understanding and know exactly what lie ahead

for me.

Dr. Ritchie has used every filter beginning with

the 550/570/590/645/695/ and also the 755. He has used a series of

different lasers as well such as the YAG 1064, the VARIA, and also

the DORNIER. BOTOX was also something else he has used on several

occasions. For those of you who are wondering if BOTOX has helped,

the answer is YES, but its not only been the BOTOX injections that

have helped me a great deal, but also the various different lasers my

doctor has used along the way. I honestly do not believe BOTOX alone

would have worked if the other lasers I mentioned above had not have

been used.

Right about the week before Thanksgiving I was

doing incredibly wonderful. My face was actually something I didn't

mind looking at anymore. Things were going remarkably well. One

Tuesday morning I had gone to get my haircut, which by the way, I had

usually dreaded because I knew the shop was unusually hot because of

all the dryers and since the shop was also a small one, it made the

temperature at least to me ALWAYS seem so unbearable. Needless to

say, I was able to comfortably sit in the chair and get my hair cut

and even though my hairdresser, washes my hair after she had cut it,

instead of turning pink, red, or having that horribly uncomfortable

feeling of burning or stinging anywhere, it just wasn't there. I was

actually able to stay a little longer then usual and chat with my

hairdresser and she had also made the remark how much better things

were beginning to look. Once I had gotten home, I had gone into the

bathroom to rinse off all the tiny excess hairs from around my face

and as I was patting it dry, what had looked like a tiny white head

about 1/2 inch underneath my temple had popped. I really didn't think

that much about it until it began to bleed and no matter what I did,

it wouldn't stop, it just kept bleeding and bleeding until I finally

had to take a q-tip and apply pressure to that area for approximately

5 minutes to get it to finally stop. I still really didn't think much

of it, so I didn't give it much thought. I thought it was just

another little bump, so I didn't give it any consideration. Two days

later, which was actually Thanksgiving day, I had been in excruiating

pain. Most of the day, I was feeling quiet depressed and in alot of

pain, and often throughout the day, I wanted to go off somewhere and

cry, but I tried to compose myself until later that night when I

finally went into a room by myself and began crying, I was in that

much pain. I couldn't imagine what was wrong especially since I had

been doing so much better beforehand.

The next day, I finally decided to call Dr. Ritchie. I told

him exactly what had happened. First of all, he wanted me to explain

to him exactly where this incident had occured. I explained that it

was actually about 1/2 inch underneath my temple, which has ALWAYS

been the culprit of this darn disease. It has literally controlled my

entire face. After explaining in detail what had happened, of course

he knew right away what had gone wrong. He told me with complete

confience that everything was going to be ok, that there was nothing

to worry about, that he would take care of everything within the next

two txs or so. Then he began to explain that the main vessel under my

temple had erupted. When I immediately began to become panicked, in

his soothing and very kind voice, he told me that it was actually a

good sign that this had happened and that it was bound to happen

sooner or later and better now then later when my txs were completely

over and done with. He told me to relax and not to worry since I was

due to go back the following Monday for another tx. He also told me

to call him back if I just wanted or needed to talk. As usual he was

very encouraging and had given me HOPE and LOTS of support,

therefore, I felt better once I had spoken to him. It seems as if he

always has those magic words, to make even the most depressed person

feel hopeful.

It actually took 2 txs before things finally became semi

normal again. For several weeks I have been going every two weeks

since we both had agreed that this would probably be beneficial for

me in the long run. About a week before Christmas, I knew I was in

for a very aggressive tx, but I was ready. Scared to say the least,

but definitely ready. My husband actually wanted to stay in the room

with me this time for moral support, but he later had to leave he

couldn't stand to watch me go through that kind of pain. It was funny

actually, because when Dr. Ritchie was giving me the tx, I was

talking as usual the entire time to both him, the nurse and also to

my husband. When my husband finally decided to bow out gracefully, I

told him, " Sweetie, don't worry about me, this is actually a good

kind of pain. This is one kind of pain I can stand. " Because I had

always told him, that I would much rather go through this kind of

pain for a little while, rather living my life forever miserable. I

was actually on the table for approximately 2 hours and had even

taken a very low dosage of Valium, probably 5 mgs or so, needless to

say, it definitely helped me to get through yet another aggressive

tx. He explained that I would probably have LOTS of swelling and

bruising and even some blisters. He then told me thats what he

expected out of this tx. He needed to do this extremely aggressive tx

in order to get things in control. Afterwards, when I looked in the

mirror, I shrieked a little to myself in fear, because the water

blisters were already beginning to pop up. And YES, there were

several of them. By the time we had driven the 4 hours we had to get

home, I was in shock to say the very least, when I looked at my very

swollen and blistery face. The next morning my face was even more

swollen and now I had 5-2 " water blisters. It was horrible! I was so

tired and worn out from that tx, I think I spent most of the day in

bed sleeping. The next day however, I was even more swollen. My eyes

were almost, not quiet, but just about swollen shut. And then there

were ALL these blisters on top of that. I called Dr.Ritchie crying

hysterically explaining what a big ugly monster I had looked like. He

talked to me for several minutes explaining and once again reassuring

me that this would also soon pass and things would be much better

when all the swelling and blisters had gone down. The night before I

had all this oozing coming from out of those horrible water blisters

and since I usually lie on my side, all this was running into my

mouth. They were draining, but they were draining into my mouth. When

I did speak to my doc the following day, he called in a prescription

for me, explaining how to use it and when. I actually believe now it

was called silvadene cream, which is a very thick topical antibotic.

I told him also that I had been unable to wash my face at all. He

told me then to dip my face into an ice cold bowl of water once

daily, apply my moisturizer on all the areas of my face that was

necessary, and then take a q-tip and begin apply the silvadene all

over my face where the water blisters were. I actually had to use

this topical antibotic twice daily. In the morning after doing it

before going to bed, it looked almost as if this cream was caked on

my face in those particular areas, which made things at least look

worse. When I spoke to him several times throughout that week until I

believe it was Sunday, almost a week later, all the blisters had

completely drained. Then he switched me from the silavdene to

bactraban, which is a much lighter topical antibotic. I was to do

this also twice daily, while I was continuing to dip my face into

that ice cold bowl of water in the morning. Lets just say those early

morning dips in that ice cold bowl, really got me started. Once

again after talking to the good doctor,he explained that all this

would be worth it in the long run. Continuing to keep an eye on me

for several days later, I believe it was finally a couple days after

Christmas, only a few days away from having another tx, things began

to improve and with each passing day, things became better and better

and better. I couldn't believe my eyes, things were improving

remarkably. And as usual, the good doc Ritchie was right again.

The following Monday, he was amazed at how much better I had

look since the last time he had seen me which was only 2 weeks ago.

The nurses had also told me how much better my face was looking, they

were almost speechless compared to the time before. I have to admit,

I was a little speechless myself.

The txs following that have been much less aggressive, but

things continue to improve dramatically. Again the good doc was right

again, He said things would only keep improving and they just keep

getting better and better. Although, now since I have had so many

aggressive txs, I have quiet a bit of hyperpigmention, that he has

been concentrating on since the last couple of txs.

He said evidently my skin would look even better then it had before

my rosacea began.

You know the thing that I think really worried me the most was

the amount of txs I had had thus far, but Dr. Ritchie said it wasn't

the amount of txs you have, its just getting there. Therefore, I was

more determined to beat this thing no matter what it took or what I

had to go through in order to do it. The amount of txs are no longer

an issue for me.

Although, I am still going through txs every two weeks, only

because of all the hyperpigmention from previous txs, my doctor wants

to continue to reavulate me in this time span just to make sure

nothing out of the ordinary pops up.

To this day, I can honestly say I have been able to do

everything and anything I was use to doing before all this began 5

years ago. However,I am taking things at a very slow pace, following

my doctors instructions and doing exactly as he says. I am even able

to wear a sweater without any problems whatsoever, something I had

only dreamed about this time a couple of years ago.

Kickboxing is another thing I have been able to achieve, however, not

to intensely, at a mild steady pace. " One day at a time " he keeps

reminding me.

I tell all of you right now, this doctor has practically

saved my life on more then one occassion. He not only has kept my

rosacea from progessing into even the more severe stages, but has

helped to pull me out of the dumps espeically right after a tx. He is

one heck of a doctor who is not only incredibly knowledgeable and

smart and definitely knows what he's doing, but he's also very kind,

caring, and compassionate, sensitive, and understanding. He really

does care about helping those of us who have this problem and will

stop at nothing until he does whatever is necessary.

I know alot of you have probably shrieked when you read the

part about the blisters, but now they are completely gone and I have

no scars or any indications I ever even had any blisters whatsoever.

Not to mention I am so much better today. Once I had only dreamed

about my face looking and feeling this normal again, but finding doc

Ritchie was the answer to my prayers.

I will continue to keep everyone updated from time to

time. But in the meantime, any of you who are in desparate need for

an incredible doctor, I would highly recommend doc Ritchie to anyone.

And if your saying, " I would go to him, but I live much to far. " Ask

yourself this one very important question. Wouldn't you go just about

anywhere on God's green earth in order to have your life back, to be

able to actually regain your sanity again? If the answer is yes, then

take the plunge and make that call. I KNOW you won't be sorry.

Although, the road back is VERY long and tiresome, its

definitely been worth it in the long run.

I realize alot of you won't recongize me because of my new

email, at one time I was Ann1456@... and am now

redhotmamma45@... However, not any longer a redhotmamma, just a

very unique challenge in my doctor's eyes.

If anyone ever wishes to contact me personally, please feel

free to do so anytime. I will ALWAYS get back to you ASAP!

A friend who continues to care and will ALWAYS care,


A redhotmamma no longer!

PS I am here constantly to give support and encouragement to any

of those who need it, so please feel to contact me personally anytime

you wish. YES, there is HOPE for us all!

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