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IOU Healing Month Five

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Note to self: A mind is like a rubberband, once stretched it cannot go back to

its original size. The flip side: Don't be so open minded that your brain

falls out, K?

Throughout a four month period of time i continued to incorporate the agendas i

had stated for myself. I found it difficult to juice everyday so i juiced three

to four times a week instead. On days that i did not juice i ate more raw

organic veggies, sprouts and took some supplements such as garlic, chlorella or

spirulina, betacarotene and vitamin C. I ate more salads with baby greens,

carrots, olives, pine nuts, sesame seeds. I sprouted seeds about every two

weeks which kept me stocked with sprouts most of the time. I stopped using tea

tree oil at this time and added chamomile (*not* allergic to ragweed) to my

moisturizer. I stopped the yogurt face wash and went back to using noxema

original which i had used since the age of 18 (i am now 48). I had accomplished

through topicals: removing the excessive build up of dead skin cells and oil,

calmed infection and inflammation as evidenced by absence of crusty skin,

absence of pain and burning and absence of pimples. I still had some

subcutaneous edema (teensy weensy bit), pustules and visible veins. My eyes

were so much better but a sty developed so i dabbed it with aloe straight from

the plant twice a day and it was gone in three days(nowadays 2-3 days). Time to

tackle the swelling and veins. My face routine now consisted of washing

normally with noxema once daily, followed by cucumber juice and moisturizer

consisting of chamomile EO 3drops per 1 oz moisturizer, lavender EO 3drops per 1

oz moisturizer, glycerin tincture gotu kola 3 drops per 1 oz moisturizer,

grapeseed oil 3 drops per 1 oz moisturizer, using aloe topically 2-3 times

weekly for exfoliation (gentle). I applied the moisturizer after washing my

face and again at bedtime. I adjusted the grapeseed oil to suit my hydration

needs. I began researching the pros and cons of replacing mercury fillings with

composite as opposed to just putting amalgam (50% mercury) back in. My molars

were beginning to show some signs of wear and tear and replacing them was

imminent. I was feeling more vibrant, more active and alert. My digestion was

improving. No longer did i have stomachaches and pain from eating raw veggies.

My Thanksgiving dinner was a huge success and everyone requested an encore!

Meatless meals were fun!

Note: The IOU Healing posts by Herbler are a personal account of her journey

into self healing and in no way are prescribing or recommending specific

treatment modalities for others. Please see your trusted health professional

for adivce.


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